18 Gorgeous Flowers That Start With S

Scotts Clematis

Written by Justin Zipprich

Updated: November 7, 2023

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Common flowers that start with the letter S include Sand Phlox, Scarlet Rose Mallow, Scarlet Sage, Scotts Clematis, Sea Thrift, Serbian Bellflower, Shooting Star Flower, Showy Stonecrop, Shrub Rose, Siberian Iris, Small Globe Thistle, and Snow-In-Summer.

The world of flowers is an amazing place, and there’s so much beauty to behold when you really look at the amazing plant life that occupies our world. In fact, you can pick any letter, look up flowers that start with that particular letter, and be stunned at the beauty you’ll find.

Today, we cover gorgeous flowers that start with S and learn interesting facts about each.

1. Sand Phlox (Phlox bifida)

Sand Phlox

The Sand Phlohlox is typically found in the central United States.

Commonly referred to as the sand phlox, the scientific name is Phlox bifida. This small but beautiful flower typically only grows to about 6 inches tall, and it spreads across prairies by self-seeding. This is a strong species that’s known for being resilient against root rot. It’s typically used in rock gardens or as part of a perennial border. The flower does well in part sun and part shade. You’ll typically find the sand phlox in the central United States.

2. Scarlet Rose Mallow (Hibiscus coccineus)

This stunning flower is often found in swamps and marshes.

The second entry on our list is the gorgeous but understated scarlet rose mallow. This perennial is simple in its appearance; however, it can grow to up to 10 feet tall, and it’s rather impressive. This flower has a vibrant red shade that really pops, and they can grow to 6 inches in width. The rose mallow is mostly found in the southern states, where it typically grows it in swamps and marshes.

3. Scarlet Sage (Salvia splendens)

Scarlet sage salvia plant blooming in a garden.

Scarlet sage is native to Brazil and is quite gorgeous.

Another red flower is the scarlet sage, which also has a bright red color that’s hard to miss. However, in this case, the flower is more elevated than spread out. It grows in clumps that can reach up to 12-18 inches tall and 12 inches wide, creating a gorgeous display. This beautiful Brazil-native is easy to grow and typically disease and pest-free.

4. Scotts Clematis (Clematis scottii)

Scotts Clematis

The scotts clematis grows to about two feet tall.

This wonderful flower is native to the great plains states, and it can grow up to 1 foot tall and almost 2 feet wide. It grows best in fertile and rich soil, and it does well in either full sun or part shade. Scotts clematis looks best when planted in large groups, and they always look lovely in rock gardens, meadows, and prairies. 

5. Sea Thrift (Armeria maritima)

A selective shot of pink sea thrift flowers in a field under the sunlight with a blurry background

Sea thrift flowers look great in fields or rock gardens.

Travel to the mountains of Europe or visit Northern California, and you have a good chance of seeing the dainty sea thrift, an herbaceous perennial typically found in coastal environments. It’s a more compact species, often growing only to 6 to 12 inches in height. Each of the flowers comes with five petals that are joined at the base, and the final result is quite stunning. The flower grows best in full sun, and it requires well-drained soil. Sea thrift looks great in rock gardens or around the edge of perennial borders. Plant in spring or fall, and soon you’ll have these gorgeous blooms in your garden.

6. Serbian Bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana)

Serbian Bellflower

The Serbian bellflower is a set-it-and-forget-it type of flower.

The Serbian bellflower is one of the most colorful flowers you’ll see, and they absolutely elevate any garden. This brightly colored flower grows 4-6 inches tall, and it thrives in full sun or part shade with well-drained soils. Bellflower is incredibly easy to grow. Additionally, it’s virtually pest and disease-free. It’s a low-care perennial, so you can plant it and simply let it do its thing. As the name suggests, the Serbian bellflower is native to places in the Serbia region, including Bosnia, Croatia, and Herzegovina. 

7. Shooting Star Flower (Dodecatheon meadia)

Dodecatheon meadia

The shooting star flower can grow up to 12 inches tall.

