Yorkshire Terrier Prices in 2024: Purchase Cost, Vet Bills, and More!

Written by Christina Eck
Updated: July 17, 2023
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If you’re looking for a cute small dog packed with a big personality, then a Yorkshire terrier will be up your alley. The Yorkshire terrier (Yorkie) breed is known for its big-town attitude that is favored by many. Potential owners will likely want to know about the latest Yorkshire terrier prices, as they aren’t the same as in previous years.

Aside from the purchase price, there are also other associated costs to owning a Yorkshire terrier. These costs include supplies, medical expenses, and more. So, planning before you go out and get a pup is best.

Don’t worry if you have no idea where to start. Below, we’ve taken the time to craft a budgeting guide to help you meet all the needs of taking care of a Yorkshire terrier. So, let’s get into it!

Adoption fees range greatly depending on what state and agency you go through.

How Much Does A Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Cost?

The breed wasn’t introduced to North America until the 1870s. Yorkshire terriers became an official breed in 1885 by the American Kennel Club. Due to this, there has been time to create strict breeding standards. On average, a Yorkshire terrier puppy can cost anywhere between $500 to $4,000.

Yorkshire Terrier puppy sitting on the park grass

Yorkies cost anywhere from $500 to $4,000, depending on where you get them.

©Shllabadibum Bubidibam/Shutterstock.com

Pet Adoption

Adoption fees range greatly depending on what state and agency you go through. You can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $500 for a puppy for Yorkshire terriers. Rescues might give pets away for a small rehoming fee. However, you will likely have difficulty finding younger puppies, as they tend to get adopted quickly.

Buying From a Breeder

Breeders are much more expensive but also range drastically in price. When finding a Yorkshire terrier, your best bet will be from a reputable breeder. A reputable breeder will have strict breeding standards that include checking genetics, monitoring the parents and puppies, and providing medical care until the puppies are in your care. On average, breeders charge anywhere from $500 to $4,000.

Other Factors That Influence the Purchase Price of a Yorkshire

Chocolate Yorkshire terrier

Solid-colored Yorkshire terriers can cost more than the standard.

©iStock.com/Irina Nedikova

Yorkies have been around for a very long time and, due to that, have a lot of strict breeding practices. Certain traits have also popped up that cost the breed more than its original cost. Below, we’ll cover some factors that can affect the overall price.

Coat Color

The American Kennel Club (AKC) lists four Yorkie colors they accept as the ‘standard.’ The problem is that unethical breeders will produce rare colors that aren’t exactly healthy for the breed. Some of the rarest coat colors include brindle, blue, albino, and merle Yorkies. In addition, buyers might also find sellers breeding red-legged, sable, and particolored Yorkies.

Physical Traits

Specific features and types of Yorkie are also known to cause a price rise. This includes the Teddy Bear Yorkies, which have a short snout, larger eyes, and a rounded head. However, the AKC does not accept these features, as only one standard exists. It’s important to understand that these traits disqualify the dog as purebred and might have certain health risks.

Cost of Vaccination and Other Medical Expenses for Yorkshire Terrier

Medical TreatmentCost(s)
Spay/NeuterLuxating Patella
Wellness Check$50
Periodontal Disease$2,000-$3,000
Legg-Perthes Disease$1,000-$3,000
Luxating Patella$1,000-$5,000
Liver Shunt$2,000-$12,000

You must plan out your furry friend’s healthcare as a new puppy owner. Setting aside a budget for healthcare before you get your pet will ensure that you can afford to upkeep your Yorkie’s health and growth. While mandatory healthcare costs aren’t a lot, unexpected issues can be expensive. 


Dogs aren’t required to be vaccinated, but doing so will ensure that they have fewer health risks. For example, dogs should get the canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis, and rabies vaccines. These will start at eight weeks of age and continue until sixteen weeks. Dogs will also be required to get follow-up vaccinations and the Bordetella vaccine at six months and a year. Depending on your local veterinarian’s office, these vaccinations can range anywhere from $30 to $90.

Prone Medical Issues

Ultrasound on a Yorkshire terrier

Unexpected medical procedures can cost thousands of dollars.


A Yorkie from a reputable breeder tends to have fewer health issues. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any risk. Yorkshire terriers are prone to a handful of health issues. Some include:

  • Hypoglycemia
  • Periodontal disease
  • Legg-Perthes disease
  • Retinal dysplasia
  • Luxating patella
  • Collapsed trachea
  • Liver shunt
  • Pancreatitis

Aside from these, Yorkies are also susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. Yorkies need consistent checkups at the vet to ensure no issues. Vaccinations are also mandatory for Yorkshire terriers due to being prone to these.

Treatment costs for any of these medical conditions can range anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand. Getting a Yorkshire terrier from a reputable breeder can help mitigate genetic illnesses and diseases. However, consistent checkups must ensure that other health issues don’t creep up on them.

Cost of Food and Supplies for Yorkshire

Dog SuppliesAverage Cost
Dog Food$30-$300
Dog Food & Water Bowls$5-$30
Nail Clippers$50-$200
Dog Crate$50-$150

Yorkshire terriers are just like any pet and require dog supplies. The cost of supplies will greatly depend on what you purchase. Supplies will range from one-time expenses to recurring monthly items. Being able to budget accordingly can help ensure that your Yorkie has everything it needs to grow healthy.

