Animals that Start with X

Updated: October 12, 2022
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We only track 0 animals that start with the letter X.

The X-Ray Tetra species is naturally found in the Amazon river’s coastal waters in South America. They are one of the most popular freshwater fish kept as a pet. AZ Animals will be covering many more X name animals soon.

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Alphabetical List of Animals That Start with X

Animals that Start with X

A X-Ray Tetra
X-Ray Tetra

Yellow, black and white striped fins!

A Xeme (Sabine’s Gull)
Xeme (Sabine’s Gull)

They follow after seals and whales to eat their scraps.

A Xenacanthus

Smal eel-like ancient shark

A Xenoceratops

The Xenoceratops is the oldest known horned dinosaur ever discovered in Canada.

A Xenoposeidon

They may have acted as 'gardeners' to clear vegetation and disperse seeds through their feces.

A Xenotarsosaurus

Xenotarsosaurus was one of the first fossils discovered in South America's Bajo Barreal formation.

A Xerus

Squirrel that lives in burrows in Africa.

A Xiaosaurus

Xiaosaurus was a small and lightweight dinosaur

A Xiaotingia

Xiaotingia used its feathery hindlimbs for short-distance flights

A Xingu River Ray
Xingu River Ray

The Xingu River ray is only found in the Xingu River in Brazil.

A Xiphactinus

Xiphactinus was the largest bony fish of the Cretaceous Period.

A Xoloitzcuintli

The Xoloitzcuintli is the national dog of Mexico

Animals that start with the letter X, including the X-Ray Tetra & Xerus
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A-Z Animals Staff

AZ Animals is a growing team of animals experts, researchers, farmers, conservationists, writers, editors, and -- of course -- pet owners who have come together to help you better understand the animal kingdom and how we interact.

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