Dog Gestation Period: How Long are Dogs Pregnant?

Figo Pet Insurance Zorii

Written by Brandi Allred

Updated: February 6, 2025

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Many pet owners find themselves wondering how long the gestation period of dogs is. Whether you’re worried about your pet dog becoming pregnant or you’re eagerly anticipating the arrival of a new puppy from a breeder, you might want to know a little more about dog pregnancy. All dog breeds look and act a little differently from each other, but that doesn’t stop them from being pregnant for roughly the same amount of time. 

Here, we’ll find out just what it takes to be a dog, from their size, looks, diet, and even behavior. Then, we’ll learn about your pooch’s reproductive cycle and find out just how long a dog’s gestation period lasts. We’ll learn about the different states of dog pregnancy and how to tell if your pup is expecting. Finally, we’ll go over a few of the key questions you should ask yourself if you’re considering not spaying/neutering your furry friend.

What Makes a Dog a Dog?

husky alaskan malamute pomski puppy funny jump run with toy on grass

Dogs have been around for at least 15,000 years, and probably longer.

Dogs: man’s best friend. They’ve been a part of our collective human lives since hunter-gatherer times. And today, more than 300 breeds of dogs live in just about every place on the planet. They come in small sizes (less than ten pounds) and huge sizes (over 200 pounds). Many dogs are simply companions to their owners, while others, like border collies and Australian shepherds, serve as working dogs on farms and ranches. Still others, like German shepherds and malamutes, work alongside law enforcement as drug or bomb-sniffing dogs.

Size and Appearance

Dogs range in size from just a few inches tall to over three feet tall at the shoulder. Chihuahuas and teacup poodles are among the smallest breeds, while mastiffs, Irish wolfhounds, and Great Danes are the biggest breeds. Some dogs have short, sleek fur, while others have long, fluffy fur. They come in a wide variety of colors and color combinations. Common colors for dogs include black, white, brown, tan, and gray, with many combinations of each. Unlike domestic cats, dogs don’t come with stripes, though they are sometimes spotted, as in dalmatians. However, no matter how big they are or what they look like, all dogs have a gestation period that is about the same length. 

Diet and Behavior

Dog Foods For Rottweiler Puppies

Dogs need a varied diet with plenty of meats and vegetables to stay healthy.

Dogs are social animals who thrive in the company of other dogs and humans. They’re born in litters of anywhere from 1 to 12 pups. As they grow, socialization with their littermates and with adult dogs teaches them how to be a dog. That is, what behaviors are appropriate, such as playing and romping, and what behaviors are inappropriate, such as hard bites and aggression.

The diets of our canine companions vary widely depending on food availability and owner preference. But, in general, most people feed their dogs a combination of kibble and supplemental wet food, like canned dog food. It’s important that dogs get a combination of meat and other types of food, like carrots, sweet potatoes, and even blueberries. This is especially true when it comes to keeping mother dogs healthy.

The Dog Reproductive Cycle

Dog gestation periods start with the dog reproductive cycle. Intact (unspayed) female dogs go into ‘heat’ approximately every six months, though this can vary depending on the breed and individual dog. During heat, their bodies prepare for potential pregnancy, signalling to other dogs that they’re ready to mate. If the female dog does not become pregnant during her heat, also known as estrus, then the cycle starts over again.

How Many Months Are Dogs Pregnant?

Bernese Mountain Dog puppies in snow

Dog gestation periods last anywhere from 57 to 65 days, with most births occurring between 60 and 65 days after mating.

No matter the size or breed, all dog gestation periods last between 57 and 65 days, or, around two months. It’s important to know exactly when estrus and mating took place in order to properly take care of the pregnant dog. If you suspect that your dog may be pregnant, contact your vet and schedule an exam.

How to Tell if a Dog is Pregnant

Pregnancy in dogs is often difficult to detect in the first month of gestation. One of the best ways to detect gestation in early pregnancy is through ultrasounds. Ultrasounds can detect pregnancy as early as 20 days into the gestation. Further, palpating the dog’s uterus can reveal the presence of the fetus as early as 21 days into gestation. After the dog is about 30 days along, veterinarians can conduct hormone tests and even X-rays to determine whether or not there is a pregnancy. They can also see how many fetuses there are and whether or not they are viable with these tests.

Should You Breed Your Dog?

Puppy licking owner's hand

Pregnant dogs often need smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.

The decision to breed your pet dog is not something that should be taken lightly. If you do not plan on breeding your dog, be sure to have them spayed or neutered as soon as they’re old enough—typically after at least six months of age. If you are considering breeding, be sure that you have a set plan for finding homes for all the puppies. Finally, before you decide to breed your dog, consider the thousands of dogs in need of homes. For many, adopting a puppy from the shelter is a wiser choice than breeding new puppies.

Ready to discover the top 10 cutest dog breeds in the entire world?

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What's the right dog for you?

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If you have kids or existing dogs select:

Other Dogs

Should they be Hypoallergenic?

How important is health?
Which dog groups do you like?
How much exercise should your dog require?
What climate?
How much seperation anxiety?
How much yappiness/barking?

How much energy should they have?

The lower energy the better.
I want a cuddle buddy!
About average energy.
I want a dog that I have to chase after constantly!
All energy levels are great -- I just love dogs!
How much should they shed?
How trainable/obedient does the dog need to be?
How intelligent does the dog need to be?
How much chewing will allow?

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About the Author

Brandi Allred

Brandi is a professional writer by day and a fiction writer by night. Her nonfiction work focuses on animals, nature, and conservation. She holds degrees in English and Anthropology, and spends her free time writing horror, scifi, and fantasy stories.

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