9 Eye-Catching Types Of Yellow And Pink Tulips

Field filled with yellow and pink Blushing Lady Tulips in bloom
© Artography/Shutterstock.com

Written by Nikita Ross

Updated: June 10, 2023

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Tulips come in an endless rainbow of colors. Some tulips, known as bi-color tulips, offer a blend of your favorites for a unique look that’s sure to bring your garden to life.

Yellow and pink tulips are the epitome of spring, with tones that resemble an early sunrise on a promising spring day. Here are some gorgeous types of yellow and pink tulips to capture this beauty in your garden.

The History of Yellow and Pink Tulips

Tulips have a long and fascinating history, dating back hundreds of years. While these blooms originated in Persia (known as Iran today), the Netherlands is best known for these famous bulbs and many of the hybridized species available today.

Tulips with multiple colors are known as bi-color tulips. These are different from “broken” tulips.

Bi-color tulips, like those listed here, are typically sharply divided or show a clear contrast. They result from selective breeding, where breeders cross two tulip varieties with different colors to create offspring with bi-color traits. 

Broken tulips have unique color patterns characterized by streaks, stripes, or flames of color on a lighter or darker background. These patterns appear as if the color on the petals is “broken” or disrupted. These beautiful blooms result from a virus and genetic mutation from afflicted parent plants.

Yellow and Pink Tulip Symbolism

Yellow tulips are a delightful symbol of gratitude and appreciation. Presenting a vibrant bouquet of yellow tulips is a fantastic way to express heartfelt thanks to someone for their assistance and unwavering support.

Meanwhile, pink tulips carry a heartfelt message of love and compassion. People view them as a symbol of affection between friends and family rather than romantic love. Delicate and charming, these blossoms can be a thoughtful gift to uplift a friend embarking on a new chapter in life. 

Presenting a blend of these blooms symbolizes a combination of joy, friendship, admiration, and affection, perfect for a birthday or a “just because” gift.

With this meaning in mind, here are some charming yellow and pink tulip cultivars.

Cool Pink Lemonade 

Varietal pink-yellow striped tulips with pointed petals in bloom. Keukenhof park.

Cool Pink Lemonade has beautiful pink and yellow stripes.


Botanical Name: Tulipa ‘Cool Pink Lemonade’

This beautiful yellow and pink tulip evokes a feeling of summer. From the outside, Cool Pink Lemonade has a lovely gradient. The exterior petals are yellow at the base before transitioning to white and, finally, a soft, bright pink. When the petals bloom, the inside has a striped appearance that’s predominantly yellow and white. 

A Darwin hybrid, Tulipa ‘Cool Pink Lemonade’ is a mid-season bloomer. Plant this tulip in USDA zones 3-8 in either full or partial sun. Plant Cool Pink Lemonade in well-drained soil to avoid overwatering. This tulip grows to 20 inches at full maturation.

Crème Upstar 

Tulipa 'Creme Upstar' is a double late tulip (Div. 11) with cream flowers

 ‘Crème Upstar’ is a double tulip.

©Walter Erhardt/Shutterstock.com

Botanical Name: Tulipa ‘Crème Upstar’ 

The Tulipa ‘Crème Upstar’ is a stunning tulip with an elegant and sophisticated appearance. Its double petals showcase a blend of soft and creamy hues, creating a delicate and graceful look.

The petals are a beautiful creamy yellow color with blush tones along the exterior. The petals are elongated and bowl-shaped. Each petal has a smooth and velvety texture, adding to its charm.

These tulips thrive in USDA zones 3-9 in full or partial sunlight. They’re late bloomers that require infrequent watering and well-drained soil to prevent over-saturation. A small breed, the Crème Upstar grows 12-15 inches tall at peak size.

Radiant Rim

Huge chic yellow tulip close-up

Radiant Rim has yellow petals with a pink-red rim.


Botanical Name: Tulipa ‘Radiant Rim’

The aptly named Radiant Rim tulip is goblet-shaped, with its buttery yellow petals elongating into a refined point. The petals are a deep shade of reddish-pink along the edges, outlining the yellow bloom for a stunning contrast. Some petals carry green notes extending upward from the stem.

This tulip is difficult to find, available from a few tulip dealers. With proper care, it will grow up to 20 inches tall. Plant in full sunlight or partial shade in USDA zones 3-9 with well-drained soil.

China Town

Tulipa 'China Town' is a Viridiflora tulip (Div. 8) with green and pink flowers

‘China Town’ has soft notes of green and yellow.

©Walter Erhardt/Shutterstock.com

Botanical Name: Tulipa ‘China Town’

China Town is a Viridiflora tulip—a type known for its iconic green petal markings. While some China Town tulips grow with a distinct pink and green contrast, others have a softer yellow-green hue and yellow feathering around the edges of the petals. 

