Watch a Giant Anteater Escape a Crocodile Attack and Walk Away Like a Boss

Written by Sharon Parry
Updated: October 6, 2023
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The anteater in this clip is taking absolutely no nonsense from the reptile in the water. At the beginning of the clip, there is a confrontation going on in the pond. Either a crocodile or a caiman has decided that they are going to attack a giant anteater but soon find out that this is not a good idea. The anteater shakes off the attacker and strides out of the water like the victor that it is! Scroll down to see an anteater show an attacking reptile exactly who is boss!

What Exactly Is a Giant Anteater?

If you have never seen a giant anteater before, they can look a little strange. Their scientific name is Myrmecophaga tridactyla and they are medium-sized mammals with a weight of up to 85 pounds and a length of nearly four feet. There are several other anteater species but they are the largest. They have a snout that contains a two-foot-long tongue but they do not have any teeth. As you would imagine with a nose of this size, their sense of smell is excellent but their hearing and sight are not so great. Anteaters have a distinctive pattern which can be shades of brown with wide black stripes that run horizontally across their body. Their front legs, however, are white and their tail is very bushy.

These guys have very sharp front claws, but they protect them by tucking them into their palms and walking on their front knuckles. Usually, they walk with a slow shuffling gate but the anteater in this clip seems to be strutting out of the water with plenty of attitude!

Weakest Animals

Giant anteaters have very long front claws.

© Mattioli

Where Do Giant Anteaters Normally Live?

The video notes indicate that this clip may have been filmed in Venezuela. Giant anteaters are found throughout Central and South America. Their range extends from Southern Belize through to North Argentina. However, you will not now find them in Guatemala, El Salvador, or Uruguay as they are extinct in these areas.

When it comes to habitat, giant anteaters can be quite flexible. So, you will find them in swamps, forests, and grasslands. When they sleep, they find a secluded covered area. They are also not bothered about being close to human settlements.

Which Animals Normally Prey on Giant Anteaters?

Very few animals can take on an anteater because they can defend themselves very effectively with their huge front claws. Having said that, they would usually run away from a predator rather than stand and fight. Their main predators are jaguars and pumas and they are also sometimes killed by humans either by hunting or on highways. Sadly, ant eater deaths in road traffic accidents are on the increase.

Watch the Extraordinary Clip Below

The photo featured at the top of this post is © esdeem/

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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