When is Hurricane Season In Jamaica? Peak Timing and Earliest Hurricane on Record

Hurricane from space. Satellite view. Super typhoon over the ocean. The eye of the hurricane. View from outer space. Some elements of this image furnished by NASA
© Vikks/Shutterstock.com

Written by Jennifer Gaeng

Published: May 11, 2023

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Jamaica is in the hurricane belt of the Caribbean and can be affected by hurricanes during the Atlantic hurricane season. While direct hurricane hits are uncommon, Jamaica has been impacted by tropical cyclones numerous times in the past. Keep reading to learn more about hurricane season In Jamaica. This will include peak timing and the earliest hurricane on record!

When is Hurricane Season In Jamaica?

eye of a hurricane

The eye of a hurricane, view taken from a satellite.


In Jamaica, the hurricane season normally lasts from June 1 to November 30. Due to its position within the hurricane belt of the Atlantic Ocean, the island is most susceptible to tropical storms and hurricanes during this time.

Peak Timing

The peak months for hurricane activity in Jamaica are September and October when conditions are most favorable for storm development.

What Makes Jamaica Vulnerable To Hurricanes?

Jamaica is especially vulnerable to hurricanes given its geography, topography, and population density along with other factors such as deforestation which can leave it more exposed during these times of heightened storm activity. In addition, many parts of the country lack adequate infrastructure that would help them better prepare or respond quickly should a major weather event occur during this period.

These factors make it even more critical for Jamaicans living on or near coastlines or low-lying areas to be aware of their surroundings when a potential threat looms nearby so they can take necessary precautions ahead of time if needed. It’s also important to stay informed about weather conditions when visiting or living in Jamaica during the hurricane season.

How Can People In Jamaica Stay Safe During A Hurricane?

In order to protect themselves from any risks associated with Hurricane Season in Jamaica people should stay informed about current weather conditions through local news outlets as well as reliable online sources like NOAA’s National Hurricane Center (NHC).

Additionally, having an emergency plan ready beforehand will enable individuals and families alike to have peace of mind knowing what steps need to be taken before disaster strikes. This includes securing homes against possible flooding damage by stocking up on supplies such as sandbags etc., filling cars up with gas just in case evacuation becomes necessary, and setting aside an emergency fund if applicable.

Taking all these precautionary measures into consideration will help ensure safety throughout Hurricane Season thus providing some much-needed assurance during uncertain times.

Earliest Hurricane on Record In Jamaica

Storm surge

In Jamaica, the first major storm surge ever recorded is thought to have occurred in 1494.

©Maximillian cabinet/Shutterstock.com

The earliest recorded hurricane in Jamaica dates back to 1494. This was during the Spanish colonization of Jamaica. The storm reportedly caused considerable destruction to the island’s infrastructure and crops, as well as significant loss of life among both Spaniards and indigenous peoples.

This particular hurricane is believed to have been part of a larger series that occurred between 1490-1496 throughout much of Central America and parts of South America including Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Costa Rica. During this time period, there were many reports from sailors who had encountered severe storms at sea while traveling through these regions. However, it wasn’t until later when researchers began piecing together accounts from various sources that they realized it was actually a single large-scale event with multiple hurricanes occurring over several years rather than separate isolated events happening randomly throughout the region.                     

As time has passed since then more detailed records have been kept regarding hurricanes in Jamaica such as their intensity levels or paths taken across the island nation. However, what remains clear is that this initial storm set an early precedent for how powerful these natural disasters can be if left unchecked by local authorities or preventive measures are not put into place beforehand. It also serves us today as an important reminder about just how destructive Mother Nature can be when we least expect it – something Jamaicans take seriously even centuries later!

Worst Hurricane In Jamaica

Cyclone, Monsoon, El Nino, Beach, Rough

Hurricane Gilbert, which hit Jamaica in September 1988, was the most destructive hurricane ever recorded there.

©iStock.com/Ashish Kumar

The worst hurricane on record in Jamaica is Hurricane Gilbert, which made landfall in September of 1988. At the time of its arrival, it was classified as a Category 5 storm and had sustained winds reaching up to 175 mph. The storm caused widespread destruction throughout the island nation with an estimated $2 billion worth of damage being done to property and infrastructure. In addition to this physical destruction, there were also numerous casualties reported due to flooding from heavy rains associated with the hurricane.

At its peak intensity prior to making landfall, Hurricane Gilbert was considered one of the strongest storms ever recorded in history at that point. However, even after weakening slightly before hitting Jamaica it still managed to wreak havoc across much of the island’s landmass causing significant devastation along coastal areas as well as inland regions where mudslides occurred due to large amounts of precipitation falling during the event itself. Additionally, many crops were destroyed, leaving farmers without any means of income or sustenance for their families over a long period following the disaster itself.

While there have been other major hurricanes striking Jamaican shores since then such as Ivan 2004 none of them have come close to matching the impact severity that Gilbert did back in 1988 when it hit the hardest part island nation full force resulting in catastrophic levels of destruction of both material human life terms alike ultimately earning title “Worst Hurricane On Record Jamaica” date.

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About the Author

Jennifer Gaeng is a writer at A-Z-Animals focused on animals, lakes, and fishing. With over 15 years of collective experience in writing and researching, Jennifer has honed her skills in various niches, including nature, animals, family care, and self-care. Hailing from Missouri, Jennifer finds inspiration in spending quality time with her loved ones. Her creative spirit extends beyond her writing endeavors, as she finds joy in the art of drawing and immersing herself in the beauty of nature.

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