Discover 12 Dog Breeds That Look Like Teddy Bears

Samoyed puppy chewing on toy Bjuty

Written by Chanel Coetzee

Published: August 14, 2024

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Are you looking for the most fluffy, snuggly, and adorably cute companion? There are many dog breeds that look like teddy bears. In fact, many dogs are bred specifically for the purpose of being snuggle companions. Their puffy coats and animated eyes are enough to convince anyone to buy one.

So, get ready to say aw, because below are 14 of the cutest breeds that look like teddy bears.

1. Chow Chow

This notorious breed from ancient China sports a thick mane, which makes them look like adorable, fluffy teddy bears. Furthermore, under all that thick fur, they have a deep chest and muscular. Chow chows are usually wary of strangers and can be aloof. While they require a lot of grooming to keep their coats smooth and healthy, they are particularly clean dogs. They are medium to large-sized dogs, weighing between 45 to 70 pounds and measuring 17 to 20 inches tall.

Chow-chow dog

Chow chows are usually wary of strangers and can be aloof.

2. Akita

Akitas are the largest Japanese spitz breeds. This breed looks like a teddy bear due to its rounded ears and thick coat. These dogs are challenging to train as they are temperamental and often called the “silent hunter.” Akitas have a lot of energy and require active owners who will provide them with vigorous daily exercise. In addition, they are fiercely loyal and make excellent guard and hunting dogs. Akitas are large dogs, weighing between 70 to 130 pounds and growing 24 to 28 inches tall.

American Akita outside with tongue out

Akitas have a lot of energy and require active owners who will provide them with vigorous daily exercise.

3. Samoyed

Samoyeds originated in the Siberian area of Russia and are members of the Spitz family. Like the Siberian Husky, Samoyeds were bred to pull sleds in snowy regions. However, they are playful and affectionate family companions today. Samoyeds resemble teddy bears with their thick white coats and fluffy bodies. They are medium to large-sized dogs weighing 35 to 65 pounds and measuring 19 to 24 inches tall.

Close-up of three Samoyed puppies sitting in a suitcase against blurred blue background looking at the camera

Samoyeds resemble

polar bears

with their thick white coats and fluffy bodies.

4. Keeshond

Keeshonde originated in the Netherlands, and in the 18th century, they became a mascot of the Dutch Patriots Party as the breed fulfilled the role of companion and guard dog of early Dutch ships. This breed looks like a teddy bear due to its adorable fluffy face and rounded ears. Keeshonde are intelligent and energetic. Furthermore, they are easy to train and fantastic with children. They are medium-sized dogs weighing 35 to 45 pounds and growing 17 to 18 inches tall, but they look much bigger thanks to their thick coats.

 This breed looks like a teddy bear due to its adorable fluffy face and rounded ears.

Keeshond looks like a teddy bear due to its adorable fluffy face and rounded ears.

5. Newfoundland

Newfoundlands might look intimidating due to their large size, but they are gentle, trainable, and patient. These massive dogs were originally bred in Canada as working dogs for fishermen. However, they soon developed the nickname “nanny dogs” because they are so good with children. They watch over them and protect them. Newfoundlands have gigantic heads with short snouts. While they might be big, they resemble teddy bears due to their thick coat. Newfoundlands weigh 100 to 150 pounds and grow 26 to 28 inches tall.

Newfoundlands might look intimidating due to their large size, but they are gentle, trainable, and patient.

Newfoundlands might look intimidating due to their large size, but they are gentle, trainable, and patient.

6. Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees derived its name from the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France. This breed looks like a teddy bear because of its thick, white coat and gentle face. These dogs were initially bred as herding dogs, and they defended livestock from predators like bears and wolves. The Great Pyrenees is intelligent, loyal, and protective, especially of children. These gentle giants weigh 85 to 100+ pounds and measure between 25 to 32 inches tall.

Portrait of a Great Pyrenees dog outdoors with colorful autumn leaves

This breed looks like a teddy bear because of its thick, white coat and gentle face.

Image: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

7. Caucasian Shepherd

The Caucasian shepherd derived its name from Eastern Europe’s Caucasus (Kavkaz) mountains. This massive dog is almost the same size as a small bear. Furthermore, their muscular build and thick coats add to the image, making them look like giant teddy bears. Caucasian shepherds are fearless dogs, and their bravery made them excellent guardians of homes and livestock. However, they are also loyal companions, loving and affectionate towards their owners. They weigh between 99 to 170 pounds and grow 23 to 30 inches tall.

Caucasian shepherd dog outdoor exterior portrait

. Caucasian shepherds are fearless dogs, and their bravery made them excellent guardians of homes and livestock.

