Katarina Betterton
Author for A-Z Animals

Katarina is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is on dogs, travel, and unique aspects about towns, cities, and countries in the world. Katarina has been writing professionally for eight years. She secured two Bachelors degrees — in PR and Advertising — in 2017 from Rowan University and is currently working toward a Master's degree in creative writing. Katarina also volunteers for her local animal shelter and plans vacations across the globe for her friend group.

A resident of Ohio, Katarina enjoys writing fiction novels, gardening, and working to train her three dogs to speak using "talk" buttons.

Where Do Sandhill Cranes Nest? Picture

Did you know that even National Geographic has called the migration of sandhill cranes one of “North America’s greatest wildlife phenomena?” Sandhill cranes remain gorgeous, gentle creatures who carve out… Read More

By Katarina Betterton 12 months ago