Massive Crocodile Snatches a 2200-LB Buffalo That Wades Too Deep Into the Water!

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Written by Hannah Crawford

Updated: November 9, 2023

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Somluck Rungaree/

The thing with Africa, for all of its beauty that it beholds, we never know what is skulking around. When we refer to Africa, we often hear the phrase “the open plains.” And this is because Africa is filled with lands where you can see nothing for miles and miles. However, many of Africa’s predators are able to blend into their environment. And many times, prey doesn’t realize they are in danger until it is one second too late. And this situation has happened in South Africa with a buffalo and a crocodile. 

South Africa Massive Buffalo Sighting 

This next YouTube video takes us to Mabula, South Africa, where the wildlife videographer describes what happened in this video as both beautiful and cruel. He goes on further to describe this video as the following.

“A recent trip to Mabula, South Africa brought with it one of the most incredible experiences of my life.” 

Massive Take Down

A Nile Crocodile, the bigger predator of the Nile River.

Crocodiles can swim up to 33 miles per hour.

The video at the bottom of this blog post starts off with us seeing a couple of dozen buffalos that are grazing in the grass. About half of that number are close to the water. And a couple are wading in the water and drinking. Like we said at the beginning of this blog post, many times, prey have no idea what is skulking close by. And in the case of this video, it is what is skulking beneath the waters.

If we pause the video at 40 seconds, we see an enormous crocodile emerge from the water and grab this large buffalo by the face. We know that this was an unsuspecting event because we hear the gasp of the videographer on camera. 

Can a Crocodile Take Down a Buffalo?


Even apex predators like lions can’t overpower an entire buffalo herd.

Crocodiles are large reptiles that are fierce predators in Africa. They can weigh anywhere from 40-2,200 pounds. As carnivores, they will eat prey such as fish, deer, and crustaceans. 

We have to consider that taking down a buffalo of this magnitude is no small feat. Trying to take down an animal that is just as large as you, if not bigger, is something crocodiles can’t always do. While, yes, crocodiles are known to take down buffalos, in some situations, they can’t. And we saw that happen in the video posted below. 

Is This Normal Behavior?

Looking at the scene from the video, we get to see a pretty typical scenario where a croc is able to surprise an animal from the water. Those reptiles are highly evolved to not only ambush their prey but also to draw them into deeper waters in order to execute the deadly underwater roll for which crocs and alligators are famous. Normally, crocs may not go directly after such a large or fully grown animal, but given its own massive size it must have found the situation to be in its favor to spring its trap.

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About the Author

Hannah Crawford is a writer at A-Z Animals where she focuses on reptiles, mammals, and locations in Africa. Hannah has been researching and writing about animals and various countries for over eight years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication\Performance Studies from Pensacola Christian College, which she earned in 2015. Hannah is a resident in Florida, and enjoys theatre, poetry, and growing her fish tank.

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