12 Cutest Types of Dog Breeds

Close-up of three Samoyed puppies sitting in a suitcase against blurred blue background looking at the camera
© Nadezhda V. Kulagina/Shutterstock.com

Written by Chanel Coetzee

Updated: July 4, 2023

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Finding the cutest canine can be a tough task, as there are so many adorable dog breeds around the world. In addition, it all depends on the person’s preference; for example, do they like small dogs or big dogs? Are they drawn to long-haired pooches, or do they prefer pups with shorter coats? And besides their adorable physical appearance, do these breeds have good personalities? To find out more about the 12 cutest types of dog breeds, and which one would be the perfect companion for you, continue reading.

All dogs are cute, but this is a list of the 12 cutest breeds!

1. Old English Sheepdog

The Old English sheepdog is a silly breed with incredible wits and is just plain adorable. However, they can be stubborn and independent, making it challenging to train them. In addition, they sometimes take pleasure from their owner’s dismay at their inappropriate behavior. Therefore, this is not the best breed for first-time dog owners. Instead, they need a strong and disciplined hand.

These dogs aren’t known for their guarding abilities but can be protective. They are active dogs and need a fair amount of exercise. If they do not get enough physical and mental stimulation, they can act out by chewing, digging, or barking.

Old English sheepdogs can be aggressive towards other dogs and pets, especially males, so they need early socialization and training.

These dogs pick up weight easily, which usually goes unnoticed because of their fluffy coats, so they always need to be on a strict diet. In addition, they require a lot of maintenance and grooming.

Old English sheepdogs need frequent baths, daily grooming, and coat treatments to keep their fur shiny and healthy. As Old English sheepdogs were bred for herding, they do best on farms or ranches where they can work.

An adorable Old English sheepdog

Old English sheepdogs were bred for herding livestock and are incredibly intelligent.

©Svetlana Valoueva/Shutterstock.com

2. English Cocker Spaniel

English cocker spaniels can rival cats in their bird-catching abilities, which is why they were used as hunting dogs. However, this cute dog breed also makes fantastic companions. They are loyal, upbeat, sensitive, and playful, resulting in excellent family pets.

While these pouty-eyed canines make good watchdogs, they are not the best protectors due to their friendly nature. These dogs were originally bred to hunt, search, flush, and retrieve upland game birds, and this instinct is so strong it never leaves them. So, expect lots of “presents” if you own an English cocker spaniel.

This breed has a lot of energy; walking them once a day won’t cut it. So instead, they need a large fenced-in backyard for play and plenty of daily exercise. They also have a lot of grooming needs. For example, they need to be brushed two to three times a week, and their coats must be clipped every few months, especially around the ears, face, and tail. Additionally, their ears can be problematic if they remain moist on the inside, causing infections. In addition, the English cocker spaniels’ long ears hang in their food, so owners need to tie them back with a head stocking known as a snood.

The cutest English cocker spaniel

English cocker spaniels’ are balls of energy and need a lot of exercise to stay healthy and happy.


3. Dachshund

Dachshunds might be small, but they have the courage of a lion. Therefore, their feisty nature can make them aggressive toward other dogs and strangers. However, this trait also makes them fantastic watchdogs and loyal companions, albeit the reason they are challenging to train.

Owners of this spirited breed say there are differences in personality among the various types of dachshund. For example, the smooth-coat variety is more exuberant than the long-coat dachshund. In addition, the wire coat tends to be sillier and more outgoing.

These cute dogs were initially bred as badger hunters, using their slender bodies to dive into burrows to catch their prey, so they like to dig. In addition, they are known for barking and can be very destructive if bored or lonely.

Their slender bodies are prone to disk problems, and these sausage-like dogs shouldn’t be kept in a home with lots of stairs. Furthermore, jumping on and off furniture can harm their backs, so either build a step-stool or don’t let them on the couch or bed.

While the smooth-coat type doesn’t require much grooming, they only need the occasional brush or rubdown, long-haired dachshunds need daily brushing. However, the wire-coat dachshund requires minimal clipping if they are stripped two to three times a year. But, the breed as a whole is considered average shedders.

5 dachshund puppies on a log

Due to selective breeding, today’s dachshunds have shorter legs than their ancestors did.

©Shedara Weinsberg/Shutterstock.com

4. English Bulldog

The English bulldog has a personality to match its sweet face. They are one of the cutest types of dog breeds in the world, and their gentle, dependable, and predictable nature make them great companions for the entire family. In addition, these lovable dogs crave human attention and will seek it out.

Sadly, English bulldogs were bred for bullbaiting, but now they use that instinct to protect their families and make fantastic watchdogs. In addition, they get along well with other pets if socialized from a young age. However, they can be aggressive if they are not exposed to other dogs.

