Discover The Largest Barracuda on Record

Written by Alan Lemus
Updated: July 7, 2023
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Are you fascinated by marine life? If so, you’re in for a treat as we dive into the world of barracudas. These swift and ferocious predators often send a shiver down the spines of those who encounter them in the ocean. 

But there’s more to barracudas than just their razor-sharp teeth and lightning-fast speed. 

In this article, we discover the largest barracuda on record. We also take a closer look at these amazing creatures and explore their role in maintaining balance in marine ecosystems. 

So, strap on your snorkel gear and join us as we swim through the captivating world of barracudas!

The Largest Barracuda on Record

In 2013, the largest barracuda ever caught was reeled in by American angler Thomas Gibson. While fishing for tarpon near the Kwanza River’s mouth in Angola, Africa, Gibson unexpectedly hooked a massive Guinean barracuda.

Although Gibson is a passionate tarpon fisherman with multiple state records and known as the Texas Tarpon Guru, his trip to Angola had been relatively unproductive, with only one tarpon caught. He and his fishing partner, Cam Nicolson, decided to troll in search of tarpon when the enormous barracuda took the bait. Initially, they assumed it was a tarpon, despite the absence of any characteristic leaps.

The colossal barracuda weighed 102 pounds, 8 ounces, just surpassing the previous all-tackle IGFA world record held by a 101-pound, 3-ounce fish caught by Dr. Cyril Fabre in Gabon, West Africa, in 2002. Gibson’s catch measured an astonishing 6 feet 10.7 inches in length, with a girth of 27 inches. It was eventually subdued after a 10-minute battle and caught using a red Rapala lure.

Taxonomy and Classification

One of the largest types of barracuda is the Great Barracuda

The most famous species of barracuda is the great barracuda (

Sphyraena barracuda

) which can grow up to 6 feet long.

©Itstvan Kovacs/

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details of barracudas! 

Scientific Classification

Barracudas belong to the family Sphyraenidae, which is made up of around 20 different species. These fish are all part of the Actinopterygii class, which includes ray-finned fishes. That’s a fancy way of saying they have thin, bony fins perfect for slicing through the water at incredible speeds.

Species and Subspecies

With about 20 species in the family, there’s quite a variety of barracudas out there. The most famous species is the great barracuda (known scientifically as Sphyraena barracuda). This species can grow up to 6 feet long and is found in tropical and subtropical waters. Other species include the European barracuda (Sphyraena sphyraena) and the Guinean barracuda (Sphyraena afra). Each has its own unique habitat and behaviors.

Distribution and Habitat

Great barracuda showing off its teeth.

Barracudas often hang out near coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves where they can find plenty of hiding spots and an abundance of prey.

©Focused Adventures/

So, we’ve learned about the classification and physical features of barracudas. Now, let’s dive into where these fish call home.

Geographic Distribution

Barracudas have a wide distribution, swimming in the warm, tropical, and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. You can find them from the eastern coast of the U.S. all the way to the islands of the South Pacific. While they prefer warmer waters, some species do venture into cooler regions, like the European barracuda, which can be found in the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic Ocean.

Preferred Habitats

These fish are quite versatile when it comes to their living environment. They can be found in various habitats, from shallow coastal waters to the open ocean. Barracudas often hang out near coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves. Here, they can find plenty of hiding spots and an abundance of prey. But don’t be surprised if you spot one cruising through the open water or lurking near a shipwreck!

Migration Patterns and Seasonal Changes

While barracudas are mostly sedentary creatures, they will sometimes migrate in response to the following:

  • Changes in water temperature
  • Food availability
  • Spawning seasons

Some species, like the great barracuda, move closer to shore during the warmer months. They then head back out to deeper waters when the temperature drops. By following their food sources and adapting to the changing conditions, barracudas ensure they can always find a meal and thrive in their watery world.

Diet and Feeding Habits

Mullet school

Barracudas are carnivorous fish that feed on smaller marine creatures such as mullets.


