The Largest Channel Catfish Ever Caught in North Carolina Was as Big as a Turkey

Channel catfish
© Aleron Val/

Written by Nixza Gonzalez

Updated: September 16, 2023

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The largest channel catfish ever caught was a colossal specimen of Catfish weighing an impressive 27 lbs and 7 oz.

North Carolina has some of the best fishing spots in the country. This lovely southern state also holds many impressive records. For example, did you know the largest hammerhead shark caught in North Carolina weighed an astonishing 710 pounds?

The largest blue catfish state record is just as impressive at 74 pounds and 14 ounces. But what about channel catfish? Follow along to discover the largest channel catfish ever caught in North Carolina.

It weighed as much as a wild turkey!

The Largest Channel Catfish Ever Caught in North Carolina

The largest channel catfish ever caught in North Carolina weighed a hefty 27 pounds and 7 ounces. Justin Hall caught this massive fish using bread dough as bait. He landed this record recently on May 21, 2023, while fishing in a local farm pond in Rockingham County.

Channel Catfish caught at Twin Lakes State Park

On May 21, 2023, Justin Hall, caught the largest channel catfish in North Carolina.

©vastateparksstaff / CC BY 2.0 – Original / License

About Channel Catfish

Channel catfish are popular game fish in North America. They are one of the most common catfish species in the United States. Over 8 million anglers in the country target channel catfish, hoping to beat the latest record.

Fun fact, this fish species is also an official fish of various states including Tennessee and Kansas. Channel catfish are very abundant and listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.

channel catfish

The channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) is one of Tennessee’s state fish.


Size and Appearance

Channel catfish have a unique appearance. These fish are generally thick, large, and smooth. They have blue-green or grey-green bodies, black backs, and white bellies.

Channel catfish blend in well with their environments. They mostly live in murky waters. Channel catfish also have cat whisker-like sensory barbels. This fish species is also known for its deeply forked tails.

So, how big do channel catfish get? They vary in size. On the larger end, a channel catfish can reach between 40 to 50 pounds.

However, channel catfish weighing above 10 pounds are impressive catches. The average channel catfish weighs about 2 to 4 pounds.

Channel catfish measure about 12 to 24 inches long.

Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, freshwater predator in European biotope fish aquarium

The average channel catfish weighs between 2 to 4 pounds.

©Aleron Val/


Channel catfish are excellent hunters. These bottom-dwelling fish have a great sense of smell and taste, which helps them navigate murky waters.

Channel catfish have an organ with a high concentration of olfactory receptors. Interestingly, channel catfish are sometimes nicknamed the swimming tongue. Their entire bodies are covered in taste buds, especially around their mouths near their barrels.

They are sensitive to amino acids and detect changes in the water, which helps them hunt for food. So, what do channel catfish normally eat? These large freshwater fish consume snakes, fish, crustaceans, snails, nuts, small mammals, birds, and aquatic plants.

Mature channel catfish mainly consume fish and meat, while juveniles are more omnivorous.


Channel catfish don’t have many predators. They are large fish that hide and camouflage when near natural predators.

Channel catfish are also known to scare and surprise predators using loud noises. If a channel catfish feels like they are in danger, they can splash and make loud noises to startle the predator. Another method they use to scare away predators is to create a constant drumming sound that can last for up to 400 seconds.

This drumming sound confuses predators and also warns other catfish in the area. Although channel catfish have great ways of protecting themselves, they are still at risk. Some channel catfish predators are large birds, fish, and American alligators. Juvenile channel catfish are the most vulnerable.

Distribution and Habitat

Channel catfish are native to the Nearctic. They are especially common in the eastern and northern United States. You can also find them in southern Canada and parts of Mexico. These fish have also been introduced to many parts of the world, including Romania, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Channel catfish are great hunters.

They also adapt well to new conditions, which affects native fish populations, making them highly invasive. Channel catfish live in lakes, rivers, ponds, and creeks of all sizes. They are very common in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

The Largest Channel Catfish Ever Caught in the World

Although the largest channel catfish is very impressive, the largest channel catfish ever caught is an entirely different monster. Just a state away, in South Carolina, on July 7, 1964, an angler reeled in a 58-pound channel catfish from the Santee-Cooper Reservoir (Lake Moultrie).

This world-record catfish was 48 inches long and had a girth of 29 inches. It’s been standing for over 50 years!

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About the Author

Nixza Gonzalez is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering topics like travel, geography, plants, and marine animals. She has over six years of experience as a content writer and holds an Associate of Arts Degree. A resident of Florida, Nixza loves spending time outdoors exploring state parks and tending to her container garden.

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