These adorable dogs do well in apartments as they only require moderate exercise, so two short walks a day will suffice. However, English bulldogs don’t do well in hot climates because they are a brachycephalic breed, meaning they have shortened skull bones giving their face a pushed-in appearance. This condition makes it easy for them to overheat and causes difficulty breathing in hot temperatures.

As English bulldogs have short coats, they don’t require a lot of grooming. However, a good brush once a week keeps the shedding at bay. But, owners need to wipe their facial folds regularly to prevent debris and dirt from building up and causing infections.


English bulldogs are a great breed for apartment living because they don’t require a lot of exercise.

©Eric Isselee/Shutterstock.com

5. French Bulldog

The French bulldog is an in-demand breed because of its even-tempered nature and adorable appearance. However, they need a lot of attention, and if they don’t get it, they can act out in destructive ways like chewing or digging. These dogs are best suited to a single-person home because they do not like to share attention with anyone, human or animal.

The French bulldog does well in any housing, city, rural, or the suburbs, but they do not need a lot of exercise and aren’t meant to be jogging partners because they are a brachycephalic breed.

Grooming is easy due to their short coats, but just like the  English bulldog, they need their facial folds cleaned regularly.

french bulldog

French bulldogs can’t swim because of their round heads and squat frames.

©Mary Swift/Shutterstock.com

6. Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are silly, fun-loving dogs with a stubborn streak, making them challenging to train. Therefore, they need a firm, but gentle hand when it comes to training. In addition, because they were bred as sledding dogs, huskies love to run and require a lot of space to burn off all their energy.

These wacky pooches are incredibly friendly but don’t make good watchdogs, as they will likely welcome strangers into the home. However, this trait makes them great with children.

Siberian Huskies are social animals and thrive around other dogs, especially when raised together. However, their prey drive is really high, and they might have difficulty getting along with other pets like cats.

In addition, these lovable fluff balls may dig, particularly in the summer to keep themselves cool. But luckily, they are not barkers; instead, they prefer to howl.

These dogs should always stick to a strict diet as they are prone to obesity if overfed or when they don’t receive enough exercise.

Siberian Huskies need a lot of attention, as they love human companionship, but they may start to dig or chew if they are understimulated. Therefore, they need a home where someone is usually around to give them love.

Their long coats need weekly grooming, but to avoid hair on everything during shedding season, brush them at least 3 times a week.

Siberian Husky lying husky in leaves

Siberian Huskies are escape artists, and should never walk off-lead.

©Sergey Bessudov/Shutterstock.com

7. Pomeranian

Pomeranians are friendly, cheeky, and energetic little dogs. This adorable breed is often shaved to look like a tiny bear. It is too cute for words! They are oblivious to their small size and will challenge any opponent, no matter the breed. These feisty pups need short walks daily; afterward, they will be happy to curl up in your lap.

The pomeranian is intelligent, and the breed excels in obedience competitions despite its tiny independent streak. In addition, they are excellent watchdogs, but your neighbors might dislike them because they are typically excessive barkers.

While Pomeranians are great companions, they are not the best dog for younger children. They may snap if the kids are too rough or try to pick them up the wrong way. But they are fantastic pets for older children who know how to handle their tiny bodies.

These fluffy pups can be picky eaters and are not prone to obesity due to their energetic nature. In addition, their double coats need regular brushing at least twice a week. However, during shedding season, they require daily grooming.

Pomeranians enjoy training and are very intelligent dogs; they love learning new tricks and performing for their owners.

Pomeranian dog

Pomeranians don’t typically get sick, thanks to their impeccable breeding.


8. German Shepherd

German shepherds make this list because of their adorable large ears and expressive eyes, but their personalities rank them amongst some of the cutest dogs on the planet.

This breed is good with children and other pets, but they are natural protectors and may be wary of strangers. In addition, these dogs are used in emergency services because they are intelligent and easy to train.

German shepherd puppies require training and socialization immediately to prevent guarding and aggressive behavior. In addition, they need a lot of time around people, not confined to the backyard all alone.

These endearing dogs need a lot of exercise, and without daily walks and toys, they can become mischievous or high-strung. In addition, German shepherds are shedders and need constant grooming to keep their fur under control.

German Shepherd puppy in the snow

German Shepherds can run as fast as 30 MPH.


9. Samoyed

Samoyeds are an ancient breed of dog bred by the nomadic tribes in Siberia to protect and herd reindeer. In addition, they doubled sled pullers. But now, they make incredible canine companions because of their friendly and affectionate nature.

The Samoyed is intelligent and notorious for being easy to train. However, they have a touch of independence. But, mostly, they thrive on human companionship.

These dogs need a lot of attention, and if left on their own for long periods of time, they can become nuisance barkers. Furthermore, because of their long, thick fur coats, they like to dig big holes in the sand to cool off.

While Samoyeds are friendly, their herding instincts make them prone to chasing and nipping, so they aren’t the best breed for young children. In addition, they require early socialization to get along with other pets.

