Indian Ocean

Updated: February 22, 2023
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Below you can find a complete list of Indian Ocean animals. We currently track 179 animals in the Indian Ocean and are adding more every day!

After the Atlantic and the Pacific, the Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world. It extends from Africa to Australia and has coastlines in Asia, Africa, and Australia. It connects to many seas and other large bodies of water. Among them are:

  • Andaman Sea.
  • Arabian Sea.
  • Bay of Bengal.
  • Flores Sea.
  • Great Australian Bight.
  • Gulf of Aden.
  • Gulf of Oman.
  • Java Sea.
  • Mozambique Channel.
  • Persian Gulf.
  • Red Sea.
  • Savu Sea.
  • Strait of Malacca.
  • Timor Sea.
Turtles breathe out of their butts

Sea turtles are among the many animals living in the Indian Ocean.

The Indian Ocean is home to several unique types of animals, including sea turtles, sharks, sea snakes, dugongs, and whales. Although the ocean itself has less marine life than other oceans because of its low plankton levels, you will find a rich array of marine life in specific areas and islands. Some of these species are extremely rare. Many are endangered or nonexistent in other parts of the world.

Where To Find the Indian Ocean’s Wildlife Species

Animals That Live in Coral Reefs

Coral reefs of Africa and Australia provide breeding grounds for hundreds of tropical fish and other marine animals.

The coral reefs of Africa and Australia are important ecosystems protected by national and international conservation laws. These coral reefs provide feeding and breeding grounds to hundreds of tropical fish species, sea turtles, and other marine animals.

The island country of Madagascar is a primary breeding area for humpback whales. The Maldives and Seychelles Islands provide nesting and feeding areas for shrimp, manta rays, sea turtles, giant grouper, reef sharks, and stingrays.

Mysterious Gray Animals - whale

Waters off the shores of Madagascar are breeding grounds for humpback whales.

The island of Mauritius is another island rich in rare marine and animal life. Some unique creatures endemic to Mauritius include the pink pigeon, the echo parakeet, and the Mauritius kestrel, which are among the world’s rarest birds. The island is one of the few places to see the Mauritius flying fox, and the Rodrigues flying fox, two rare bat species.

Native Animals

Animals with Opposable Thumbs-lemur

Lemurs are native to the island of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.

Spanning over 27 million square miles, it is difficult to distinguish species as “native” to the Indian Ocean. However, there are some endemic creatures roaming the waters, such as several species of shark. Additionally, many islands within the ocean are home to endemic and unique animals.

Hundreds of plant species are native to the Maldives, including mangroves and ferns. Endemic species of the archipelago are relatively few, only thought to be the flying fox and one shrew species.

Supposedly the smallest frog in the world, Gardiner’s tree frog, along with the only flightless bird of the Indian Ocean, the white-throated rail, are found only in Seychelles.

Probably the best-known island for endemic species is Madagascar, a large island surrounded by the Indian Ocean. About 90 percent of all flora and fauna found on the island is endemic to Madagascar. Out of these species, lemurs, cat-like fossa, and orchid species are some of the best known.

Flag of Madagascar

Madagascar is an island off the coast of southeast Africa.

Interesting Facts About the Indian Ocean

  • It is the warmest ocean on earth.
  • More than 40% of the world’s offshore oil production occurs in the Indian Ocean.
  • Its primary islands are Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Sri Lanka.

Rarest Animal in the Indian Ocean

Coelacanth pair underwaterr

Coelacanth, thought to be extinct, has been found to be living in the Indian Ocean.

An extremely rare fish once thought to have gone extinct with the dinosaurs has been found in the Indian Ocean. Coelancanth has been discovered near the coasts of South Africa, Tanzania, and the Comoros Islands. These rare fish usually live in undersea canyons and were found by fishermen fishing in deeper water for sharks.

Coelancanth is considered to be a species that illustrates the early fish’s evolution to terrestrial four-legged animals. Its origin can be traced back 420 million years. The fish is now listed as “critically endangered” with many fish being caught accidentally in fishing nets.

Largest Animal in the Indian Ocean

Are Blue Whales Endangered - A Blue Whale Near the Surface

The blue whale is the largest animal in the Indian Ocean and the largest animal ever to have lived on earth.