China Town is a late, long-lasting bloomer. This award-winning plant has full, lush petals and grows no more than 12 inches tall at full maturity. Plant this tulip in full to partial sun and quick-draining soil in USDA zones 3-8.

Lilac Wonder

Tulipa saxatilis 'Lilac Wonder'

Close-up of

Tulipa saxatilis

‘Lilac Wonder’ tulips.


Botanical Name: Tulipa saxatilis ‘Lilac Wonder’ syn. Tulipa bakeri

The Lilac Wonder’s ethereal pinkish-purple color, star-shaped petals, and vibrant gold centers truly live up to its name. This gorgeous miniature tulip has garnered numerous awards thanks to its otherworldly beauty.

This exquisite species is originally from Greece. Now, it’s cultivated in the Netherlands. It is scientifically classified as Tulipa bakeri, named in honor of its discoverer G.P. Baker, a highly regarded member of the Royal Horticultural Society.

Lilac Wonder reaches a maximum height of merely six inches. It thrives as a border flower. Despite being a mid-season bloomer, the Lilac Wonder boasts an impressively long lifespan. Plant in full to partial sun in well-draining soil in USDA zones 3-8.

Blushing Lady

A many early Tulip Hybrids – Blushing Lady, has yellow with pink petals. Blooming yellow with pink tulips on blurred background. Beautiful flowers as floral natural backdrop.

Blushing Lady is one of the most beautiful tulips in the world.

©Liviu Gherman/Shutterstock.com

Botanical Name: Tulipa ‘Blushing Lady’

The Blushing Lady is considered one of the most beautiful tulips in the world. Its bi-color blend of soft yellow and pink petals extends into an elegant cup formation before tapering outward to a delicate point. The appearance is reminiscent of a champagne glass of the world’s finest sparkling rosé wine.

The Blushing Lady is classified as a Lefeber Tulip hybrid, known for their substantial size. With proper care, this cultivar can grow more than 30 inches tall. 

A late-season bloomer, the Blushing Lady prefers full sun and well-draining soil. Plant in USDA zones 3-8 for optimal growth. This bold yellow and pink tulip can withstand strong winds and rains, making it a cheerful champion on a rainy day.


Tulipa humilis 'Odalisque'

Close-up of

Tulipa humilis

 ‘Odalisque’ flowers.

©iStock.com/Martin Wahlborg

Botanical Name: Tulipa humilis â€˜Odalisque’

The Odalisque, named after its feminine charm and captivating beauty, presents an exquisite magenta appearance that tiptoes the line between pink and purple. Striking yellow centers adorn these vibrant blooms. Odalisque is a goblet-shaped miniature tulip with pointed petals that reaches a maximum height of only four inches.

Regarded as a fantastic choice for a pollinator garden, the Odalisque has the ability to attract bees. As an early bloomer, it requires extra care and well-draining soil to ensure its perennialization. Furthermore, due to its affinity for rocky and well-draining soil, this miniature tulip serves as a splendid addition to rock gardens and planters.

New Design

Pink Triumph tulips (Tulipa) New Design with variegated leaves bloom in a garden in April

 ‘New Design’ has a lovely bowl shape.

©Sergey V Kalyakin/Shutterstock.com

Botanical Name: Tulipa ‘New Design’

Don’t let the name of this yellow and pink tulip fool you. While the breeder may not have been feeling creative when naming this bloom, the flower itself is an inspiring beauty. 

This Triumph tulip has creamy yellow centers that transition to a delicate pink tone as the petals extend outward in a bowl shape. Yellow feathering extends up into the petals for an airy, soft appearance. 

New Design grows up to 16 inches tall in USDA zones 3-8. It prefers full sun and a wind-sheltered area with loamy soil that drains sufficiently. This New Design is destined to become an old favorite!

Desert Sun

Colorful tulip flowers  isolated on white

 ‘Desert Sun’ is pink and yellow with strong orange tones.

©Tiger Images/Shutterstock.com

Botanical Name: Tulipa ‘Desert Sun’

This ravishing Triumph tulip tiptoes the line between yellow and orange. Its tone is a bold gold with apricot notes, accented by soft pink markings on the exterior petals. It has a warm tone that sometimes leans more toward orange and red in certain growing conditions.

This vibrant bloom grows up to 20 inches tall in ideal conditions. It prefers soil with sufficient drainage and full sunlight in USDA zones 3-8. Desert Sun is fairly resilient to strong winds and rains, making it ideal for gardens in open spaces.

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About the Author

Nikita Ross is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering plants, gardening, and yard care. Nikita has been writing for over seven years and holds a Marketing diploma from NSCC, which she earned in 2010. A resident of Canada, Nikita enjoys reading in her library, epic beach naps, and waiting for her Coffea arabica plant to produce coffee beans (no luck yet).

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