Animals that Start with B

Updated: October 11, 2022
Scott Thompson/ via Getty Images
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Read below for information on 0 different animals that start with the letter B, from baboon to butterfly fish. The most popular animal that starts with B is the Bengal Tiger, the least popular is the Burrowing Frog. Some fun facts about B name animals are:

  • There are thought to be as many as 20,000 different species of butterfly
  • The bonobo shares up to 97% of the same DNA as humans
  • The bison is the largest mammal in North America
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List of Animals That Start with B

Animals that Start with B – Pictures and Facts

A Babirusa

The babirusa is the only mammal with vertically growing canine teeth!

A Baboon

Can travel more than four miles a day!

A Bactrian Camel
Bactrian Camel

The camel with two humps!

A Badger

Can reach speeds of 30 km/h!

A Bagle – Basset Hound Mix
Bagle – Basset Hound Mix

Bagel's mouths tend to salivate, resulting in slobbery drool

A Bagworm Moth
Bagworm Moth

There are approximately 1350 species in the bagworm moth family (Psychidae), which forms part of the order Lepidoptera.

A Bagworm Moth Caterpillar
Bagworm Moth Caterpillar

They continually enlarge their protective cases

A Baird’s Rat Snake
Baird’s Rat Snake

Baird’s rat snake subdues its prey through suffocation.

A Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

Bald eagles have 20/5 vision, which is much sharper than a human's.

A Baleen Whale
Baleen Whale

“Sings” a whale song during breeding season.

A Balinese

Playful and energetic breed!

A Balkan Lynx
Balkan Lynx

The Balkan lynx communicates mostly with its ears

A Bamboo Rat
Bamboo Rat

They make a "boop, boop, boop" sound when danger draws near their burrow.

A Bamboo Shark
Bamboo Shark

Can reproduce asexually

A Bamboo Worms
Bamboo Worms

Bamboo worms are the larvae of moths that are eaten as a delicious snack in some parts of Asia.

A Banana Cinnamon Ball Python
Banana Cinnamon Ball Python

Banana cinnamon ball pythons came from combining the banana and cinnamon genes.

A Banana Spider
Banana Spider

People spin clothing and fishing nets out of these spiders’ silk.

A Banded Krait
Banded Krait

What often prevents more people from falling victim is that the banded krait does not always inject venom in a defensive bite. It saves the venom for hunting prey instead.

A Banded Palm Civet
Banded Palm Civet

Markings give it camouflage!

A Banded Water Snake
Banded Water Snake

Some water snakes defend themselves violently.

A Bandicoot

Bandicoot Many species are endangered or extinct!

A Banjo Catfish
Banjo Catfish

The banjo catfish is extremely shy and known for hiding from onlookers.

A Barb

There are over 1768 known species!

A Barbet

This dog has the nickname ‘Mud dog’ because it likes to play in muddy, swamp-like areas.

A Barinasuchus

Largest terrestrial predator of the Cenozoic era

A Bark Beetle
Bark Beetle

Not all bark beetles feed on a tree's bark. Some species feed on fruits, seeds, and other parts of the plant

A Bark Scorpion
Bark Scorpion

Glow under UV light

A Barn Owl
Barn Owl

Found everywhere around the world!

A Barn Spider
Barn Spider

Common barn dwelling spider

A Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow

Older offspring help care for new hatchlings.

A Barnacle

Closely related to crabs and lobsters!

A Barnevelder

The average lifespan of a Barnevelder chicken is 7 years. However, if cared for properly, these chickens can live up to 15 years old.

A Barosaurus

If a barosaurus were alive today, it could stand on its hind legs and look in a 5th floor apartment window.

A Barracuda

Can grow to nearly 2 meters long!

A Barramundi Fish
Barramundi Fish

Scale rings indicate age

A Barred Owl
Barred Owl

Like other owls, the barred owl swallows its prey whole.

A Barreleye Fish (Barrel Eye)
Barreleye Fish (Barrel Eye)

A barreleye fish's eyes can rotate in their head to look for prey.

A Barylambda

Barylambda was one of the largest animals that lived during the Paleocene

A Basenji Dog
Basenji Dog

Alert, affectionate and energetic!

A Basilisk Lizard
Basilisk Lizard

Can run/walk on water.

A Basking Shark
Basking Shark

The second biggest fish in the world!

A Bass

Prized by sport fishers for their size and strength

A Bassador

This dog is also known as a Bassetdor or a Basset Lab.

A Basset Fauve de Bretagne
Basset Fauve de Bretagne

A friendly and intelligent hunting dog that loves nothing more than to spend time with its owner.

A Basset Hound
Basset Hound

Forget the training when not rewarded!

A Bassetoodle

Basset hounds have been around since the 7th century, but the bassetoodle made its first appearance in the 2000s.