The largest animal on earth is also the largest in the Indian Ocean. The blue whale can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh upwards of 200 tons. A blue whale’s tongue weighs as much as an elephant and its heart weigh as heavy as an automobile. It’s hard to believe an animal can grow so huge on a diet of tiny krill – but apparently eating four tons a day does the job!

Blue whales travel all over the world but are currently threatened by collisions with ships and entanglement in fishing nets and reduction of zooplankton due to habitat reduction and disturbance from low-frequency noise.

This endangered baleen whale has a long and slender body of various shades of gray-blue. Blue whales are often solitary except for mother-calf pairs but have been seen in gatherings of up to 50 individuals. These whales migrate to their summer feeding grounds closer to the poles but gather near equatorial waters to breed in the winter. The animals seem to use their memory to know where and when to migrate. Not only are blue whales the largest animal on the planet – they are the largest animal ever to have existed on earth.

Extinct and Endangered Animals in the Indian Ocean

Dugongs are related to manatees and are native to the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

  • Sea turtles – Sea turtles are endangered everywhere. These large reptiles can live for many years. Habitat destruction, especially of coral reefs, threatens their survival.
  • African penguin – This flightless bird(Spheniscus demersus), also known as the Cape penguin, is native to South Africa. Unlike its cousins, this penguin prefers warm waters and lives on the southern coasts of the continent. Captive breeding programs have helped restore African penguin populations in some areas.
  • Aldabra giant tortoise – (Aldabrachelys gigantea): One of the largest reptiles in the world, this enormous creature can live more than 200 years. The largest population of Aldabra tortoises is on the Aldabra Atoll in Seychelles. More than 100,000 of them live there.
  • Blue whale – The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest species on earth. A blue whale can reach more than 100 feet, which is the length of three school buses. This massive, magnificent creature looks blue in the water but gray-blue when in the air. Blue whales are protected under all whaling conventions and other marine mammal treaties, but they remain critically endangered. Climate change, oil spills, whaling, and plastic pollution continue to threaten them.
  • Dugong – This rare marine mammal (Dugong dugon) is a member of the Sirenia family, which includes manatees. This sweet-looking creature was hunted for its oil and meat to near extinction. Dugongs are now a protected species under most laws and are native animals to the coastal water of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Dugongs depend on healthy seagrass communities.
  • Angelfish, butterflyfish, and cuttlefish are among the endangered fish of the Indian Ocean. Giant clams, gray reef sharks, manta rays, and spiny dogfish are marine animals unique to this ocean that are facing endangerment or extinction.

Birds in the Indian Ocean

penguin waddling on a land

Gentoo penguins are among the many seabirds native to the Indian Ocean.

The Indian Ocean surrounds several countries and islands, providing feeding and breeding space for countless species of seabirds. Seabirds, as the name reveals, spend the majority of their lives at sea. They are also some of the most endangered birds, threatened by overfishing, invasive species, and fishing lines. A decline in the population of seabirds is detrimental to marine ecosystems, as these birds create a bridge between land and sea, increasing reef productivity. Following are several examples of birds of the Indian Ocean.

  • Albatross – Amsterdam, Black-browed, shy, light-mantled, wandering, grey-headed, Indian yellow-nosed
  • Booby – Brown, masked, red-footed
  • Tern – Antarctic, bridled, roseate, white, sooty, greater-crested
  • Penguin – Gentoo, macaroni, southern rockhopper
  • Petrel – Common diving, great-winged, cape, blue, soft-plumaged, black-bellied, grey-backed

Many other seabirds and other bird species exist near the Indian Ocean or on islands bordered by this ocean. Madagascar, the Maldives, Seychelles, and the African coast are ideal destinations for bird watching, inviting people worldwide to some of the most beautiful locations and unique species to see.

Native Fish

Along with unique marine species such as sea turtles, sharks, manta rays, sea snakes, and dugongs, the Indian Ocean holds countless fish, found on the reefs or swimming in the depths. The Indian Ocean is a crucial ground for fisheries, supplying 14 percent of the global demand for fish caught in the wild. Unfortunately, about 30 percent of these fish are already being overfished, leading to declining in populations. Fisheries also damage seabirds, many of them becoming ensnared in fishing lines and nets, threatening species populations as well.

