Discover The 3 Types of Dachshund Dogs

Dachshund With Blue Eyes
Michael E Hall/

Written by Kristin Hitchcock

Published: August 7, 2024

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Technically, all dachshunds are the same breed. However, they do come in three different coat types. Some also recognize two different sizes, though. Different breed registries have varying classifications.

The major differences are between the American Kennel Club (AKC) and United Kennel Club (UKC) classifications. We’ll look at the different types of dachshunds below, including differing classifications.

Dachshund Sizes

Two dachshunds sitting on rug

The American Kennel Club only recognizes standard dachshunds, which they consider between the sizes of 16 and 32 pounds.

Dachshunds are pretty small, but they can vary in size quite a bit. Different clubs have different classifications; some don’t have any classifications!

UKC Dachshund Classifications

The UKC recognizes two different sizes, though they have nearly identical sizing ranges.

The “upper” weight range of a dachshund at 25 pounds. Then, dachshunds 11 pounds or less are considered miniature. The ideal weight of a miniature dachshund is 10 pounds.

AKC Dachshund Classifications

The AKC doesn’t distinguish between different sizes. They only recognize standard dachshunds, which they consider between the sizes of 16 and 32 pounds. Other dachshunds are outside of this breed standard and cannot compete.

Federation Cynologique Dachshund Classification

The French kennel club also puts dachshunds into two different sizes, similar to the UKC. Standard dachshunds are between 16 to 32 pounds, and miniature dachshunds are 11 pounds or less.

However, they further divide miniature dachshunds into two groups: the dwarf dachshund and the rabbit dachshund. Rabbit dachshunds are the smaller of the two at less than 7.7 pounds.

Other Classifications

Within the breeder community, there are other terms used to describe dachshund sizes, too. Among these breeders, dogs between 11 and 16 pounds are often called “tweenies.”

Miniature dogs are often those below 11 pounds, and standard dogs are those above 16 pounds.

Exactly what counts as a dachshund varies, and where different groups draw the line varies. There isn’t a widely acceptable size for dachshunds throughout the world, and many kennel clubs recognize dachshunds far smaller than those in America, even if they put them into a different category.

dachshunds between 11 and 16 pounds are often called "tweenies"

Within the breeder community, dachshunds between 11 and 16 pounds are often called “tweenies.”

Dachshund Coats

On top of differing sizes, dachshunds have different types of coats, too. Luckily, the exact distinctions between these dogs aren’t as vague as sizing.

These dachshunds fall into three categories: smooth-haired, wire-haired, and long-haired.

Smooth-Haired Dachshund

Most dachshunds in America have smooth coats. These dogs are commonly called “short-haired” dachshunds because that’s exactly what they are. Because their coats are short, they require very little grooming.

If you imagine a dachshund, this type is probably what you’re thinking of.

These dogs don’t shed much and have pretty easy maintenance requirements.

Most dachshunds in America have smooth coats

Most dachshunds in America have smooth coats.

Wire-Haired Dachshunds

These dachshunds are somewhere between smooth-haired and long-haired. Their fur is medium-length and somewhat rough to the touch. They have the famous “mustache” that makes them look a bit like an old man.

From the distance, they may look a bit like a smooth-haired dachshund. However, their mustache and longer eyebrows set them apart. Often, their owners get them trimmed every few months to keep them looking well-groomed, but this isn’t strictly necessary.

These dogs remind me of Scotties in the face. However, they act just like any other dachshund; their coat doesn’t change their temperament.

Wire-haired miniature dachshund puppy.

Wire-haired dachshunds have a medium-length coat that is somewhat rough to the touch.

Long-Haired Dachshund

As the name suggests, these dachshunds have longer hair than the other two. Their hair isn’t extremely long like a shih tzu or other toy breeds. However, it is silky and flowy, unlike other dachshunds.

Their hair is most noticeably long on their tails, neck, legs, belly, and ears.

Because their fur is longer, they require more frequent brushing and grooming. They don’t need to be trimmed, but you must brush them regularly to prevent matting.

Long-haired dachshund

Long-haired dachshunds require more frequent brushing and grooming.

Summary of 3 Types of Dachshund Dog

Here’s a recap of 3 different kinds of dachshund dogs. Aren’t they adorable?

The 3 Types of Dachshund Dogs

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About the Author

Kristin Hitchcock

Kristin is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering dogs, cats, fish, and other pets. She has been an animal writer for seven years, writing for top publications on everything from chinchilla cancer to the rise of designer dogs. She currently lives in Tennessee with her cat, dogs, and two children. When she isn't writing about pets, she enjoys hiking and crocheting.

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