Watch This Ambitious Crocodile Bully a Lion Pride and Steal Their Lunch

Written by Hannah Crawford
Updated: November 13, 2023
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Not all animals eat what they work for. Many of them are known to steal. While we might assume that hyenas are major thieves of the African wilderness, that’s not true at all. Other animals are efficient looters. As we can see in the video below, shows a crocodile stealing a huge meal from an entire pride of lions. 

Check Out the Video Below!

Crocodile vs. Lions

At the start of the video posted above, we see a crocodile enjoying a meal. Only this meal isn’t the croc’s to enjoy. A lion pride took the time to hunt, chase, and kill this prey. As the YouTube description of the video reads: “A lion pride made a kill nearby a waterhole and the commotion attracted a large crocodile to the scene. The crocodile easily took over the kill as the pride scattered away.” 

The smell of fresh blood was a little too much for the crocodile, which emerged from the river to eat the kill it did not work for. Off in the distance, we see a lion angrily looking on as the crocodile is eating their meal. Then we see the whole lion pride collectively looking in on this predator in shock as it is eating its food. The video editors add, “Crocodiles can weigh up to a ton and will be a formidable opponent to any predator.” This means that this lion pride knew better than to try to rush in and fight this crocodile for stealing what is rightfully theirs. 

A second segment in the YouTube video above takes us to Kruger National Park, located in Southern Africa, featuring a lion and two giraffes. This video was shared by the Maasai Sightings YouTube page. This channel regularly shares footage from tourists and tour guides while on their tours in Africa.

What Do Nile Crocodiles Eat?

A Nile Crocodile, the bigger predator of the Nile River.

Nile crocodiles’ diet includes fish, hippos, zebras, birds, and other crocodiles. 


The Nile crocodile (​Crocodylus niloticus) of the family Crocodylidae is centrally in Africa. These large reptiles can weigh upwards of 1,600 pounds and can reach 20 feet in length. As carnivores, they will eat things such as fish, hippos, zebras, birds, and yes, even other crocodiles. 

The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Library goes even further to say that the Nile crocodile will kill and eat almost anything that moves. No wonder this pride of lions knew to stay as far away as possible. 

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Mari Swanepoel/

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About the Author

Hannah Crawford is a writer at A-Z Animals where she focuses on reptiles, mammals, and locations in Africa. Hannah has been researching and writing about animals and various countries for over eight years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication\Performance Studies from Pensacola Christian College, which she earned in 2015. Hannah is a resident in Florida, and enjoys theatre, poetry, and growing her fish tank.

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