Rock Hyrax

Procavia capensis

Last updated: May 27, 2024
Verified Verified by: AZ Animals Staff
Yael & Amihay / Creative Commons / Original

Actually related to Elephants and <a href="">Manatees</a>!


Rock Hyrax Scientific Classification

Scientific Name
Procavia capensis

Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals.

Rock Hyrax Conservation Status

Rock Hyrax Locations

Rock Hyrax Locations

Rock Hyrax Facts

Grasses, Fruits, Lizards
Name Of Young
Group Behavior
  • Colony
Fun Fact
Actually related to Elephants and Manatees!
Estimated Population Size
Biggest Threat
Habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature
Rubbery soles of their feet
Other Name(s)
Rock Dassie, Rock Rabbit
Gestation Period
8 months
Dry savanna and rainforest
Leopards, Large Birds, Snakes
Average Litter Size
  • Diurnal
Common Name
Rock Hyrax
Number Of Species
eastern to southern Africa
Actually related to Elephants and Manatees!

Rock Hyrax Physical Characteristics

  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Tan
Skin Type
Top Speed
18 mph
5 - 12 years
3kg - 4kg (6.6lbs - 8.8lbs)
45cm - 55cm (17.7in - 21.6in)
Age of Sexual Maturity
16 - 17 months
Age of Weaning
4 months

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Classification and Evolution

The Rock Hyrax is a large species of Hyrax, most commonly found in Eastern Africa. They are also known as the Rock Dassie or the Rock Rabbit, due to their rodent-like appearance but despite this, they are thought to be most closely related to much larger animals including the Elephant and the Manatee. Although obviously much smaller than their distant ancestors, it is the teeth and bone structure of these animals that relates them to one another. The Rock Hyrax though, is such a unique mammal that it is classified in an order of its own, along with its subspecies known as the Yellow-Spotted Hyrax, and the two Tree Hyrax species, which although are very similar in appearance, spend most of their time in the trees rather than on the ground.

Anatomy and Appearance

Rock hyraxes are especially agile and skilled at climbing thanks to their unique soles

Rock hyraxes resemble large, tubby rodents, covered in medium-length fur which has a brindle pattern. Their key distinguishing features include large dark eyes, round ears, and a short narrow snout tipped by a prominent black nose. Their mouths also open to reveal the surprising presence of two sharp incisors reminiscent of fangs.

Rock hyraxes also have a special gland on their backs covered in dark fur which stands upright when they are startled or frightened. Their rubbery soles, with a dented center reminiscent of a suction pad make them excellent climbers capable of navigating treacherous ledges and rock surfaces with ease.

Distribution and Habitat

Rocky hyraxes are capable of living in a variety of habitats including arid regions, rain forest, and plains

Rock hyraxes’ range extends in a broad swathe from western to eastern Africa, an unevenly shaped ledge cupping the southern protuberance of the continent, pockets of northern Africa, and the Middle East. They do not occur in Madagascar or the Congo Basin.

As their names suggest, they prefer to shelter in rocks, since they are not burrowers by nature. They are pretty versatile in terms of their habitat and can be found in tropical rainforest, arid areas, and rolling grasslands. They can even be found in mountainous regions such Mount Kenya’s alpine zone,  and have been known to live at elevations of approximately 14,000 feet.

Behavior and Lifestyle

Rock hyraxes are sociable animals and live in large colonies consisting of a male, several, females, and their young

The Rock Hyrax is a very sociable animal, living together in colonies of up to 50 individuals. Rock Hyrax colonies are headed by a territorial male and consist of females and their young, with the male keeping watch for predators and protecting the group’s patch from other males looking to move in on their shelter. Rock Hyraxes make a variety of noises including whistles and shrieks to communicate both within the group and with other colonies in the area, with the male sounding the specific alarm call if a predator is spotted nearby. They spend the majority of their lives sunbathing on the rocks to warm up, before going off on short foraging trips, rarely far from the entrance to their home.

Reproduction and Life Cycles

Rock hyraxes develop pretty quickly and are able to run and leap a few hours after they are born

The male Rock Hyrax has the privilege of breeding with the females in his colony, which after a gestation period that can last for up to eight months, generally give birth to two or three young. The Rock Hyrax babies develop remarkably quickly, being able to run and jump just hours after birth and even starting to nibble on vegetation after 72 hours. They do however still suckle from their mother, feeding on her milk until they are a few months old. The young Rock Hyraxes often gather together in small nursery groups, possibly as a form of protection whilst their mothers are out foraging for food. The Rock Hyrax reaches an average age of seven years old in the wild but some have been known to live for up to 12 years in captivity.

Diet and Prey

Rock hyraxes often survey their surroundings while eating and listen closely for the lookout’s alarm

The Rock Hyrax is an omnivorous animal, feeding on nearly everything it can find close to the colony’s base. Rock Hyraxes feed on herbs, grasses, fruit, and leaves, along with Bird eggs, Insects, and small Lizards that are sleepily sunbathing on the nearby rocks. The Rock Hyrax is a very cautious feeder, stopping after every mouthful to quickly survey its surroundings and to keep an ear out for the male’s alarm call. When feeding as a family group, the Rock Hyrax has been observed facing outwards so that a watchful eye may be kept on the lookout whilst they are eating. They tend to eat quickly, with their foraging trips only lasting for short periods of time and they generally occur very close to their family base.