Fish species popularly bred and caught in fisheries include cuttlefish, squid, tuna, shads, mackerel, sharks, and many more. Rules and regulations have been put into place by conservation organizations along with governments in attempts to prevent negative impacts from fisheries.

Blue Marlin

Blue Marlin is one of the most difficult trophy fish to catch.

Sport fishing is also in high demand in coastal regions of the Indian Ocean. Listed are several islands within the Indian Ocean along with popular fishing in the area.

  • The Seychelles are of particular interest to anglers in search of marlin, bonefish, Indo-Pacific permit, dogtooth tuna, giant trivially, and exotic jobfish. Fly fishing is also largely popular in this area.
  • Off the coast of Mauritius is also exquisite game fishing. Several fishing records have been broken in this area, such as the blue marlin, a billfish able to grow up to 2,000 lb. Shark catches have also broken world records at over 1,000lb. Sailfish is also a sought-after catch along the Mauritian coast.
  • Southwest of India lies the Maldives, known for its dependence on fishing for its economy but also to sustain the people of the island. Renowned skipjacks, sailfish, schools of tuna, barracuda, squirrelfish, and sharks swim off the coast of this unique archipelago. The main export of the Maldives is skipjack, also a delicacy on the islands.

While it is exciting to adventure to new and beautiful waters to catch extraordinary fish, it is also important to respect conservation efforts and country guidelines for fishing upon arrival.

Native Snakes

Where Do Snakes Live

Sea snakes are abundant in the Indian Ocean.

The Indian Ocean is known for its sparkling blue waters, the diversity of nature, and incredible beaches. However, visitors should be wary of certain oceanic creatures, such as sea snakes. Sea snakes of many species are abundant in the Indian Ocean. Only found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, not a lot is known about sea snakes. Almost every sea snake is venomous, not including the genus Emydocephalus. Well-adapted to aquatic life, these snakes still breathe air through dorsal nostrils. Genus Laticuda is able to maneuver on land to a certain extent, however, most sea snakes are completely adapted to the aquatic dwelling. The most common genera of sea snakes found in the Indian Ocean include:

  • Aipysurus – olive sea snakes; 9 species
  • Hydrophis – sea snakes; 36 species
  • Laticauda – sea kraits; 8 species
  • Pseudechis; black snakes; 9 species

Where To See Wildlife in the Indian Ocean

pufferfish inflated

The Maldives has made it illegal to export pufferfish in an effort toward conservation.

In 2015, the British government established the Chagos Marine Protected Area. It is one of the world’s protected areas in the world. Chagos is a former British colony that is part of the 70-island Chagos Archipelago. This area has healthy and diverse coral, which is essential for many ocean species.

Conservationists have spotted more than 780 different species in the protected area. These include unique fish like the Chagos clownfish (Amphiprion chagosensis), manta rays, whale sharks, and tuna. These waters are a protected breeding ground for silky sharks, which are an endangered species.

Besides this and similar large-scale protected areas, each country in the Indian Ocean has its own reserves and protected areas. Mauritius, for instance, has two sea turtle reserves, Fregate Island Turtle Reserve and Pearl Island Turtle Reserve. It also has Baie de l’Arsenal marine park, Black River Gorges National Park, and other preserves.

In 2020, the Seychelles Islands established a vast marine protected area in a deal conducted with the U.S.-based Nature Conservancy. Under the agreement, half of Seychelles’ marine protected areas will be “no-take zones,” which prohibit fishing, mining, and drilling. The others allow strictly regulated fishing.

Emperor angelfish in coral reef

Protected coral reefs offer homes for marine life such as this angelfish.

Protected Dive Sites

The Maldives has established 25 protected dive sites to preserve coral reefs, sea turtles, tropical fish, and endangered white terns. The Maldives has also made it illegal to export dolphins, lobsters, pufferfish, whales, corals, oysters, and other threatened fish species.

The islands of the Indian Ocean offer unique opportunities for snorkelers, scuba divers, and other tourists to see marine life up close. If you want to see this vivid wildlife, visiting the protected areas of these islands is the best way.

The Most Dangerous Animals in the Indian Ocean

Deadliest Jellyfish - Box Jellyfish

A bite from one tentacle of a

box jellyfish

is enough to kill 50 humans.

There are many dangerous types of animals in the Indian Ocean, including sharks, stingrays, and barracudas. Here are some dangerous sea creatures unique to this ocean.

