Discover the Absolute Hottest Place in Montana

Written by Kaleigh Moore
Updated: September 20, 2023
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Picture yourself cruising through the hottest place in Montana. The sun was blazing overhead, and the temperature was steadily rising. Suddenly, you enter an area with almost overwhelming heat – a spot that feels like nature’s sauna. 

Welcome to the hottest place in Montana. On this journey, we’ll explore the state’s scorching terrain. Grab the sunscreen and water bottle and explore Montana’s most sizzling location.

As we navigate the sweltering plain, expect geological marvels, enthralling history, and twists. So, let’s embark on this unforgettable quest to discover the hottest place in Montana.

Montana’s Climate and Average Temperatures 

Montana City’s summers are brief, warm, and mostly clear. Winters transform into freezing, snowy, and partly cloudy wonderlands. Throughout the year, temperatures can swing from a chilly 12 °F to a balmy 85 °F, making each season unique. You’ll rarely encounter temperatures below -8 °F or above 94 °F.

When planning warm-weather activities, consider visiting between early July and mid-August. You’ll enjoy Montana’s mild climate during this time. From June 16 to September 11, daily high temperatures soar above 74 °F. July is the hottest month. It boasts an average high of 83 °F and a refreshing low of 54 °F.

On the other hand, the cold season embraces Montana City for 3.2 months, from November 18 to February 25. During this frosty period, daily high temperatures dip below 40 °F. December is the coldest month. Average lows plunge to 14 °F, and highs reach 31 °F.

Montana's Weather Tapestry: From snow-capped mountains to sun-kissed prairies, a climate of contrasts unfolds, offering a true four-season experience.

Montana’s Climate: Rugged landscapes and varied seasons, where nature’s beauty flourishes in every temperature.

©Janelle Garcia Photograph/

The Hottest Place in Montana

Montana boasts diverse climates and stunning landscapes. There’s one town that stands out for its scorching heat. Glendive in eastern Montana holds the state’s highest temperature record.

On July 20, 1893, Glendive experienced a 117 °F temperature. This day remains unforgettable as Montana’s hottest ever. The town’s unique geographic location contributes to its extreme heat.

Located near the Yellowstone River, Glendive has a semi-arid climate. In summer, temperatures skyrocket, making it one of the region’s hottest spots. Despite the heat, Glendive offers various outdoor activities for locals and tourists alike.

To escape the heat, people often visit nearby Makoshika State Park. Here, they can admire striking badlands formations and hike scenic trails. Additionally, the park’s shaded picnic areas provide relief from the sweltering sun.

It’s also worth noting that Medicine Lake experienced the same heat as Glendive on July 5, 1937. Located in Sheridan County, Medicine Lake has a mere 244 residents. Despite its small size, this town falls within the cold semi-arid Köppen climate classification. Consequently, temperatures in the region vary drastically, ranging from -50 °F to 117 °F.

Montana also holds the record for the lowest temperature in the contiguous United States. A freezing -70 °F was documented on January 20, 1954, at Rogers Pass. Nevertheless, Alaska surpassed this record at Prospect Creek Camp with an icy -80 °F on January 23, 1971.

Where is Glendive Located on a Map?

Glendive which is located in Montana, serves as both a city within Dawson County and its county seat. It is also home to Dawson Community College.

The city’s origin can be traced back to the establishment of Glendive by the Northern Pacific Railway during the construction of the transcontinental railroad spanning the northern region of the western United States, connecting Minnesota to the Pacific Coast.

Here it is on a map:

Comparison to the Hottest Temperature in the US

Glendive, Montana, boasts a 117 °F record temperature. This doesn’t quite measure up to the highest temperature recorded in the US.

That honor goes to Death Valley’s Greenland Ranch. It experienced a sweltering 134 °F on July 10, 1913. This blazing temperature ranks as the hottest in the US. It is also the world’s highest recorded temperature. Today, the location is known as Furnace Creek Ranch and is located in California.

In the past, Al Azizia, Libya, held the record with a 136.4 °F on September 13, 1922. However, the World Meteorological Organization eventually deemed this record invalid. 

Glendive is the warmest spot in Montana. It, however, doesn’t compete with Furnace Creek Ranch’s extreme heat. Comparing these temperatures offers an intriguing look at the various climates worldwide.

Glendive's Fiery Embrace: Where the sun blazes relentlessly, revealing the true meaning of a hot summer in Montana.

Glendive in eastern Montana holds the state’s highest temperature record.

©Paul W Thompson/

Impact of the Heat on Wildlife and Adaptation

Glendive, Montana, is known for its scorching heat, which significantly impacts local wildlife. Various animal species face considerable challenges adapting to these extreme temperatures. This requires them to seek shelter or reduce activity to survive.

Key adaptations include:

  • Seeking shelter. Reptiles like snakes, lizards, and turtles must find shelter to escape the heat. Even rattlesnakes native to the area need to find refuge.
  • Reduced activity. Larger animals like grizzly bears and moose have bulky bodies. This makes it harder to cope with high temperatures. Consequently, they limit their activity levels during hotter times.
  • Shade-seeking. The region’s birds struggle with the intense heat, including ducks, pelicans, and waterfowl. They seek shade during the hottest parts of the day to stay cool.

The extreme heat in Glendive, Montana, forces local wildlife to adapt for survival. These adaptations ensure the continued existence of various species in this challenging environment.

Glendive: Tale of Temperature Fluctuations

Glendive, Montana, is where temperature fluctuations take center stage. In this cold semi-arid climate, you’ll witness extreme temperature contrasts from scorching days over 110 °F to bone-chilling nights plummeting to -50 °F.

Interestingly, it’s not the only place in Montana with such wild weather patterns. The nearby town of Loma holds the record for the greatest temperature change within a day. Imagine experiencing a temperature swing from -54 °F to 49 °F, resulting in a jaw-dropping shift of 103 °F!

If you want to discover the hottest place in Montana, Glendive might be your best bet. But remember to pack your winter clothes. You’ll also encounter some of the coldest temperatures around. This extraordinary climate perfectly captures the peculiar and sometimes bizarre nature of the weather in Montana.

Glendive's Thermometer Rollercoaster: Experience nature's wild ride as temperatures soar and plummet, showcasing the dynamic climate of this Montana town.

Temperature Tango in Glendive: Witness the dramatic dance of seasons, as temperatures swing from scorching summers to frost-kissed winters.


Montana’s Hidden Inferno: The Scorching Destination You Must Explore

If you’re seeking the ultimate scorching experience in Montana, look no further than Glendive. With its record-breaking temperatures and sweltering heat waves, this small town offers an exhilarating adventure and a unique travel destination off the beaten path. 

Whether you wish to explore the fascinating Makoshika State Park, enjoy the vibrant local community, or bask in the sizzling sun, Glendive is undeniably the hottest place in Montana. So pack your sunscreen and prepare to embrace the fiery warmth of this extraordinary hidden gem.

Glendive, Montana, is the epitome of scorching adventure in the Big Sky State. With its arid climate and blazing temperatures, this hidden gem offers thrill-seekers and heat enthusiasts an unforgettable experience. From exploring the vast expanse of the nearby Badlands to immersing oneself in the region’s rich history, Glendive promises a sizzling journey like no other. 

So, if you’re ready to embrace the heat and embark on an extraordinary adventure, Glendive awaits, promising an ultimate scorching experience that will leave you with lasting memories.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © trekandshoot/

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