A Bat

Detects prey using echolocation!

A Bat-Eared Fox
Bat-Eared Fox

Bat-eared foxes can run up to 35 MPH!

A Batfish

The batfish has a lure on its head to attract prey

A Bavarian Mountain Hound
Bavarian Mountain Hound

Calm, quiet and poised!

A Baya

The baya constructs a massive nest out of plant fibers

A Bea-Tzu

The Bea-Tzu has a fast-growing coat

A Beabull

An excellent companion for cats!

A Beagador

Beagadors like to dig, so make sure your garden has a good fence around it!

A Beagle

Have become popular family pets!

A Beagle Mix
Beagle Mix

Reagles are the best students as they love to learn new tricks, so training them is a breeze.

A Beagle Shepherd
Beagle Shepherd

This dog can perform a wide range of exotic and acrobatic tricks that are not expected of a dog this size.

A Beaglier

These dogs have great sniffer abilities

A Beago

Beagos are good swimmers like their Golden Retriever parent.

A Bear

There are 8 different species!

A Bearded Collie
Bearded Collie

Weekly brushing is mandatory!

A Bearded Dragon
Bearded Dragon

Can grow to up 24 inches long!

A Bearded Fireworm
Bearded Fireworm

They emit bioluminescence during their mating ritual.

A Bearded Vulture
Bearded Vulture

These birds eat a diet of bones

A Beaski

Beaskis love to play, so get ready to go on plenty of long walks.

A Beauceron

The Beauceron is named after the place of its origin (Beauce) in France

A Beauty rat snake
Beauty rat snake

Beauty Rat Snakes are relatively harmless if left undisturbed, only attempting to bite out of fear.

A Beaver

Builds a dam from sticks and leaves!

A Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs

Bed bugs feed for 4-12 minutes.

A Bedlington Terrier
Bedlington Terrier

Highly active and intelligent dogs!

A Bee

Rock paintings of bees date back 15,000 years

A Bee-Eater

They roll around in dirt to prevent external parasites

A Beefalo

Beefalo meat is leaner and higher in protein than beef

A Beetle

There are more than 350,000 different species

A Beewolf wasp
Beewolf wasp

They hunt bees

A Belgian Canary
Belgian Canary

The Belgian canary is one of the oldest and most influential in its genus.

A Belgian Malinois Mix
Belgian Malinois Mix

These Belgian Malinois mixes can be scary when they are threatened. But it's important to note that they know when aggression is necessary. In other words, they will not attack unless they sense danger.

A Belgian Shepherd
Belgian Shepherd

The sheepdog is also known as the Groenendael. All four Belgian varieties have nicknames for Belgian villages.

A Belgian Tervuren
Belgian Tervuren

The first breed to win an AKC Herding Championship.

A Bengal Tiger
Bengal Tiger

The most numerous species of tiger!

A Bergamasco

Bergamascos are excellent problem solvers; they were bred to be independent as they work alongside their nomadic shepherd owners.

A Berger Picard
Berger Picard

Berger means shepherd in French

A Bernedoodle

The Bernedoodle was first bred in 2003 to create a dog with a similar temperament to the Bernese Mountain Dog that would have a longer lifespan.

A Bernese Mountain Dog
Bernese Mountain Dog

Very loyal, faithful and affectionate!

A Bernese Mountain Dog Mix
Bernese Mountain Dog Mix

This Bernese mountain dog mix gets very attached to its loved ones and demands plenty of attention.

A Bernese Shepherd
Bernese Shepherd

Bernese shepherds prefer cool climates

A Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish)
Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish)

Can live in low-oxygen environments!

A Bhutan Takin
Bhutan Takin

Live in bamboo forests 15,000 feet above sea level

A Bichir

The bichir species is more than 400 million years old

A Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise

Gentle mannered, playful and affectionate!

A Bichpoo

Despite its small size, the alert nature and sharp bark of this canine make it a good watch dog.

A Biewer Terrier
Biewer Terrier

A toy terrier dog and is elegant and tri-colored.

A Bigfin Reef Squid
Bigfin Reef Squid

Can change color through use of chromatophores

A Bighorn Sheep
Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn rams can run at speeds up to 40 miles per hour when fighting for dominance.

A Bilby

In Australia, the chocolate bilby replaces the chocolate bunny for Easter.

A Binturong

Also known as the Asian Bearcat!

A Bird

Not all birds are able to fly!

A Bird Of Paradise
Bird Of Paradise

There are around 50 different species!

A Bird Snake
Bird Snake

Usambara vine snakes sit perfectly still and sway in the wind like a stick.

A Birman

A blue-eyed beauty!

A Biscuit Beetle
Biscuit Beetle

The biscuit beetle form a symbiotic relationship with yeast

A Bismarck Ringed Python
Bismarck Ringed Python

When these snakes are babies, they look like Halloween snakes with their bright orange and black bands.

