Watch This Huge Orca Whale Gobble Up an Entire Bird in a Single Chomp

Killer Whale - (Orcinus Orca)
© Tory Kallman/

Written by Chris Madden

Updated: October 23, 2023

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Witness the Remarkable Precision and Hunting Prowess of an Orca!

In this incredible photo, an orca whale employs one of their many incredible hunting techniques. Spearing the seal out of the water hugely shocks the animal and makes catching their prey easier.

©Jeff Williams/US Fish and Wildlife Service, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License

Prepare to be captivated by the incredible video below that showcases the breathtaking encounter between a colossal orca whale and a bird. As the boat cruises along the water, the massive orca swims alongside, drawing everyone’s attention. Little do they know what the orca has in store.

Watch the Remarkable Up-Close View of an Orca Snagging Their Meal!

Before the video begins, the orca displays an impressive hunting technique. With a powerful flick of its tail, it smacks a bird out of the water, sending it soaring through the air. The bird lands in the water, completely incapacitated and likely already deceased. This remarkable hunting technique sets the stage for the astonishing scene about to unfold.

In a moment of sheer precision, the enormous orca lunges forward, jaws wide open, and snatches the bird, now floating on the ocean’s surface. In just a single bite, the huge orca swallows a mouthful of water and sucks the bird up. Its size and strength are awe-inspiring as it effortlessly claims its prize.

With the bird now securely in its mouth, the orca swiftly disappears beneath the surface, diving back into its aquatic realm. The bird, peacefully floating on the water mere moments ago, is now a meal for this majestic marine predator.

The video below serves as a testament to the raw power and natural beauty of the ocean’s apex predators. It is a reminder that even in our modern world, there are moments of extraordinary wildlife encounters that can leave us in awe and wonder.

Orca Whales Are Cunning and Creative Creatures of Death!

Killer Whale, orcinus orca, Female with Calf

Orcas are incredibly skilled hunters.


Orcas have earned their nickname as killer whales, employing a variety of unique hunting techniques to capture their prey. One notable method, which set the stage for the video below, involves their powerful tails. Using a remarkable display of agility, orcas can deliver forceful tail slaps to stun and disorient their prey. This technique is particularly effective against birds resting on the water’s surface, as demonstrated in the video linked below. Additionally, orcas are known for employing strategic teamwork to hunt larger marine mammals such as seals and even whales. By coordinating their efforts, they create waves to dislodge their prey from ice floes or drive them closer to the surface. These ingenious hunting strategies showcase the adaptability and intelligence of these magnificent apex predators in their quest for sustenance.

Orca Whales: Our Oceanic Intellectual Counterparts Might Feel the Same Way!

Wild Orcas Whales pod in open water in blue ocean

Orcas whales swim and live their lives in pods. Living in these social groups has led orca whales to be incredibly socially intelligent and curious animals.

©Willyam Bradberry/

Orcas, despite their formidable reputation as apex predators, have an overwhelmingly peaceful relationship with humans. Several factors contribute to their lack of aggression towards humans. First, orcas’ natural diet primarily consists of marine mammals, fish, and sometimes seabirds as can be seen below. This makes humans an atypical prey item for these magnificent animals. Additionally, orcas are highly intelligent and social creatures, displaying complex social structures within their pods. Their cooperative and cohesive nature fosters a strong bond within their own species and doesn’t typically extend aggression toward humans. While wild animals should always be respected, the inherent harmony between orcas and humans has resulted in numerous positive interactions, showcasing the mutual curiosity and appreciation that can exist between us and orca whales.

Is It Normal For an Orca to Eat a Bird?

killer whale

An orca typically eats marine animals due to its location.

©Guillermo El Oso/

The normal diet of an Orca is comprised of a variety of fish, squid, octopus, seals, sea lions, and even large whales. Orcas have even been known to hunt sharks and rays. It is not normal for an Orca to eat a bird, as they are not designed to capture and consume them. But if they are near the surface and happen to see a low-flying bird, they will certainly capture the opportunity.

Orcas have an impressive hunting technique that often involves teamwork and the use of their large, powerful tail to stun their prey. They are an apex predator in the ocean, and they have no natural predators. Because of their large size, they are able to consume a large variety of prey.

Orcas typically hunt in groups, and they have been known to use their echolocation to locate prey. Orcas typically consume anywhere from 10-30% of their body weight each day. The diet of an Orca is mainly made up of fatty fish and marine mammals, but they can also eat other types of fish and crustaceans.

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About the Author

Chris is a lifelong animal lover with a passion for writing and a natural tendency to explore the internet in pursuit of new wildlife and nature facts! He is completing his Bachelors in Political Science at Concordia University in the Spring of 2024 after a science-centric high school career. Aside from studying and writing for A-Z Animals, he has a budding music career and enjoy spending time outside year-round, from swimming to skiing!

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