Image: Julia Shepeleva, Shutterstock

8. Eurasier

This breed’s interesting name is a result of originating in both Europe and Asia. The Eurasier is a well-balanced, confident dog that enjoys spending time with its family. While they are not particularly big, they are muscular, with thick coats and especially thick fur on their heads, giving them the appearance of a teddy bear. These dogs are great with children but also make fantastic guard dogs. Eurasiers weigh 40 to 70 pounds and measure between 19 to 24 inches tall.

eurasier at the beach and in the park

The Eurasier is a well-balanced, confident dog that enjoys spending time with its family.

Image: rebeccaashworthearle, Shutterstock

9. Leonberger

Leonbergers are a German breed originally bred as companions for the elite and royalty. However, their massive size and strength made them perfect for pulling carts. They look like teddy bears because of their thick fur and huge size, but these dogs are serene and gentle by nature. Additionally, they are fantastic guard dogs. Leonbergers weigh between 90 to 170 pounds and grow 25 to 32 inches tall.

two Leonbergers laying in leaves

Leonbergers weigh between 90 to 170 pounds and grow 25 to 32 inches tall.

10. Pomeranian

There is no doubt that Pomeranians look like teddy bears. They are one of the fluffiest breeds around. Pomeranians have a history of being hard-working and loyal dogs. However, their immense amount of fur means grooming them can be a lot of work. They require frequent brushing to keep their fur tangle free, healthy, and soft. These adorable dogs can weigh between 4 to 7 pounds and grow 8 to 14 inches tall. However, their thick coats make them appear much larger. In addition, they are perfect for first-time owners as they are easy to train and extremely loyal. But, they are wary of strangers and need early socialization to integrate into busy homes.

Pomeranian puppy dog sitting in the park

Pomeranians have a history of being hard-working and loyal dogs. However, their immense amount of fur means grooming them can be a lot of work.

11. Bichon Frise

Many people compare the Bichon Frise to a cotton ball thanks to their white, fluffy, curled double coat. However, their fur grows quickly and doesn’t shed. Therefore, they need extensive grooming as they are prone to matting. These dogs are gentle, friendly, and energetic, requiring regular exercise. Needless to say, Bichon Frise needs a lot of attention, so they are not the best dogs for people who work a lot or novice owners. They are small-sized dogs weighing 12 to 18 pounds and measuring 9 to 12 inches tall.

Bichon Frise puppy

Bichon Frise needs a lot of attention, so they are not the best dogs for people who work a lot or novice owners.

12. Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan mastiff has an immense double coat, and square muzzle, giving off the appearance of a large teddy bear. These dogs are incredibly independent and intelligent. As they were bred to be guardians, these dogs make fantastic guard dogs. However, they are not very affectionate. So if you are looking for a cuddly dog, the Tibetan mastiff is not for you. These massive dogs weigh well over 100 pounds and can measure 26 inches tall.

Most Expensive Dog Breeds: Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan mastiff has an immense double coat, and square muzzle, giving off the appearance of a large teddy bear.

Summary of 12 Dog Breeds That Look Like Teddy Bears

Discover 12 Dog Breeds That Look Like Teddy Bears
1.Chow ChowChina45 – 70 lbs/17 – 20″ tall
2.AkitaJapan70 – 130 lbs/24 – 28″ tall
3.SamoyedSiberia35 – 65 lbs/19 – 24″ tall
4.KeeshondeThe Netherlands35 – 45 lbs/17 – 18″ tall
5.NewfoundlandCanada100 – 150 lbs/26 – 28″ tall
6.Great PyreneesPyrenees Mountain (Spain/France)85 – 100+ lbs/25 to 32″ tall
7.Caucasian ShepherdCaucasus Mountains (Eastern Europe)99 – 170 lbs/23 – 30″ tall
8.EurasierEurope and Asia40 – 70 lbs/19 – 24″ tall
9.LeonbergerGermany90 – 170 lbs/25 – 32″ tall
10.PomeranianPoland and Germany4 – 7 lbs/8 – 14″ tall
11.Bichon FriseEurope12 – 18 lbs/9 – 12″ tall
12.Tibetan MastiffTibet100 lbs/26″ tall

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About the Author

Chanel Coetzee

Chanel Coetzee is a writer at A-Z Animals, primarily focusing on big cats, dogs, and travel. Chanel has been writing and researching about animals for over 10 years. She has also worked closely with big cats like lions, cheetahs, leopards, and tigers at a rescue and rehabilitation center in South Africa since 2009. As a resident of Cape Town, South Africa, Chanel enjoys beach walks with her Stafford bull terrier and traveling off the beaten path.

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