Now that we know where to find barracudas let’s talk about one of their favorite pastimes: chowing down on some tasty marine cuisine!

Typical Prey Species

Barracudas are carnivorous fish with an appetite for a wide variety of smaller marine creatures. Their menu includes fish like groupers, snappers, and mullets, as well as invertebrates like squid and crustaceans. These predators aren’t too picky about their meals as long as it’s fresh and fit in their mouths!

Hunting Techniques and Strategies

When it comes to catching their prey, barracudas are masters of stealth and speed. They rely on ambush tactics, using their sleek bodies and coloration to blend in with their surroundings. Once they spot a potential meal, they strike with lightning-fast speed, snatching up their prey before it knows what hit it.

Barracudas are also known to work together in small groups to herd schools of fish into tight clusters, making it easier to snatch up multiple victims at once. This cooperative hunting behavior is a testament to their intelligence and adaptability in the wild.

How Common Are Barracuda Attacks?

With their sharp teeth and fearsome appearance, it’s no wonder that barracudas have a somewhat intimidating reputation. But how common are barracuda attacks on humans? In this section, we’ll dive into the facts and figures surrounding these rare encounters and explore how we can minimize the risk of an unexpected run-in with these toothy predators.

The Rarity of Barracuda Attacks

Despite their fierce appearance, barracuda attacks on humans are quite rare. In fact, these fish are generally more curious than aggressive and prefer to keep their distance from people. So while there have been reported incidents of barracuda attacks, they’re few and far between, especially when compared to other marine animal encounters like shark attacks or stingray injuries.

Understanding the Causes of Attacks

When barracuda attacks do occur, they’re typically the result of a case of mistaken identity. For example, barracudas may be attracted to shiny objects like jewelry, watches, or dive gear, which they can mistake for the glinting scales of a small fish. In these cases, the barracuda is not intentionally attacking the person but rather attempting to snatch up what it perceives as a potential meal.

Minimizing the Risk

While the risk of a barracuda attack is already quite low, there are a few precautions we can take to further minimize the chances of an unintended encounter. First, avoid wearing shiny or reflective objects while in the water, as these can attract barracudas’ attention. 

Additionally, it’s essential to give barracudas plenty of space and avoid making any sudden movements that might startle them. By following these simple guidelines, we can safely enjoy the beauty of the underwater world without fear of an unexpected barracuda encounter.

Recent Barracuda Attacks

Though barracuda attacks on humans are rare, it’s essential to stay informed about recent incidents to understand the circumstances surrounding these encounters better. In this section, we’ll explore three notable cases of barracuda attacks that occurred over the past few years. 

The Florida Keys Fishing Mishap

In August 2020, off the coast of Marathon in the Florida Keys, a fisherman named John Roberts had an unexpected encounter with a barracuda. Roberts was fishing for snapper when he accidentally hooked a barracuda. As he attempted to remove the hook, the startled fish bit Roberts’ hand, resulting in a deep laceration. Roberts was taken to the hospital for treatment and, fortunately, made a full recovery. This incident highlights the importance of using caution when handling caught barracudas and using tools like pliers to remove hooks safely.

The Puerto Rico Snorkeling Incident

In June 2019, a tourist named Emily Smith was snorkeling off the coast of Puerto Rico when a curious barracuda mistook her shiny bracelet for a fish and bit her arm. The bite left Smith with a few puncture wounds and required stitches. This encounter serves as a reminder to avoid wearing shiny or reflective items while in the water, as they can attract the attention of curious barracudas.

The Bahamas Spearfishing Encounter

In April 2018, experienced spear fisherman Michael Thomas had a close call with a barracuda while spearfishing near Nassau, Bahamas. As Thomas was ascending to the surface with a speared fish, a barracuda lunged at him, biting his left arm. The bite resulted in a deep gash and significant blood loss. Thomas was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment and later made a full recovery. This incident underscores the need to be aware of our surroundings when participating in activities like spearfishing, which can attract the attention of predatory marine life.

