How Fast Can a Grizzly Bear Really Run? 

Written by Trista Sobeck
Updated: November 7, 2023
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The answer to this question is quite loaded. So, let’s just dive in. A grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) can run at about 35 miles per hour. Huh, that doesn’t seem so bad. You may even think, “I bet I could outrun that if it was chasing me.” After all, the cheetah can get up to speeds of 80 mph, and that just sounds so much … faster. 

And, as we know, some animals are more graceful than others, whether they are pursuing prey or not. A grizzly bear run is not graceful!

Grizzly bears fishing in Brooks River

The grizzly bear is an omnivore, meaning it prefers to eat all types of food, not just mammals.


How Fast is 35 mph?

Let’s break it down a little bit to get some insight, shall we?

This is because humans are not made for speed. We were made for long-distance running, sure, but speed, no. Therefore, we have no idea or concept of how fast is considered “fast.”

When you’re driving in a car, singing along to the radio, and clipping along at 65 mph, it can seem slow. You could’ve sworn you were going at least 20 to 30 miles less than that! How can that be? When you have some ‘90s hip-hop tunes jamming from your speakers, and you’re on a flat highway, it’s easy to ramp up to 90 mph and not realize it.

Because increasing your speed is easy when you don’t realize you are doing it, when you’re driving, you could go much faster than you thought.

©yevtony/ via Getty Images

Why Do Grizzly Bears Top Out at 35 mph?

A grizzly bear was built to be a top-tier predator. Although it does have natural predators, like mountain lions, wolves, and other adult male grizzly bears, humans pose the most threat to them. Therefore, the 35 mph sprint that is maintained for short sprints is enough for the grizzly bear to evade capture or catch a meal of rabbits and other small mammals.

Omnivorous in nature, grizzly bears will also eat berries and fish (especially salmon). So, there isn’t a vital need to be super fast in the grizzly world. It is interesting to note that grizzly bears will also take the opportunity to scavenge on a moose or elk carcass. 

Can a Human Outrun a Grizzly Bear?

Consider this: a human male can run 8 mph, with the typical woman clocking 6.5 mph. To do some comparison math here, Usain Bolt, the fastest man on Earth, recorded a speed of 23.25 mph at the top of one of his footraces.

Bolt held this speed momentarily. Still, at this phenomenal and record-breaking speed, he would not be able to outrun a typical grizzly bear, who would overtake him quite quickly. 

So even though a grizzly bear seems to lumber along at a “slow” pace at a paltry 35 mph, it is still enough to pose a risk to a hapless camper who may not know they have invaded its space. 

Grizzly bears can weigh upwards of 1,700 pounds. So, the fact that the animal can get its body to attain this pace and then keep it for even a short period signals that this predator is not to be trifled with. 

The amount of time it takes for a grizzly bear to hit his top speed and overtake you is quick. So, no, you cannot and will not outrun a grizzly bear (even if it looks like it is lumbering along awkwardly).

A brown grizzly bear churning up water as it runs through it.

The grizzly bear has great speed, even when running in water, which helps when it is chasing salmon.


What Should You Do Instead of Running?

Should you encounter a grizzly bear in the great outdoors, don’t run. As discussed above, you will not make it to safety. Always follow proper “etiquette” for viewing a grizzly bear, and do not get close. (This means NO SELFIES!). 

If a brown grizzly does start to run after you, your best bet is to keep any type of backpack on and make sure the bear recognizes you as a human, not prey. Stand your ground and waive your arms. 

According to the US National Park Service, stay calm and try to walk sideways. If the grizzly bear decides he still wants to pursue you, do not run. Lay down on your stomach, hands clasped behind your neck to protect this area, and spread your legs so if it decides to roll you over, it can’t. If the bear is a black bear, do not play dead! Run and get to safety, or fight.

A very protective mother grizzly, running at full speed, charges an intruder in her territory.

You will not be able to outrun a grizzly bear. Follow the tips below if a grizzly bear attempts to attack.

©Kelp Grizzly Photography/

Grizzly Bears Commonly Do Not Attack People

So, if you stay calm, keep your wits about you, and follow some of these tips, you’ll escape with only a good story and, of course, your life.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © BlueBarronPhoto/

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About the Author

Writer. Thinker. Human. Fan of octopods, sloths, and big green plants. Currently roller skating without knee pads. I live dangerously.

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