16 Flowers That Symbolize Regret

Traditional old buildings and tulips in Amsterdam, Netherlands
© Olena_Z/iStock via Getty Images

Written by Sammi Caramela

Published: November 2, 2023

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If you’ve ever made a mistake or hurt someone you care about, you likely have considered expressing your regret and remorse through a gift. While you can’t buy forgiveness, you can show your gratitude and care for another person by gifting them something with deep meaning. For example, buying a bouquet of flowers that symbolize regret is a thoughtful way to communicate how bad you feel and that you’re willing to make amends. 

If there’s someone in your life you feel you’ve wronged or hurt in some way, you can’t go wrong with gifting them one of the following gorgeous flowers. Here are 16 flowers that symbolize regret you can purchase for a loved one.

1. Hyacinths

Large flower bed with multi-colored hyacinths

Hyacinths come in various colors, and each color has its own unique scent.

©Kateryna Mashkevych/Shutterstock.com

Hyacinth (Hyacinthus) are part of the asparagus family. Also known as Dutch hyacinths, these flowers have long, thin leaves and a raceme of flowers, each containing six colorful petals. Hyacinths are believed to represent prayer and well wishes for a loved one. Many people also use this flower to express their regret. In particular, purple and blue hyacinths symbolize a desire for forgiveness.

2. Tulips

Tulipa 'Appeldorn'

Did you know that tulips continue growing even after they’ve been cut?


Tulips (Tulipa) are popular spring-blooming perennial flowers that come in a variety of colors. These cup-shaped flowers are common garden flowers that typically bloom during April and May. There are many types of tulips, each carrying its own symbolism. White tulips, in particular, symbolize regret, forgiveness, and purity. 

3. Roses

fresh yellow roses in green sunny garden

All types of roses are edible, with many even being used in liquids or other recipes.


Roses (Rosa) are one of the most popular and romantic flowers. Many people will purchase bouquets of roses to express their love and care for others. Roses represent a variety of themes and are appropriate for various occasions. Yellow roses, in particular, symbolize regret and a plea for forgiveness. Red roses, on the other hand, are best suited to communicate sorrow toward a romantic interest. 

4. Daisies

Daisies are extremely durable flowers and are common wildflowers.


The common daisy (Bellis perennis) is a beautiful herbaceous perennial plant with a yellow center and delicate white flower petals surrounding it. Daisies are often a symbol of purity, innocence, and new beginnings. That being said, it’s a great flower to communicate regret, sorrow, and a desire to move forward from a mistake or negative situation. 

5. Lily of the Valley

lily of the valley

The lily of the valley is the national flower of Finland.

©Agnes Kantaruk/Shutterstock.com

Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) is a gorgeous woodland flowering plant. Contrary to its name, it’s actually not a lily and is part of the asparagus family. This delicate, aromatic flower features long leaves and tiny white blossoms that look like mini bells.

Lily of the valley is a common flower used for funerals, as it represents sympathy and condolences. It’s also a great flower to symbolize regret over a certain situation, as it provides a sense of comfort and support to its recipient. 

6. Sunflowers

Sunflowers stretch toward sunlight

Native to North America, sunflowers are popular attractions. In fact, many people will travel to sunflower fields to take gorgeous photos.


Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) radiate positive energy. Appearing like large, bright daisies, these flowers are commonly grown as crops for their edible seeds. Not only that, but sunflowers also symbolize joy and friendship.

If you’re trying to express regret, sunflowers are a great flower to gift your loved one, as they show the recipient that you care about them and their happiness. 

7. Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem plant

The star of Bethlehem is a common flower in religious ceremonies.


A Star of Bethlehem (​​Ornithogalum umbellatum) is a perennial plant that looks like little white stars. This plant is often used in Christmas floral arrangements and religious ceremonies. Stars of Bethlehem symbolize innocence, purity, hope, and forgiveness,

8. Scarlet Geranium

Blood-red geranium (Geranium sanguineum)

Geraniums were originally a native of South



©Jane Nadezhina/Shutterstock.com

Scarlet geraniums (Pelargonium Inquinans) are a species of plant in the genus Pelargonium. The plant is actually a small wood shrub with bright red blooms. Scarlet geraniums represent health, comfort, and consolation during tough times. You can purchase a bouquet of these gorgeous red flowers to express your regret to someone you feel you’ve wronged or who is going through a rough patch. 