One-time Purchases

One-time purchases can cost anywhere from $410 to $715. Depending on the brand and type of supplies, your overall cost could be more or less. Being frugal and getting affordable options can keep your one-time purchases low. However, higher quality supplies will last longer, but they will cost more.

For example, you can spend $20 on a dog bed filled with stuffing that will go flat in a year or invest nearly $100+ for a higher quality one that will last a lifetime. The overall costs will depend on what quality items you buy.

Recurring Expenses

Yorkies don’t require much in terms of monthly expenses. As a pet owner, you’ll regularly have to buy dog food, treats, and the replacement of toys. However, recurring costs can include medications, supplements, and more. Setting aside a small monthly budget to ensure you can afford everything can help your dog stay healthy. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $300.

How Much Does it Cost to Insure a Yorkshire Terrier?

yorkshie terrier

Pet insurance costs change depending on the location, age, and preexisting health conditions.

©Anna Vasiljeva/Shutterstock.com

Dog insurance is similar to other types of health insurance. The difference is that age, zip code, and preexisting health conditions determine the monthly price. On average, owners spend up to $90 on Yorkie insurance monthly.

Do Yorkshire Terriers Need Pet Insurance?

While getting dog insurance is not mandatory, it’s always recommended. Pet insurance should be used unless an owner has significant savings for emergencies. For example, the average pet owner can’t afford a sudden $3,000 vet bill. Pet insurance will likely cover most costs if the owner has insurance before any underlying symptoms are present.

On average, the monthly payment for Yorkie insurance can be $50. Over a year, that’s a bill of $600. This is significantly cheaper than one procedure and ensures that most health-related issues are handled without breaking the bank.

Where Can I Get Yorkshire Terrier Insurance?

The best way to get Yorkie insurance is by contacting your local veterinarian’s office. Not all vet offices accept pet insurance. So, ensuring your local office accepts the one you purchase is important.

That being said, owners can get online quotes from the ASPCA website. However, online quotes will only get you so far. The best option is to check your local office and ask for what insurance they connect with. They can point you to an insurance company, and owners can get a quote for their Yorkie.

How Much Does It Cost to Train a Yorkshire Terrier?

Cute small Yorkshire Terrier is playing with ball on a green lawn outdoors.

Yorkshire terriers must be trained from a young age to prevent bad behavior.


Yorkies are adorable, but they also have some problem behavior that can occur if not trained properly. While small, the Yorkie is known to challenge people, become aggressive, and nip. They are frequent barkers and must learn impulse control to prevent such behaviors. Obedience training, socialization, and other classes can help teach young dogs proper behavior before they get older.

Obedience Class Prices

The price of an obedience class will depend on how frequent the classes are and the length. On average, one class will cost anywhere from $30 to $50. Classes tend to run for a few weeks, which can end up being up to $600. Luckily, most obedience classes are flexible and offer many options. This makes it easier to find something that fits your budget.

Private Training Costs

Owners will benefit from hiring a private trainer if their Yorkie struggles to focus during obedience classes or has specific behavioral problems. Hiring a personal dog trainer is much more costly than paying for a class. You can expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $150 an hour. 

The benefit of hiring a private trainer is that they can tailor a training program to your dog. This allows them to target specific behaviors and teach appropriate ones. This can sometimes be much more effective than classes, as your dog will get individualized care.

Dog Socialization Costs

Dog socialization is important for overall growth, especially for Yorkies. The breed must learn appropriate behaviors at a young age to avoid behavioral issues. The cost of socialization will depend on the method. If you’re attending doggy daycare or other services, this can cost up to $300 a week. On the other hand, owners who take their dogs to the dog park can get similar socialization for no extra cost.

Total Yorkshire Terrier Prices

The total Yorkshire terrier cost will range from $500 to $4,000. However, owning a pet is more than just purchasing them. Medical expenses will include payments of $240 to $690. Medical conditions can occur despite good health, adding $1,000 to $5,000. Pet insurance can help owners manage unexpected health issue expenses.

Then, you must add supplies ranging from $440 to $1,015. Of course, the price can be higher or lower depending on what you purchase. Being frugal can help cut costs by getting used items. However, higher quality items are always worth it, as they last longer.

As a total, you can expect to pay a first-year expense of $1,180 to $5,705. Owners can reduce costs by making frugal purchases with supplies or getting used items. In addition, buying from a reputable breeder can ensure fewer medical costs throughout the dog’s life. 

The photo featured at the top of this post is © iStock.com/yacobchuk

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If you have kids or existing dogs select:

Other Dogs

Should they be Hypoallergenic?

How important is health?
Which dog groups do you like?
How much exercise should your dog require?
What climate?
How much seperation anxiety?
How much yappiness/barking?

How much energy should they have?

The lower energy the better.
I want a cuddle buddy!
About average energy.
I want a dog that I have to chase after constantly!
All energy levels are great -- I just love dogs!
How much should they shed?
How trainable/obedient does the dog need to be?
How intelligent does the dog need to be?
How much chewing will allow?

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About the Author

Christina Eck is a writer at A-Z Animals, primarily focusing on animals and travel. Christina has been writing about and researching animals for more than seven years. She holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, which she earned in 2019. As a resident of Washington State, Christina enjoys hiking, playing with her dog, and writing fiction and non-fiction pieces.

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