When Is Cockroach Season in Mississippi?

Dubia Cockroach with their young in the laboratory.

Written by Doug Shaffer

Updated: June 4, 2023

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Most people assume you must live in a dirty home to have a cockroach infestation, but that isn’t true. Many species of cockroaches thrive around human dwellings regardless of how clean you keep them. One of the biggest determining factors of whether you see cockroaches has to do with the season. For residents of Mississippi, cockroach season typically consists of the spring and summer months.

However, that doesn’t mean that roaches can’t find their way into your home during the fall or winter. Some species struggle to survive during cold weather and often seek warm, damp shelter places, including basements, drains, and pipes.

The following guide will assist in understanding when cockroaches are most active and the different types you might encounter around your home or property. 

Do Cockroaches in Mississippi Prefer Warmer or Colder Months?

As mentioned above, cockroaches thrive in warm, damp locations. During the warmer months of spring and summer, these conditions happen naturally and allow the Mississippi cockroach population to increase. Likewise, you’ll notice that the presence of these bugs becomes less as temperatures drop. 

However, the mild winters in Mississippi mean cockroaches could penetrate your home anytime throughout the year. 

Are Cockroaches Dangerous to People?

Some insects, like mosquitoes or bees, have stingers that can harm people. However, cockroaches cannot bite or sting, meaning they are not as dangerous to people. Although, cockroaches do pose another type of threat to humans in the form of diseases and illnesses. 

Mississippi cockroaches have been known to spread various diseases, such as E. coli and Salmonella. Some roaches can even cause those with asthma or allergies to experience flair-ups in their illnesses. 

What Types of Cockroaches Live in Mississippi?

Some cockroaches that inhabit Mississippi thrive around houses, while others prefer to stay outside where they can consistently find moisture. Below is a closer look at some of the most common cockroach species you may encounter throughout the state. 

German Cockroach

If you notice a cockroach in your home, it’s likely the German cockroach. This species is known for making its home in buildings with access to food sources such as sugars, starches, plants, and fatty meat. Since German cockroaches tend to be the ultimate scavengers, they often invade houses, restaurants, hotels, and even hospitals, looking for their next meal. 

German Cockroach

The German cockroach can also go by the name Palmetto bug or wood roach.

American Cockroach

Another common roach in Mississippi is the American Cockroach. This species is by far the largest of any of the insects on the list and the quickest. Like other cockroaches, the American cockroach enjoys moist, warm locations, making any building ideal for them to live in. 

American cockroach on wood


American cockroach

is one of the quickest and largest cockroach species in the state.

Oriental Cockroach

Unlike American or German cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches can thrive outside or inside homes. They enjoy foraging under decaying leaves, mulch, or rotting logs. However, they can venture inside when temperatures start to drop. 

Since Oriental cockroaches are flightless and poor climbers, most prefer to inhabit drains or basements that have water leaks. As a result, a strong, musty smell usually accompanies the presence of these roaches.

Black Cockroach - Oriental Cockroach

Oriental cockroaches excrete a strong, musty smell that is easily identifiable.

Brown-Banded Cockroach

Out of all the cockroach species in Mississippi, the Brown-Banded cockroach is the smallest. Along with its size, this roach species doesn’t require much moisture like others. Since the Brown-Banded cockroach is more durable, it often makes its home in appliances or cabinets. However, with their aversion to light, it’s rare to see these insects during the daytime. 

๋Juvenile brown banded cockroach isolated on white floor.

Brown-Banded cockroaches are the smallest species in Mississippi.

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach

The Pennsylvania Wood cockroach is one of the least likely cockroaches to make your home its new habitat. The preferred habitat of this roach is in forest areas where there are a lot of branches and fallen logs for them to scurry under. However, if one does find its way into your house, it should quickly move out in search of a moist place outside. 

Pennsylvania Wood cockroach is light, yellowish brown in colour with pale colouration along the wing margin.

Pennsylvania Wood cockroaches thrive in wooded areas and love to hide under fallen logs.

Australian Cockroach

Another cockroach that prefers the outdoors over a dwelling is the Australian cockroach. This flying roach isn’t suited to live in dry conditions, so they’ll rarely venture into homes and prefer to live around the property of buildings. When the weather turns cold, the Australian cockroach will choose to stay near a water source and may venture inside to escape frigid temperatures.

Australian Cockroach Nymph of the species Periplaneta australasiae

Australian cockroaches prefer to live outside instead of in houses.

Surinam Cockroach

Despite what many people think, some cockroaches prefer to live in the soil instead of in homes or under logs. The Surinam cockroach fits this description as it tends to burrow in the loose topsoil of gardens. Unfortunately, since these roaches spend a lot of time in the ground, they can negatively impact the growth of plants, flowers, and produce.

Greenhouse or Surinam cockroach (Pycnoscelus surinamensis)

Surinam cockroaches are often found near garbage cans or sewers and usually live in loose soil.

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