With a name like the shooting star flower, how can this Pride of Ohio not appear on the list of the most gorgeous flowers that start with S? This vivid purple flower grows 9-12 inches tall. The flower does very well when planted in well-drained soil that is partly shaded. It looks great in your backyard or in rock gardens and woodland gardens. The flower is generally disease-free, so it can live and thrive effortlessly. You can find the shooting star flower in Central and Eastern North America.

8. Showy Stonecrop (Sedum spectabile)

Showy Stonecrop Sedum

Sedum or stonecrop is the perfect plant on slopes and as a groundcover.

The showy stonecrop is a vibrant flower with a great pop of color during the autumn months. Firstly, the flower is typically a bright red or violet, and it can grow up to 24 inches tall. It does very well in full sun and medium moisture, and it looks great in rock gardens, beds, and borders. Like many other versions of the stonecrop, they attract bees and butterflies, and they also provide edible seeds for birds. Finally, they are a very low maintenance flower that you can set and forget. 

9. Shrub Rose (Rosa)

Smelling pink roses in the garden.

Shrub roses come in many gorgeous varieties.

The shrub rose may take the cake as the most stunning of the gorgeous flowers that start with S. They’re undeniably luscious blooms require very little maintenance. They’re also incredibly resilient, so they’ll last forever and continue to make a great impression. Roses also come in a variety of colors, so options abound.

10. Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica)

Blooming Siberian iris bushes



iris flowers do great in late spring and late summer.

The Siberian iris is a stunning flower that typically comes in shades of purple, blue, yellow, and red violet, while some newer breeds are brown and orange. They look great alone or as a large grouping, and you’ll see them all grow 2-4 feet tall. The flowers undeniably are at their best during late spring and late summer. They’re incredibly easy to grow, as long as you plant in part shade or full sun. As a bonus, they’re drought tolerant, so they’ll stay gorgeous even in dry climates.

11. Small Globe Thistle (Echinops ritro)

Echinops chantavicus east to central Asia

You’ll find the small globe thistle in the Mediterranean region.

The small globe thistle offers a very unique look. You can find this thistle in the Mediterranean region, and they work best in full sun and free-draining soil. They work great in coastal gardens and beds and borders, and you’ll often see them grow 2-3 feet tall. They’re resilient to diseases and pests, so they’ll stay tall and stately. Finally, the small globe thistle also adds a beautiful touch to dried floral arrangements. 

12. Snow-In-Summer (Cerastium tomentosum)

Cerastium tomentosum in bloom. Beautiful white summer flowers. Floral background.


Cerastium tomentosum

is a beautiful flower that litters the ground like new snow.

Snow-in-summer is a perennial flower with a fun name. It tends to bloom during the early summer, and the perfect little buds create the look of fresh snowfall. The flowers do great in dry, sunny areas, and they’re deer resistant. You’ll often see the snow-in-summer flower on the coast of the U.S. near Maine.

13. Solitary Clematis (Clematis integrifolia)

Solitary Clematis

Also known as the small globe thistle, this is a unique flower that grows up to 3 feet tall.

Our next unique flower is the solitary clematis, a non-climbing, herbaceous flower that has a single bell-shaped bloom. It blooms throughout the summer, and it’s an undeniably great addition to any garden or yard. The flowers do well in well-drained soil, but they should still be watered regularly. At their most mature, they’ll typically grow to about 2-3 feet. Though this flower was first introduced in Britain, it has spread since then, and we’re glad it has!

14. Spring Vetch (Lathyrus vernus)

Close up of Lathyrus vernus 'Alboroseus'

The spring vetch is native to Europe and Siberia.

Next on our list, we have the uniquely named spring vetch. This wonderful feminine flower grows to about 18 inches in partial to full sunlight. It’s a great little perennial that prefers dry soil. It works great as an accent in your garden or in a container. The flower is native to the forests of Siberia and Europe, and it flowers in the spring.

15. Stokes Aster (Stokesia laevis)

Stokes Aster

The stokes aster is native in the southeastern United States.