  • Sea snakes: These long, brightly colored snakes live almost exclusively in the Indian Ocean. They are adapted for ocean life, and some of them never need to venture onto land. Sea snakes are extremely venomous. You don’t feel the bite when it happens, but it can be fatal if left untreated. Fortunately, sea snake bites on humans are very rare.
  • Box jellyfish: With no claws or teeth, this watery creature is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. A box jellyfish has 50 or more tentacles, and each tentacle can reach 15 feet. A bite from one tentacle is enough to kill 50 humans. Box jellyfish are also called sea wasps or marine stringers. Scientists estimate that box jellyfish kill more than 100 people every year.


Sea Turtle, Turtle, Hawaii Islands, Sea, Green Turtle

Green sea turtles are among the rarest creatures in the Indian Ocean.

The Great Blue Wall initiative, launched in November 2022, aims to promote transboundary cooperation between ten nations: Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania, and France. The focus of these conservation efforts will be coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass meadows, a lesser-known underwater ecosystem critical for carbon sequestration and oceanic biodiversity.

The Indian Ocean boasts a rich array of unique, colorful wildlife in its waters and on its coastlines. Like sea creatures everywhere, these animals face the threats of habitat loss, climate change, overfishing, and plastic pollution. Conservationists hope more countries will take action to halt the destruction of this beautiful, vibrant ocean.

Indian Ocean Animals

African Penguin

The only penguin species in Africa!

Albacore Tuna

The albacore is a very fast swimmer

Aldabra Giant Tortoise

One got to be 255 years old!


November 12th is celebrated as National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day


There are 70 different species!


The anglerfish has a glowing lure on its head to attract unsuspecting prey

Australian Flathead Perch

This small fish fetches a high price tag, with individuals selling from $1,000 to $5,000.

Baleen Whale

“Sings” a whale song during breeding season.


Closely related to crabs and lobsters!


Can grow to nearly 2 meters long!

Barramundi Fish

Scale rings indicate age

Barreleye Fish (Barrel Eye)

A barreleye fish's eyes can rotate in their head to look for prey.

Bigfin Reef Squid

Can change color through use of chromatophores


Not all birds are able to fly!

Black Marlin

Every black marlin is born as a female.

Blanket Octopus

Females can weigh up to 40,000 times more than their partners.

Blue Dragon Sea Slug

They inflict a painful, venomous sting

Blue-Ringed Octopus

The blue-ringed octopus produces some of the deadliest poison in the world

Blue Shark

Blue sharks can have up to 135 pups at a time.

Blue Whale

The largest animal on Earth

Bluefin Tuna

The bluefin is one of the largest fish in the world

Bonito Fish

May eat squid or other small invertebrate ocean life

Bottlenose Dolphin

Stays in groups from 15 to 2,000 in number!'

Box Jellyfish

Venomous marine animals


Can release a toxin from its skin

Bronze Whaler Shark

Bronze whaler sharks often hunt in large groups, herding schools of fish into bait balls and going on a feeding frenzy.

Bull Shark

Unpredictable and aggressive temperament!

Butterfly Fish

There are more than 100 different species!


Also called ghost shark

Christmas Island Red Crab

During the breeding season, roads can dangerous for cars as well as the crab. Their shells are so hard they can puncture tires.


Also known as the anemonefish!

Cobia Fish

It has teeth not only in its jaws but in its tongue and the roof of its mouth


Cockles live quite long; their lifespan usually ranges from 5 to 10 years in the wild.

Coconut Crab

The largest terrestrial arthropod in the world

Conger Eel

The European Conger ( Conger conger) can weigh as much as an adult human!

Cookiecutter Shark

The cookiecutter shark takes its name because it leaves a cookie-shaped bite hole in its prey.


There are more than 6000 species of coral in the world's oceans.


There are 93 different crab groups

Crappie Fish

The crappie is one of the most popular freshwater fish in North America.


Found throughout the world's oceans!


Damselfish belong to the family Pomacentridae

Disco Clam

Can spray acidic mucus at predators


Can reach speeds of up to 25 mph!

Dragon Eel

Dragon eels have double jaws and two sets of razor-sharp teeth

Drum Fish

The drum fish makes a croaking sound with its swimming bladder!