Predators and Threats

Caracals are just one of many species which prey on rocky hyraxes

The small size of the Rock Hyrax makes it popular prey for numerous predators that inhabit similar environments. Large felines such as Leopards, Servals, and Caracals are the primary predators of the Rock Hyrax along with Civets, large Birds, and Snakes like Pythons. On having spotted the approaching danger, the male Rock Hyrax sounds the alarm call to tell the other members of his group that a predator is close. The Rock Hyrax then runs to hide in the safety of the gaps between the rocks but will try to intimidate smaller predators by biting and snapping at them. Habitat loss mainly caused by deforestation, is one of the biggest threats to the Rock Hyrax, along with the hunting of them by Humans.

Interesting Facts and Features

Rock hyrax male showing its tusks, Serengeti, Tanzania. The hyrax is in profile, having left. Its mouth is open.

Hyraxes are capable of going for long periods without water

The Rock Hyrax lives in large colonies and although is not related to them, does exhibit some similar behaviors to the world’s larger rodents, as they are known to use latrines which are the sole areas that they use to go to the toilet, in order to keep the rest of their territory clean. The Rock Hyrax can go for long periods of time without drinking as they are thought to obtain most of the moisture that they need from their food. Fossil remains show that the Rock Hyrax could have once been much bigger in size, which may explain why they have such a long gestation period for an animal of their size.

Relationship with Humans

Although it poses no threat to people living in the same area, the Rock Hyrax has been hunted in the past, mainly for its thick and soft fur but also for its meat. One of the biggest threats to the Rock Hyrax today though is the loss of their natural habitats throughout much of their historical range, with growing Human settlements and the clearing of land, generally for agriculture. However, the areas that the Rock Hyraxes use as toilets are actually common places to find Humans, who are said to collect the deposits left by these animals, to use in traditional medicines.

Conservation Status and Life Today

Today, the Rock Hyrax has been listed by the IUCN as an animal that is of Least Concern of becoming extinct in the wild in the immediate future. The Rock Hyrax is still fairly widespread with high population numbers in certain areas. However, Rock Hyrax populations are under threat throughout much of eastern and southern Africa, mainly due to habitat loss.

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About the Author

Dana Mayor

I love good books and the occasional cartoon. I am also endlessly intrigued with the beauty of nature and find hummingbirds, puppies, and marine wildlife to be the most magical creatures of all.

Rock Hyrax FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Are Rock Hyraxes herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

Rock Hyraxes are Omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.

What Kingdom do Rock Hyraxes belong to?

Rock Hyraxes belong to the Kingdom Animalia.

What phylum to Rock Hyraxes belong to?

Rock Hyraxes belong to the phylum Chordata.

What family do Rock Hyraxes belong to?

Rock Hyraxes belong to the family Procaviidae.

What order do Rock Hyraxes belong to?

Rock Hyraxes belong to the order Hyracoidea.

What type of covering do Rock Hyraxes have?

Rock Hyraxes are covered in Fur.

What genus do Rock Hyraxes belong to?

Rock Hyraxes belong to the genus Procavia.

Where do Rock Hyraxes live?

Rock Hyraxes live in eastern to southern Africa.

In what type of habitat do Rock Hyraxes live?

Rock Hyraxes live in dry savannas and rainforests.

What are some predators of Rock Hyraxes?

Predators of Rock Hyraxes include leopards, large birds, and snakes.

How many babies do Rock Hyraxes have?

The average number of babies a Rock Hyrax has is 2.

What is an interesting fact about Rock Hyraxes?

Rock Hyraxes are actually related to Elephants and Manatees!

What is the scientific name for the Rock Hyrax?

The scientific name for the Rock Hyrax is Procavia capensis.

What is the lifespan of a Rock Hyrax?

Rock Hyraxes can live for 5 to 12 years.

How many species of Rock Hyrax are there?

There are 2 species of Rock Hyrax.

What is the biggest threat to the Rock Hyrax?

The biggest threat to the Rock Hyrax is habitat loss.

What is another name for the Rock Hyrax?

The Rock Hyrax is also called the rock dassie or rock rabbit.

How fast is a Rock Hyrax?

A Rock Hyrax can travel at speeds of up to 18 miles per hour.

How to say Rock Hyrax in ...
Damà roquer del Cap
Daman skalní
Cape Hyrax
Procavia capensis
Procavia capensis
Daman kamenjar
Procavia capensis
שפן סלע
Fokföldi szirtiborz
Kaapse klipdas
Góralek przylądkowy
Procavia capensis

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  1. David Burnie, Dorling Kindersley (2011) Animal, The Definitive Visual Guide To The World's Wildlife / Accessed April 7, 2011
  2. Tom Jackson, Lorenz Books (2007) The World Encyclopedia Of Animals / Accessed April 7, 2011
  3. David Burnie, Kingfisher (2011) The Kingfisher Animal Encyclopedia / Accessed April 7, 2011
  4. Richard Mackay, University of California Press (2009) The Atlas Of Endangered Species / Accessed April 7, 2011
  5. David Burnie, Dorling Kindersley (2008) Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Animals / Accessed April 7, 2011
  6. Dorling Kindersley (2006) Dorling Kindersley Encyclopedia Of Animals / Accessed April 7, 2011
  7. David W. Macdonald, Oxford University Press (2010) The Encyclopedia Of Mammals / Accessed April 7, 2011
  8. Rock Hyrax Facts / Accessed April 7, 2011
  9. Rock Hyrax Habitat / Accessed April 7, 2011
  10. About Rock Hyraxes / Accessed April 7, 2011