9. Orchids

Multi-colored orchids in pots

The beautiful orchid is actually one of the largest and oldest families of plants.

©Summer 1810/Shutterstock.com

Orchids (Orchidaceae) are beautiful, elegant flowers that make great houseplants and gifts for loved ones. They come in a variety of colors and can brighten up any space. Not only that, but orchids also symbolize thoughtfulness, beauty, and love. Many people use orchids to celebrate life’s special moments, but they also make great flowers for expressing regret and condolences. 

10. Carnations

Close-up of beautiful yellow-pink carnations in a flower shop. Beautiful flower background of carnations

As the official flower for the first wedding anniversary, carnations represent young love and romance.

©ERIK Miheyeu/Shutterstock.com

Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) are popular, colorful flowers that often spark a sense of joy. These herbaceous perennials often bloom during midsummer.

Yellow carnations, in particular, represent disappointment and regret — especially when it comes to rejection. Consider offering this flower as a gentle way to apologize to someone you care about.

11. Peonies

Blooming peonies growing in field with beautiful flowers

Peonies were discovered as far back as 1,000 BC.


The peony (Paeonia) is a flowering plant in the genus Paeonia. These beautiful, low-maintenance perennials come in a variety of colors and species. In particular, white peonies symbolize shame, remorse, and regret. They can serve as a plea for forgiveness. 

12. Gardenias

The gardenia flower is also called “Cape Jasmine.”


Gardenias (Gardenia jasminoides) are beautiful, popular flowers that come in a variety of colors. They have a strong aroma, polished blossoms, and evergreen leaves. Oftentimes, people will send gardenias to loved ones to express their remorse, sympathy, and hope for peace.  

13. Hydrangeas

Blue Endless Summer hydrangeas

The color of hydrangeas depends on the soil in which they grow.

©qiufan bu/Shutterstock.com

Hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) are gorgeous flowering shrubs with a rich aroma and colorful, balloon-like blossoms. Blue hydrangeas specifically symbolize regret and remorse, making them a perfect apology gift. This gesture communicates your deep care for the person and your desire for their forgiveness.

14. Columbine

Colorado Blue Columbine - A bunch of wild Colorado Blue Columbine blooming at side of Isabelle Glacier Trail in Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado, USA.

The Colorado blue columbine is the Colorado state flower.

©Sean Xu/Shutterstock.com

Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) flowers are actually poisonous to both people and animals, but they’re still a popular perennial flower. These vibrant flowers grow freely in meadows and woodlands throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Columbines actually symbolize hope and love, both of which go hand-in-hand with forgiveness. This is a great flower to communicate regret after a betrayal, loss, or other hardship. 

15. Rue

Commonly known as the, common rue or herb-of-grace

The rue is often referred to as the “herb of grace.”


Rue (Ruta graveolens) is a semi-woody perennial that typically flowers during the summer. The rue flower is a common symbol of regret, repentance, and sorrow. In fact, many people know rue as the “herb of grace,” as various literary works reference it as such. Giving someone grace often means forgiving them for their mistakes or practicing acceptance. 

16.  Poppy

Channel Island Tree Poppy (Dendromecon harfordii)

Poppies used to grow on battlefields and are associated with Remembrance Day.

©Kelli Kallenborn/ via Getty Images

Poppy (Papaver) flowers are members of the Papaveraceae family and Papaveroideae subfamily. This delicate flowering plant has over 100 species worldwide and represents a variety of themes like consolation, remembrance, peace, and death. This makes it the perfect flower for expressing regret and forgiveness.

Express Your Regret With the Above Flowers

The flowers mentioned throughout this article make the perfect gift for someone you have wronged or someone you want to forgive you. Flowers can communicate various themes and emotions, from love and adoration to remorse and grief. What better way to express your feelings than with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that carry deep symbolism? 

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About the Author

Sammi is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering cats, nature, symbolism, and spirituality. Sammi is a published author and has been writing professionally for six+ years. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Writing Arts and double minors in Journalism and Psychology. A proud New Jersey resident, Sammi loves reading, traveling, and doing yoga with her little black cat, Poe.

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