Closely related to the Manatee!

Dusky Dolphin

Communicates using whistles, squeaks and clicks!

Eagle Ray

Majestic underwater bird like fish


Eels can be a mere few inches long to 13 feet!

Emperor Angelfish

One of the most beautiful fish on the planet!

False Killer Whale

The false killer whale looks like a cross between a dolphin and orca!


Has the largest teeth compared to body size of any known fish!

Feather Star

Feather stars look like flowers. They have no heart, eyes, or brain.

Fin Whale

Found throughout ocean waters worldwide!


Respire through the gills on their heads!

Flounder Fish

There are around 240 different species of Flounder fish


There are more than 240,000 different species!

Flying Fish

Can glide in the air for hundreds of feet

Football Fish

The football fish is named after its unusual round or oblong shape


Found inhabiting tropical islands and coasts!


The frogfish can change colors, but it takes several weeks to do so

Garden Eel

Garden eel colonies are made up of hundreds to thousands of individuals.

Ghost Crab

Their eyestalks, which are sometimes horned, can swivel 360 degrees

Giant Clam

Can reach nearly 4ft in length!

Giant Isopod

Giant isopods are the largest group of isopods in the world

Giant Trevally

The largest fish in its genus

Great Hammerhead Shark

Great hammerhead sharks have a 360-degree view because their eyes are situated on the ends of their mallet-like heads.

Great White Shark

Can grow to more than 8 meters long!

Grey Reef Shark

One of the most common shark species!


Many grouper can change their sex, and it is always from female to male.

Gulper Eel

Gulper eels have a similar lifespan to humans and can live up to 85 years old. However, their age depends on their habitat and the availability of food.


Can use slime to suffocate marine predators or escape capture

Hammerhead Shark

Found in coastal waters around the world!

Hermit Crab

There are over 500 different species!


People enjoy the taste of the oily fish in many different ways including pickled, smoked, salted, dried and fermented.

Hook-Nosed Sea Snake

Sea snakes are the most numerous venomous reptiles on Earth.

Horse Mackerel

Got their name from a myth that other fish would ride them over great distances

Horseshoe Crab

Changed little in over 500 million years!

Humpback Whale

The humpback whale makes complex, beautiful songs with its throat.

Immortal Jellyfish

Excellent hitchhiker on long-trip cargo ships

Indian Palm Squirrel

Natively found in parts of India and Sri Lanka!


There are an estimated 30 million species!


Have tentacles around their mouths!

John Dory

The John Dory is often labeled one of the ugliest fish in the world and has no known relatives.

Killer Whale

Typically consumes over 200 kg of food a day!

King Crab

Can have a leg span of nearly 2 meters!


The krill is perhaps the most important animal in the marine ecosystem!


Lancetfish live at depths up to 6,500 feet below sea level


Females can release up to 15,000 eggs at a time!

Lion’s Mane Jellyfish

Though it’s a huge animal, the lifespan of the lion’s mane jellyfish is only a year.

Little Penguin

The smallest species of penguin!


The Livyatan had 1 to 1.2 foot long, interlocking teeth


Have been known to reach 100 years old!

Longfin Mako Shark

Mako sharks are warm-blooded fish!

Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish)

It's called the rabbit of the ocean because it multiplies so quickly.

Man of War Jellyfish

Named for an 18th century warship

Manta Ray

Can grow up to 9m wide!

Megamouth Shark

Swims with its mouth open to capture prey


Females lay up to 5 million eggs at one time in warm, shallow and salty waters


The mojarra's protruding mouth allows it to sift along the seabed for food

Mola mola (Ocean Sunfish)

The ocean sunfish is the biggest bony fish in the world

Moon Jellyfish

Moon Jellies are bioluminescent, so they glow in the dark! They can also de-age!

Moray Eel

Sometimes, groupers invite moray eels to help them hunt!


They walk on land


Living fossils that evolved over 500 million years ago


Nematodes range in size from 1/10 of an inch to 28 feet long


They get toxins from their prey to use it against predators.


The Giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne) holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest bony fish in the world.


There are around 300 different species!


Opah are brightly colored, with red-orange fins and a silvery body.


Can process up to 10 litres of water an hour!


The parrotfish can change from female to male at some point in its life.


Spends 75% of it's time hunting for food!

