Animals that Start with V

Updated: October 12, 2022
Independent birds/
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Read below for information on 0 different animals that start with the letter V. They are the vampire bat, the vervet monkey, and vulture. Vampire bats are nocturnal and have razor sharp teeth. Vervets are mostly tree dwelling animals. The vulture is a carnivorous bird that is widely distributed across the world. AZ Animals will be covering many more V name animals soon.

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Alphabetical List of Animals That Start with V

All Animals that Start with V

A Valley Bulldog
Valley Bulldog

These dogs cannot swim well because of their stocky build and short legs.

A Vampire Bat
Vampire Bat

Have a heat sensor on the end of their nose!

A Vampire Crab
Vampire Crab

Vampire crabs do not depend on saltwater for their development; instead, they live near freshwater rivers and in forests amongst rocks and dense vegetation.

A Vampire Squid
Vampire Squid

Each of its eight arms has spines, though they use two filaments to eat.

A Vaquita

Smallest cetacean in the ocean

A Veery

The veery is named for its sharp "veer" call.

A Vegavis

Vegavis was one of the earliest birds to have a sound-producing organ

A Venus Flytrap
Venus Flytrap

The Venus flytrap is among a group of plants that consumes animals

A Vermilion Flycatcher
Vermilion Flycatcher

They have a fast song that lasts up to 10 syllables at max.

A Vervet Monkey
Vervet Monkey

Rarely found more than 450m from trees!

A Vicuña

Vicuñas have some of the softest wool in the entire animal kingdom

A Vine Snake
Vine Snake

A slender body and elongated snout give the vine snake a regal look.

A Vinegaroon

Vinegaroons can spray 19 times before the glands are depleted

A Viper

Vipers are one of the most widespread groups of snakes and inhabit most

A Viper Boa
Viper Boa

These boas aren't really vipers, they're nonvenomous constrictors that look like vipers.

A Viper Shark (dogfish)
Viper Shark (dogfish)

Most data on these fish is based on observations near Japan.

A Viperfish

Viperfish have a bioluminescent spine on their dorsal fin.

A Virgin Islands Dwarf Gecko
Virgin Islands Dwarf Gecko

The Virgin Islands dwarf gecko is among the smallest reptiles in the world

A Vizsla

Vizsla means searcher or tracker in Hungarian

A Volcano Snail
Volcano Snail

The volcano snail lives comfortably in temperatures of up to 750 degrees Fahrenheit.

A Vole

Voles were heavily mentioned in a Star Trek series as a space station pest.

A Volpino Italiano
Volpino Italiano

Almost went extinct before American Eskimo Dog breeders showed interest.

A Vulture

There are 30 different species worldwide!

Animals that start with the letter , including the Vervet Monkey & Vaquita
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AZ Animals is a growing team of animals experts, researchers, farmers, conservationists, writers, editors, and -- of course -- pet owners who have come together to help you better understand the animal kingdom and how we interact.

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