A Barracuda Encounter? Tips on What to Do

Barracudas have razor-harp teeth

Barracudas have razor-sharp teeth so extra care must be taken when handling them to prevent injury.

© Burns

Whether you’re a seasoned diver or just dipping your toes into the world of aquatic exploration, encountering a barracuda can be an awe-inspiring experience. In this section, we’ll share some tips on what to do when you find yourself face-to-face with one of these magnificent creatures, ensuring a safe and enjoyable encounter for both you and the barracuda.

Keep Your Distance

While barracudas are generally not aggressive towards humans, it’s important to remember that they’re still wild animals with razor-sharp teeth. As a rule of thumb, it’s best to maintain a respectful distance when observing these fish in their natural habitat. Giving them plenty of space not only keeps you safe but also helps to minimize stress for the barracuda.

Stay Calm and Collected

If a barracuda does approach you, it’s essential to remain calm and avoid making any sudden movements that might startle or threaten the fish. Barracudas are naturally curious creatures and may simply be investigating your presence out of interest. By staying composed and moving slowly, you can help to ensure a peaceful encounter.

Avoid Shiny Objects

As we’ve mentioned before, barracudas are attracted to shiny and reflective objects, which they can mistake for the glinting scales of small fish. Therefore, to avoid unwanted attention from a curious barracuda, it’s best to leave any jewelry, watches, or other shiny items behind when entering the water.

Be Mindful of Your Surroundings

Finally, it’s crucial to be aware of your surroundings when encountering a barracuda, particularly if the fish is feeding or appears agitated. Keep an eye out for other marine life that may be nearby, as well as any changes in the barracuda’s behavior that could signal discomfort or aggression. By staying vigilant and respectful, you can ensure a safe and memorable encounter with these captivating creatures.

Steps to Take If Attacked by a Barracuda

While barracuda attacks are incredibly rare, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for any situation that may arise during your aquatic adventures. In this section, we’ll discuss the steps you should take if you find yourself on the receiving end of an unexpected barracuda bite. While we hope you’ll never need to use this information, being prepared can make all the difference in an emergency situation.

Step 1: Stay Calm

The first and most crucial step when dealing with any animal attack is to remain as calm as possible. Panic can cloud your judgment and make it difficult to think clearly or take appropriate action. Instead, take a few deep breaths and try to assess the situation rationally.

Step 2: Protect Yourself

If a barracuda is acting aggressively, do your best to protect your vital organs and soft tissue areas by turning your body sideways and using your arms to shield your face and torso. If you have any diving gear or other objects at hand, you can also use these as a barrier between yourself and the barracuda.

Step 3: Slowly Retreat

Once you’ve protected yourself, begin to slowly and calmly back away from the barracuda. Avoid making any sudden movements or splashing, as this may further agitate the fish. If you’re diving, try to ascend slowly and maintain a safe distance from the barracuda until you reach the surface.

Step 4: Assess Your Injuries

If you’ve been bitten, assess the severity of your injuries once you’ve reached a safe distance from the barracuda. In the case of minor cuts or scrapes, clean and disinfect the wound as soon as possible to prevent infection. For more severe injuries, seek immediate medical attention.

Step 5: Report the Incident

Finally, it’s essential to report any barracuda attacks to local authorities or marine conservation organizations. This information can help scientists and researchers better understand the circumstances surrounding such incidents and develop strategies to reduce the risk of future encounters.

Key Takeaways

We’ve explored their unique characteristics, and their importance in marine ecosystems and even learned a few tips on what to do if we encounter one in the wild. As we’ve seen, these awe-inspiring predators play a vital role in maintaining balance under the sea.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © aquapix/

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About the Author

Alan is a freelance writer and an avid traveler. He specializes in travel content. When he visits home he enjoys spending time with his family Rottie, Opie.

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