Tornadoes are devastating, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Discover the tiny Oklahoma town most likely to be hit by a tornado. Learn the history of the town, its current population, and the wildlife that inhabits the area as well.
History of Valley Brook, Oklahoma
In the 1930s, people discovered oil in the area known today as Valley Brook. Workers went out to populate the area following this initial discovery, which is why there are still oil pumps found throughout the region. Historically, this region is known as Oklahoma City Field. On May 12, 1956, the town was finally founded. Enough residents voted to incorporate at the time (it was 183 to 130). Since then, it’s been a challenge for Valley Brook to keep its independent status.
In the 1960s, there were attempts to have the town annexed by Oklahoma City. Those efforts failed but then again in the 1980s, attempts were made once more. Over the years, this town developed a sordid reputation, with many considering it a refuge for immoral behavior. Strip clubs began moving into the area around the 80s, which prompted residents to rethink the independent status of the town. Some feel that if Oklahoma City took over, residents would be in a better position.
Tornado Risk Index Score
Valley Brook is the Oklahoma town most likely to be hit by a tornado. The tornado risk index score points to a specific location’s relative risk for a tornado. This index score or rating is based on comparison with other regions in the area and throughout the United States. Valley Brook has a tornado index score of 696.05, the highest in the entire state. For comparison, Oklahoma City has a tornado index score of 688.50. The lowest rating is for Kenton, which has a tornado index score of 50.07.
The Population of Valley Brook, Oklahoma
In the 1960s, the population of Valley Brook was at its peak, with approximately 1,400 people inhabiting the town. However, as the years progressed, the population kept declining. As of the 2021 census, the population of Valley Brook was only 657. The land area covers only 0.3 square miles.
The average household income in Valley Brook is $37,954. The median age for those living in Valley Brook is 36.9. The demographics of Valley Brook are as follows: 76.22% white, 10.62% two or more races, 6.64% other race, 3.76% black or African American, 2.54% Native American, and 0.22% Asian.
Wildlife in Valley Brook, Oklahoma
Valley Brook covers a small portion of land, but in the state of Oklahoma, there are several recognized wildlife species. Mammals include the American bison, badger, big brown bat, coyote, black bear, bobcat, black-tailed prairie dog, black-tailed jackrabbit, eastern chipmunk, and eastern cottontail rabbit. There are also gray foxes, Indiana bats, gray bats, eastern gray squirrels, eastern spotted skunks, long-tailed weasels, North American porcupines, mountain lions, and minks.
Amphibians in the state include the American bullfrog, American toad, Chihuahuan green toad, Cajun chorus frog, barred tiger salamander, and cave salamander. There are also plains leopard frogs, gray treefrogs, dark-sided salamanders, and green treefrogs. Reptiles include alligator snapping turtles, broad-banded water snakes, broad-headed skinks, venomous copperheads, eastern racers, and eastern collard lizards. Birds include the American crow, American kestrel, American goldfinch, American robin, and bald eagle.
Fish in the state include the banded darter, striped bass, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, banded sculpin, American eel, carp, catfish, crappie, redfin darter, brown trout, rainbow trout, redear sunfish, sauger, and walleye. There are some invasive fish species in the state as well, which include grass carp, bighead carp, and silver carp. Invertebrates in Oklahoma include the black widow, brown recluse, brown tarantula, Harris mud crab, monkeyface mussel, frosted elfin, American burying beetle, American bumble bee, and monarch butterfly.
How Tornadoes Impact Wildlife
Tornadoes are devastating to entire ecosystems. These violent, swirling cyclones kill and displace wildlife. The immediate effects are noticeable as entire animal populations suffer the effects, left reeling in the wake of a tornado’s destruction. However, just like the humans that move back in and rebuild following a devastating storm, wildlife returns, and rebuilds.
These animals know how to survive extreme weather. Their strive to survive keeps them moving, even as they’re torn apart during the several minutes during which a tornado touches down. When it’s quiet again, animals return to their habitats, following their instincts, and after a period of rebuilding, they start to thrive again. In the long run, these disastrous weather events interrupt wildlife minimally. Although tornadoes are powerful, they are not powerful enough to decimate wildlife.
Where is Valley Brook, Oklahoma Located on a Map?
Valley Brook is a town located in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, in the United States. It is a part of the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area. As of the 2010 census, the population of Valley Brook was recorded at 765 residents.
Here is Valley Brook, Oklahoma on a map:
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