If you love whimsical flowers, then check out the stokes aster. This amazingly gorgeous plant is a compact perennial that blooms in late spring and goes strong until fall. It typically grows up to 12-14 inches high. It likes well-drained soil and thrives in full sunlight, but it also does well in light shade. Best of all, the flower is resistant to most pests, including rabbits. Finally, it’s native to the Southeastern United States, but you can plant it in a garden near you.

16. Strawberry Foxglove (Digitalis × mertonensis)

Pretty blooming purple digitalis plant in a garden.

The strawberry foxglove looks like a gathering or gorgeous bells.

The strawberry foxglove is undoubtedly one of the most unique flowers that start with S, forming a violet cluster of bell-shaped blooms. It can grace your garden during the late spring, early summer, and throughout the fall. It grows 2-3 feet tall, and much of that height is made up of the drooping flowers. It’s also easy to grow, which makes it great for cottage or city gardens. Beware that the flower is toxic to cats, dogs, horses, and humans, so keep it away from animals and wash your hands after handling.

17. Sweet Goldenrod (Solidago odora)

goldenrod in bloom

Goldenrod is a wildflower that’s often mistaken for ragweed.

Next, we have the sweet goldenrod, a wildflower that adds a splash of color. The plant grows 2-4 feet tall when grown in full sun with well-drained soils. Once established, it is drought resistant. It is also deer resistant, and attracts bees, birds, and butterflies. It’s native to North America.

18. Sweetscented Bedstraw (Galium odoratum)

Sweet woodruff (botanical name: Galium odoratum), a perennial used in medicine, cooking, and potpourri

Sweet scented bedstraw smells so great that’s it’s often used in potporri.

The unique sweetly scented bedstraw is a pretty flower native to North Africa and Europe. As the name suggests, the plant produces six to eight very fragrant leaves that many say smell like new-mown hay. In fact, the flowers are often used in potpourri. The simple leaves look elegant, spreading out evenly. 


We could only cover a handful of the lovely flowers that start with S, so keep exploring! Many of these flowers can be planted in your own backyard, so you can enjoy them every day. If you want more ideas, check out the more extensive list of flowers that start with S below and enjoy your beautiful floral journey.

Summary of the Many Gorgeous Flowers That Start With S:

Common NameScientific Name
1SageSalvia daghestanica
2SageSalvia nemorosa
3SaguaroCarnegiea gigantea
4Sand Dollar CactusAstrophytum asterias
5Sand PhloxPhlox bifida
6Scarlet BuckeyeAesculus Pavia
7Scarlet Hedgehog CactusEchinocereus Coccineus
8Scarlet Rose MallowHibiscus coccineus
9Scarlet SageSalvia splendens
10Scarlet StrawberryFragaria virginiana
11Scotts ClematisClematis scottii
12Sea HollyEryngium planum
13Sea ThriftArmeria maritima
14Serbian BellflowerCampanula poscharskyana
15Serbian BellflowerCampanula poscharskyana
16Shasta DaisyLeucanthemum × Superbum
17Shining Blue starAmsonia illustris
18Shooting Star FlowerDodecatheon meadia
19Showy MilkweedAsclepias speciosa
20Showy StonecropSedum spectabile
21Shrub RoseRosa
22Siberian BuglossBrunnera macrophylla“Jack Frost”
23Siberian BuglossBrunnera macrophylla“Looking Glass”
24Siberian BuglossBrunnera macrophylla
25Siberian IrisIris Sibirica
26Siberian larkspurDelphinium grandiflorum
27Siberian PeashrubCaragana Arborescens
28Silky WormwoodArtemisia frigida
29Silver SageSalvia argentea
30Silver SpurflowerPlectranthus argentatus
31Silver TorchCleistocactus hyalacanthus
32Silver Torch CactusCleistocactus strausii
33Small Globe ThistleEchinops ritro- “Veitch’s Blue”
34Small Globe ThistleEchinops ritro
35Small-Flowered AnemoneAnemone parviflora
36Smooth PhloxPhlox glaberrima
37SnapdragonAntirrhinum majus
38SneezeweedAchillea ptarmica
39SneezeweedHelenium- “Helbro”
40SneezeweedHelenium- “Moerheim Beauty”
41SneezeweedHelenium “Zimbelstern”
42SneezeweedHelenium- “Autumnale
43SneezeweedHelenium- “Wyndley
44Snow-In-SummerCerastium tomentosum
45Snowball CactusMammillaria Candida
46Snowdrop windflowerAnemone sylvestris
47SoapwortSaponaria officinalis
48Society GarlicTulbaghia violacea
50Solitary ClematisClematis integrifolia
51Solomon’s SealPolygonatum biflorum
52Solomon’s SealPolygonatum odoratum
53SorrelOxalis articulata subsp. rubra
54SorrelRumex acetosa
55Southern Blue FlagIris virginica
56Species IrisIris spuria
57SpeedwellVeronica peduncularis
58Spider FlowerCleome hassleriana
59Spider LilyTradescantia pallida
60Spider LilyTradescantia virginiana
61SpiderwortTradescantia longipes
62Spiked SpeedwellVeronica spicata
63Spiny Lilac Flower CactusAcanthocalycium klimpelianum
64Spotted BellflowerCampanula punctata
65Spotted DeadnettleLamium maculatum
66Spring VetchLathyrus vernus
67SpurgeEuphorbia amygdaloides
68SpurgeEuphorbia characias
69SpurgeEuphorbia rigida
70St. John’s Wort PlantHypericum
71Star PlantAstrophytum ornatum
72Star RockAriocarpus kotschoubeyanus
73Stinking HelleboreHelleborus foetidus
7475Stinking IrisIris foetidissima
76Stokes AsterStokesia laevis
77StonecropSedum aizoon
78StonecropSedum makinoi
80Strawberry FoxgloveDigitalis × mertonensis
81Strawberry Hedgehog CactusEchinocereus Stramineus
82Sumac PlantRhus
83SunflowerHelianthus Annuus
84SunflowerHelianthus divaricatus
85Swamp MilkweedAsclepias incarnata
86Swan River DaisyBrachycome iberidifolia
87Sweet AlyssumLobularia maritima
88Sweet ConeflowerRudbeckia subtomentosa
89Sweet ConeflowerRudbeckia subtomentosa
90Sweet FennelFoeniculum vulgare
91Sweet GoldenrodSolidago odora
92Sweet PepperbushClethra alnifolia
93Sweet Pitcher PlantSarracenia rubra
94Sweet WilliamDianthus barbatus
95Sweet William SileneSilene armeria
96Sweetscented bedstrawGalium odoratum

Summary of 18 Gorgeous Flowers That Start With S

Common NameSpecific Name
1Sand PhloxPhlox bifida
2 Scarlet Rose MallowHibiscus coccineus
3Scarlet SageSalvia splendens
4 Scotts ClematisClematis scottii
5Sea ThriftArmeria maritima
6Serbian Bellflower Campanula poscharskyana
7Shooting Star FlowerDodecatheon meadia
8Showy StonecropSedum spectabile
9Shrub RoseRosa
10 Siberian IrisIris sibirica
11Small Globe ThistleEchinops ritro
12Snow-In-SummerCerastium tomentosum
13Solitary ClematisClematis integrifolia
14 Spring VetchLathyrus vernus
15 Stokes AsterStokesia laevis
16Strawberry GoxgloveDigitalis × mertonensis
17Sweet GoldenrodSolidago odora
18 Sweetscented BedstrawGalium odoratum

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About the Author

Justin Zipprich is a writer at A-Z Animals, where his primary focus is travel, state facts, pets, and mammals. Justin has been writing and editing animal content for over 7 years, though he holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Instructional Technology from Western Illinois University, which he earned in 2005. As a resident of Texas, he loves discovering local animals and spending time with his wife and two kids.

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