A Huge Male Lion Tears Into a Carcass as Hungry Jackals Circle the King in Hopes of Scraps

jackal laughing
© SHASHIKANT TRIVEDI/Shutterstock.com

Written by Sharon Parry

Updated: October 20, 2023

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Filmed in the Masai Mara area of Africa, this clip begins with a large, male lion feasting on what looks like a hippo carcass. He is allowing several jackals to gather in the vicinity because he does not perceive them as a threat. Having said that, the jackals are wary and whenever the lion makes a move, they scurry away from the carcass. When he is looking the other way, they try to creep in for a sneaky bite. However, they are always on alert in case he takes a swipe at them!

Watch the Fascinating Clip Below

What Exactly Are Jackals?

The common jackal, otherwise called the golden jackal (Canis aureus), is a medium-sized member of the canis genus. There are two other types of jackals: the black-backed jackal and the side-striped jackal.

They are about 16 inches tall to the shoulder and weigh anything between 11 and 26 pounds. These animals have a reputation for being fast runners and can reach 40 mph. They live in groups of between 10 and 30 individuals and these are called packs or tribes.

Jackals are a native species of Africa and some European countries. The common jackal lives in savannas and deserts.

A golden jackal.

Golden jackals are omnivores and scavengers.

©Vladimir Kogan Michael/Shutterstock.com

What Do Jackals Normally Eat?

These guys are omnivores and eat a mixture of plants and other animals. This means that you can find them feasting on berries and fruits. However, you will also see them catching birds, rabbits, frogs, and snakes. Some will even be able to catch small antelopes.

As you can see in this clip, they are also scavengers. This means that they will eat the leftover carcasses that have been killed by another animal. Taking over a carcass from a lion is quite a challenge! They will wait until the lion has had his fill before they move in.

Which Animals Kill Jackals?

Jackals do not have many enemies, but there are a few species that will kill them. Amongst these are eagles, hyenas, and leopards. Having said that, these predators would normally capture younger and smaller individuals rather than a fully grown adult.

A lion would certainly be capable of killing a jackal because it is a lot larger and more powerful. However, most of the time a lion would not bother to do this. This is because they get more suitable nutrition from eating an herbivore carcass. When jackals come across a carcass first, lions have been known to turn up and take it off them!

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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