Dachshund vs Doxin: Is There a Difference?

Dapple Dachshund isolated on white background.
Utekhina Anna/Shutterstock.com

Written by August Croft

Published: August 20, 2024

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You may have heard of two different names for a very particular dog breed: Dachshund vs Doxin. But is there truly a difference between these two dog breeds, and do the names signify anything in particular? Knowing how lovable and adorable Dachshunds are, how adorable are Doxins too!?

In this article, we will endeavor to explain the differences between Dachshunds and Doxins. You may find that these two names may have more in common than you originally thought! Let’s get started and learn all about the notorious weiner dog now!

Comparing Dachshund vs Doxin

dachshund vs doxin
There are no differences between Dachshunds and Doxins.
Origin of NameGermany, 15th CenturyModern in origin
AppearanceElongated body with short, capable legs for digging and slender tail; long snout and floppy earsSame as Dachshund
Originally Bred ForHunting badgers and other rodents or gameSame as Dachshund
BehaviorStubborn and capable hunting dog. The perfect blend of terrier and hound; can smell and dig with the best of them! Now a capable lap dog with a mischievous streakSame as Dachshund
Other NamesDachs, Dashie, Weiner Dog, Sausage DogDoxy, Doxen, Daxen, Doxie, Dotson

Key Differences Between Dachshund vs Doxin

Dachshund vs doxin

They are both names that describe the purebred Dachshund dog, but the name Doxin likely came about as an alternative spelling to the original German name.

There are no differences between Dachshunds and Doxins. They are both names that describe the purebred Dachshund dog, but the name Doxin likely came about as an alternative spelling to the original German name. There are a great deal of other names that the Dachshund is called as well, and we will address these in this article.

Let’s talk all about the origin of the Dachshund name and how it has changed over the years!

Dachshund vs Doxin: Origin of Name

Dachshund vs doxin

The purebred dog name for these adorable sausage dogs is indeed Dachshund, while Doxin is a more modern abbreviation or alternative spelling of the original name.

While it isn’t quite clear where the origin of the name Doxin came from, the name Dachshund came from Germany in the 15th century. The purebred dog name for these adorable sausage dogs is indeed Dachshund, while Doxin is a more modern abbreviation or alternative spelling of the original name. However, it is totally unclear where exactly the name came from!

Dachshund vs Doxin: Appearance

Dachshund vs doxin

While it isn’t quite clear where the origin of the name Doxin came from, the name Dachshund came from Germany in the 15th century.

The appearance of a Dachshund versus a Doxin are identical, given that they are the same dog. However, Dachshunds are notoriously short legged and long-bodied, making them adorable as well as capable. Given the fact that they were originally bred to hunt badgers, these dogs are designed for digging and traveling through burrows and tunnels underground. 

Dachshunds are built with a large barrel chest and lungs, which makes it easier for them to get oxygen when digging underground. They are also equipped with floppy ears to keep dirt and debris out of their ear canals. Finally, Dachshunds have long and capable snouts, ideal for tracking a variety of scents. 

Dachshund vs Doxin: Original Reason for Breeding

Dachshund vs doxin

The appearance of a Dachshund versus a Doxin are identical, given that they are the same dog.

The original reason that Dachshunds were created and bred was for hunting. The name “dachs” means badger, and “hund” means dog- so their name quite literally translates to badger dog! Given the large and powerful front feet on the relatively small body of the Dachshund, you can imagine that these dogs are built for digging and hunting a variety of mammals and rodents that live underground. 

Dachshund vs Doxin: Behavior

dachshund vs doxin

There are a great deal of other names that the Dachshund is called besides Doxin.

Dachshunds are delightful little dogs, but they are often misunderstood because of their small size. Many dog owners misunderstand wiener dogs as lap dogs or calm and relatively carefree toy breeds. However, Dachshunds are notoriously stubborn and mischievous, often biting off more than they can chew in more ways than one. 

They are fierce and loyal companions, albeit a bit noisy and difficult to train at times. However, with positive reinforcement and proper training, Dachshunds are reliable and hilarious members of your family. 

Dachshund vs Doxin: Other Dachshund Names!

dachshund vs doxin

There’s no mistaking a wiener dog or Dachshund when you see one walk by, and you may want to take to calling them Doxins!

If you thought two names for the same dog was confusing enough, there are a great deal of other names that dachshunds are known by. Some of those names include:

  • Dachs 
  • Dashie 
  • Weiner Dog
  • Sausage Dog 
  • Doxy 
  • Doxen 
  • Daxen 
  • Doxie 
  • Dotson

As you can no doubt tell, it is likely due to the fact that very few people know how to spell Dachshund that we have so many alternative names for one dog. However, there’s no mistaking a wiener dog or Dachshund when you see one walk by, and you may want to take to calling them Doxins!

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About the Author

August Croft

August Croft is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on astrology, symbolism, and gardening. August has been writing a variety of content for over 4 years and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theater from Southern Oregon University, which they earned in 2014. They are currently working toward a professional certification in astrology and chart reading. A resident of Oregon, August enjoys playwriting, craft beer, and cooking seasonal recipes for their friends and high school sweetheart.

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