This breed has a lot of energy to burn, so exercise is vital. A great way to keep Samoyeds entertained is by enrolling them in herding, agility, weight pulls, or sledding classes and letting them compete.

These fluffy dogs might sound the alarm when a stranger is near, but they won’t protect you. Instead, they will likely run up to the intruder with their tails wagging.

Samoyed puppy chewing on toy

This soft dog breed, the Samoyed, is a big-time snuggler.

©iStock.com/Roman Bjuty

10. Tibetan Mastiff

As puppies, Tibetan mastiffs are adorable balls of fluff, but they soon grow into massive, determined, and strong dogs that resemble lions or even bears. These gigantic dogs were bred to guard monasteries, defend herds, and protect palaces in the Himalayas.

Tibetan mastiffs have endured years of selective breeding, eradicating some of their original features and introducing new colors and larger bodies.

This breed is willful and intelligent, and while they are easy to train, they have to be in the right mood. Therefore they are not the best dog for first-time owners. Tibetan mastiffs need someone with dog-training experience and a lot of patience.

While aloof, these dogs take their guarding responsibilities very seriously, so strangers beware! In addition, they are not very affectionate animals and shy away from excessive attention. They get along well with kids and other pets, but having another large dog breed is best to keep them company.

However, their large size might make them hazardous to younger children. For example, they could accidentally knock them over when running past.

Two Tibetan Mastiff on the grass

Tibetan mastiffs are fiercely protective of their families, they will sleep during the day to patrol at night.

©Olga Aniven/Shutterstock.com

11. Bloodhound

Bloodhounds are the perfect breed for families with children because of their patient, gentle, and mild-mannered nature. They have no problem with excited kids climbing all over them, and they get along well with other pets.

However, they also have a lot of determination and are quite independent. These noble dogs are tough to train because they are willful and want to make their own decisions. This is especially true when they pick up a scent they want to follow, so it’s best to keep them on a leash if you are in an urban area.

Bloodhounds take a long time to fully mature, and while they are in their puppy phase, they can be clumsy, boisterous, and curious. Unfortunately, this mischievous behavior leads to chewing everything from TV remotes to car seats. Therefore, they are best suited to experienced and patient owners.

And if drool freaks you out, stay far away from this breed. A quick turn of their heads can hurl saliva as far as twenty feet!

Bloodhounds are extremely energetic, so they need an active family that will provide them with a lot of exercise. Alternatively, you can use them as working dogs if you have the patience to train them!

bloodhound isolated on a white background

Bloodhounds are only fully mature at the age of two.

©Kuznetsov Alexey/Shutterstock.com

12. Dalmatian

Dalmations have a lot of energy and love to play. They are a sensitive breed but also incredibly loyal. Unfortunately, Dalmatians are not the best breed for small children. Firstly, they are way too active, and secondly, they can get jealous of the kids getting attention.

This spotty breed is highly intelligent, and they make fantastic watchdogs. They can be naughty but are easy to train and eager to please.

These dogs aren’t very friendly towards strangers and can be dog aggressive, so it’s best to socialize them from pups.

Dalmatians are extremely destructive if left alone for too long, as they thrive on human companionship. In addition, if they do not get the attention they need, they can become depressed.

In addition, Dalmatians are not suited to apartment living. Instead, they thrive in homes with big yards and need a ton of exercise to stay mentally and physically fit.

Three Dalmations sitting in a row

Dalmatians aren’t born with spots; they develop spots as they grow older.

©Dalmatiner24.eu – Public Domain

Summary of the 12 Cutest Types of Dog Breeds

RankDog Breed
1Old English Sheepdog
2English Cocker Spaniel
4English Bulldog
5French Bulldog
6Siberian Husky
8German Shepherd
10Tibetan Mastiff

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What's the right dog for you?

Dogs are our best friends but which breed is your perfect match?


If you have kids or existing dogs select:

Other Dogs

Should they be Hypoallergenic?

How important is health?
Which dog groups do you like?
How much exercise should your dog require?
What climate?
How much seperation anxiety?
How much yappiness/barking?

How much energy should they have?

The lower energy the better.
I want a cuddle buddy!
About average energy.
I want a dog that I have to chase after constantly!
All energy levels are great -- I just love dogs!
How much should they shed?
How trainable/obedient does the dog need to be?
How intelligent does the dog need to be?
How much chewing will allow?

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About the Author

Chanel Coetzee is a writer at A-Z Animals, primarily focusing on big cats, dogs, and travel. Chanel has been writing and researching about animals for over 10 years. She has also worked closely with big cats like lions, cheetahs, leopards, and tigers at a rescue and rehabilitation center in South Africa since 2009. As a resident of Cape Town, South Africa, Chanel enjoys beach walks with her Stafford bull terrier and traveling off the beaten path.

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