Alligators in San Antonio: Are You Safe to Go in the Water?

San Antonio Texas Pavone

Written by Colby Maxwell

Published: October 14, 2024

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Living in the southern United States has some pros and cons. For people that have recently moved to the area or just those who aren’t particularly fond of wildlife, getting used to some of the South’s animals can be a bit of an adjustment!

Today, we are going to take a look at one of the most (in) famous animals that live in the South, the American alligator. Specifically, we are going to find out if these scaly reptiles live in or around San Antonio, Texas.

Let’s get started and see if you could potentially be greeted by a smiling gator in the south of Texas!

Do Alligators Live in San Antonio?


There are alligators around San Antonio, but rarely within the urban areas of the city.

Alligators do indeed live in San Antonio, and sightings have been reported in several areas around the city. While they are not commonly found in the city’s urban areas, they can be found in nearby bodies of water such as rivers, creeks, and lakes.

Alligators are typically found in wetland habitats such as marshes, swamps, and rivers. They prefer these areas because they provide the environment that alligators need for hunting, mating, and nesting. Urban areas, on the other hand, don’t really meet all of the criteria for alligators to live happy lives, although sometimes migratory gators may find themselves in a pond or pool where they don’t belong.

In San Antonio, while there are some bodies of water in the urban areas, they are typically not ideal for alligators. Urban areas are often heavily developed, with little vegetation and limited space for wildlife to live and reproduce, especially animals as large as alligators. When you add in water pollution and noise in urban areas, they aren’t places that alligators would even want to hang out around.

Even more, alligators are pretty shy animals by nature and tend to avoid contact with humans whenever possible. They are more likely to be found in areas where they can remain hidden and avoid human activity. On top of that, if an alligator is found within city limits, they are usually removed professionally really quickly.

Are There Alligators in the San Antonio Riverwalk?

Alligators can be found in the vicinity of San Antonio, although they are seldom seen within the city’s urban areas. San Antonio does have alligators living in nearby regions, and there have been reported sightings in various areas around the city.

In fact, alligators are indigenous to the San Antonio River and can be sporadically observed as you approach the coastal areas.

Nevertheless, it has been a significant amount of time since an alligator has been spotted this far north and in such proximity to the urban center of San Antonio.

What Lakes Around San Antonio Do Alligators Live?

Several lakes around San Antonio are known to be home to alligators, including Calaveras Lake, Braunig Lake, and Lake Dunlap.

A fishing guide captured a video of a 7 to 8-foot-long alligator floating in the lake not far from where people were fishing from the shore in Calaveras Lake not too long ago. Other sightings in the region include a 10-foot gator that was spotted in a driveway near Braunig Lake in 2020, and the occasional sighting in the San Antonio River since that is a native habitat for them.

Where Do Alligators Live in Texas?

Alligator Close Up

The most common places to find alligators in Texas are along the Gulf Coast in wetland habitats.

Alligators live in high population densities around the Gulf Coast of Texas, as well as the nearby states of Florida and Louisiana. They much prefer marshes and other freshwater wetlands around coastal regions, but they can also adapt to brackish and saltwater habitats when the need arises.

In Texas, it’s possible to see alligators in almost any river, creek, pond, reservoir, and canal, although they definitely stick to the preferred regions we mentioned before.

Some of the places where alligators are known to live in high populations are Brazos Bend State Park, Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Caddo Lake, and Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.

How Many Alligators Live in Texas?

There are likely over 500,000 alligators in Texas.

According to the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, there are an estimated 500,000 alligators in Texas. The population recovered from near extinction in the 1960s due to conservation efforts and habitat protection and has been on the rise ever since. In Texas, alligators are still considered protected animals, and special state permitting is required to hunt, raise, or even own them as pets.

Although they may be scary, alligators are important for the continued health of the ecosystems they live in.

Should I Be Worried About Alligators?

While alligators are a natural part of the ecosystem in Texas, they probably aren’t worth worrying about in San Antonio. Still, it’s important to exercise caution when near bodies of water where alligators are known to live.

If you do happen to see an alligator, give it plenty of room, and don’t try to antagonize it. If the alligator is in a place where people are swimming (or just in a place it isn’t supposed to be), you can call your local wildlife department for advice.

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About the Author

Colby Maxwell

Colby is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering outdoors, unique animal stories, and science news. Colby has been writing about science news and animals for five years and holds a bachelor's degree from SEU. A resident of NYC, you can find him camping, exploring, and telling everyone about what birds he saw at his local birdfeeder.

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