Pompano Fish

They are bottom-feeders


The Porcupinefish secrete a potent neurotoxin known as tetrodotoxin; this poison can kill both people and predators.


Closely related to crabs and lobsters!


The second most poisonous creature in the world!

Pygmy Shark

Pygmy sharks underbelly glows to attract prey that swims beneath it.


They float with the current.

Reef Shark

Grey reef sharks can give birth without males

Rockhopper Penguin

There are 3 different species!


Fast billfish with a sail-like dorsal fin

Sand Tiger Shark

The sand tiger is the shark most commonly seen in aquariums.


Legs also function as gills


Schools of sardines can be miles long and are often visible from an airplane


Sawfish teeth keep growing as the fish gets older


Scallops begin their lives by attaching to sea grass on the ocean floor.

Scorpion Fish

There are more than 200 recognised species!

Sea Anemone

Creatures have characteristics of both animal and plant

Sea Eagle

The sea eagle tends to mate for life with a single partner

Sea Lion

It's flippers allow it to walk on the land

Sea Slug

All sea slugs have both male and female sex organs

Sea Snake

The sea snake is incredibly venomous, even more than a cobra!”

Sea Squirt

There are more than 3,000 known species!

Sea Turtle

Always return to the same beach to lay eggs!

Sea Urchin

Can live for up to 200 years!


Some gulls are capable of using tools


Males give birth to up to 1,000 offspring!


There are 30 different species worldwide!

Sei Whale

This whale is one of the fastest of the cetaceans


No shark species has any bones in their bodies

Shortfin Mako Shark

Shortfin Mako sharks can jump 20 feet above the water!”


There are 2,000 different species worldwide!

Silky Shark

Has an extremely acute sense of hearing

Sixgill shark

The sixgill shark has six pairs of gills instead of the normal five

Skipjack Tuna

The skipjack is the most commonly caught tuna in the world

Sleeper Shark

The Greenland shark is one of the longest living vertebrates in the world.


There are nearly 1,000 different species!

Sperm Whale

Each tooth weighs 1kg!

Spinner Shark

Can have up to 20 babies

Spiny Dogfish

Found in ocean waters worldwide!


There are more than 9,000 known species!


Some species are known to have 10 arms!


Has 2 stomachs to aid digestion!


It's stinger is razor-sharp or serrated!


The most venomous fish in the world

Strawberry Hermit Crab

When strawberry hermit crabs find shells that are larger than their own, they gather in a line from biggest to smallest. Once the biggest one sheds its shell, the next one in line will claim it, which is repeated down the line.


Large species can swallow whole salmon


Lose their scales and teeth as adults


Found around shallow coral reefs!


Its genus dates back to the Cretaceous period – 113 million years ago

Telescope Fish

Swallows food, much of it larger than them, whole

Thornback Ray

The skate with the biggest spines!

Thresher Shark

Thresher Sharks have a distinctive, thresher-like tail.

Tiger Shark

The fourth biggest species of shark in the world!


Can be heard out of water


Nests on tropical islands and cliffs!


The tuna has a sleek body that enables it to swim quickly through the water


Some species of aquatic turtles can get up to 70 percent of their oxygen through their butt.

Vampire Crab

Vampire crabs do not depend on saltwater for their development; instead, they live near freshwater rivers and in forests amongst rocks and dense vegetation.


Viperfish have a bioluminescent spine on their dorsal fin.

Volcano Snail

The volcano snail lives comfortably in temperatures of up to 750 degrees Fahrenheit.

Wahoo Fish

Wahoo can change colors when they're excited and while they hunt

Wandering Albatross

Featured in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

Whale Shark

The largest species of fish in the world!

White Shark

White Sharks live in all of the world's oceans.


There are more than 500 different species!

Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake

Sea snakes spend approximately 90% of their lives under water.

Zebra Shark

Can get to be 30 years old in the wild!

Indian Ocean Animals List

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About the Author

Growing up in rural New England on a small scale farm gave me a lifelong passion for animals. I love learning about new wild animal species, habitats, animal evolutions, dogs, cats, and more. I've always been surrounded by pets and believe the best dog and best cat products are important to keeping our animals happy and healthy. It's my mission to help you learn more about wild animals, and how to care for your pets better with carefully reviewed products.