Man on Vacation Films Himself Getting Attacked by a Warthog… Yes, a Warthog!

Written by Ryan Fisher
Published: August 4, 2023
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Move out of the way, this warthog is coming through. Watch the video below which shows a man getting chased by a full-grown warthog! 

The clip starts with the camera zooming in towards a path in the distance. The walkway is paved, showing that it is close to some other buildings in a rural area. As it zooms, we can see a humongous warthog walking toward the camera on the path. As it walks, it swings its tail almost happily! 

The animal continues to walk ever closer to the camera, and the person filming begins to call out to it. For a moment, the situation seems friendly, however, it soon becomes frightening as the warthog lunges toward the man with super speed! 

The clip ends with the cameraman running away from the warthog in absolute terror, as it continues to chase him down the once-quiet path. 

Are Warthogs Predators? 

Based on the aggression of the warthog in the video below, you may be wondering if they are predators in their natural environment. 

They are considered to be omnivorous, however, the available resources that occur in their habitat usually require them to be primarily herbivorous. In addition to eating a wide variety of plants like roots, stems, bulbs, and leaves, they may also scavenge for meat in the form of carrion and large insects. 

In other words, they aren’t predators in the sense of hunting other mammals, however, they do eat meat and bugs from time to time! 

Where Do Warthogs Live? 

A Warthog sleeping in it's burrow, taken on Safari in South Africa

After spending a long day foraging, many warthogs return to their den at night to get a good night’s sleep!

©Rudi Hulshof/

Geographically, they live in Sub-Saharan Africa. More specifically, they prefer to be in the savannah, which is a biome known for extensive grass cover with interspaced trees. 

Due to their plant-heavy diet, they are commonly seen roaming around to find food. When not scavenging for food, they can be found in waterholes, or hiding from the heat in their burrows. Interestingly enough, warthogs commonly find old dens and burrows to use as their own! Sometimes, warthogs even burrow to hide from nearby predators

Are Warthogs Aggressive?

For the most part, warthogs aren’t openly aggressive animals. When they are undisturbed, they prefer to spend most of their day eating or napping. They can become somewhat aggressive if they are threatened, however. 

In the face of danger, warthogs are not afraid to put up a good fight. As seen in the video below, they will commonly charge and make loud snorting noises if they are angry. Additionally, they may also use their tusks as a form of defense. There are many documented cases of warthogs fighting off fearsome prey with the power of their tusks alone

Watch the Scary Scene Here

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Wim Hoek/

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About the Author

Ryan Fisher studies biology at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. His scientific interests are diverse, revolving around plants, animals, and fungi alike. In the future, he is planning on studying more botanical sciences, however he is extremely well-versed in select fields of zoology, such as entomology (the study of insects) and ornithology (the study of birds).

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