A Bison

Largest mammal in North America!

A Black And Tan Coonhound
Black And Tan Coonhound

This dog has its own unique howl.

A Black Aphids
Black Aphids

One of the most destructive pests in the world

A Black Bass
Black Bass

The most popular game fish in North America

A Black Crappie
Black Crappie

Black crappie fish can hybridize with white crappie, resulting in a closely related species.

A Black Dragon Lizard
Black Dragon Lizard

Their black color is due to a genetic mutation!

A Black German Shepherd
Black German Shepherd

Thought to be aggressive, they are actually affectionate dogs with a protective streak.

A Black Mamba
Black Mamba

Black mambas are the longest venomous snake in Africa, and second longest in the world.

A Black Marlin
Black Marlin

Every black marlin is born as a female.

A Black Mouth Cur
Black Mouth Cur

From the dog's description in the book, it is believed that Old Yeller was actually a Black Mouth Cur.

A Black Rat Snake
Black Rat Snake

They're also called black pilot snakes due to a myth that they "pilot" venomous snakes to a den where they can go into brumation for the winter.

A Black Rhinoceros
Black Rhinoceros

Horns can grow to 1.5m!

A Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian Terrier

Confident, calm and highly intelligent!

A Black Sea Bass
Black Sea Bass

Black sea bass males become fluorescent blue and green during the breeding season.

A Black Tarantula
Black Tarantula

They can grow to be 7 inches long!

A Black Throat Monitor
Black Throat Monitor

The black-throat monitor is the second-longest lizard species in Africa and the largest in mass.

A Black Wasp
Black Wasp

The great black wasp is a species of digger wasp.

A Black Widow Spider
Black Widow Spider

They typically prey on insects!

A Black Witch Moth
Black Witch Moth

Some folklore associate Black Witch Moths with bad luck (and even death!), while other associates them with good fortune.

A Black-Bellied Whistling Duck
Black-Bellied Whistling Duck

They have bright pink bills.

A Black-Capped Chickadee
Black-Capped Chickadee

Black-capped chickadees weigh less than half an ounce!

A Black-Footed Ferret
Black-Footed Ferret

Black footed ferrets are the only ones native to North America.

A Black-headed python
Black-headed python

Black-headed pythons gather heat with their heads while their bodies stay hidden and safe.

A Black-Tailed Rattlesnake
Black-Tailed Rattlesnake

One of the most beautiful rattlesnakes, they have solid black tails.

A Blackburnian Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler

They are the only songbird in North America with an orange throat!

A Blackfin Tuna
Blackfin Tuna

expensive sushi-grade tuna

A Blacknose Shark
Blacknose Shark

When threatened, Blacknose sharks raise their head, arch their back, and lower their pectoral fins.

A Blackpoll Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler

They migrate for the longest distance of any warbler.

A Blacktip Reef Shark
Blacktip Reef Shark

They move in and out of mangrove swamps with the tides.

A Blacktip Shark 
Blacktip Shark 

One of the most commonly-encountered sharks

A Bladefin Basslet
Bladefin Basslet

The tiny bladefin basslet belongs to the same subfamily as the giant grouper, Epinephelinae.

A Blanket Octopus
Blanket Octopus

Females can weigh up to 40,000 times more than their partners.

A Blind Snake
Blind Snake

The blind snake is often mistaken for a worm.

A Blister Beetle
Blister Beetle

Blister Beetles are attracted to lights at night.

A Blister Beetle
Blister Beetle

Blister beetles release a toxic fluid that causes blistering when they're threatened.

A Blobfish

One of the ugliest creatures in existence!

A Blood Python
Blood Python

Blood pythons are so called because of the blood red markings on their skin.

A Bloodhound

Affectionate, gentle and even-tempered!

A Blowfly

Can smell rotting carcasses up to one mile away

A Blue Andalusian
Blue Andalusian

Blue Andalusian chickens are a classic example used to teach students about genetics!

A Blue Belly Lizard
Blue Belly Lizard

This species can detach its tail to escape from predators

A Blue Catfish
Blue Catfish

It's a strong fighter when caught on a fishing line

A Blue Death Feigning Beetle
Blue Death Feigning Beetle

When threatened, blue death feigning beetles will pretend like they’re dead.

A Blue Dragon Sea Slug
Blue Dragon Sea Slug

They inflict a painful, venomous sting

A Blue Eyed Pleco
Blue Eyed Pleco

Can live safely with many types of fish.

A Blue German Shepherd
Blue German Shepherd

The Blue German Shepherd is not actually blue but dark gray.

A Blue Gray Gnatcatcher
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Joy and happiness are the spiritual meaning of this bird.

A Blue grosbeak
Blue grosbeak

Blue grosbeak parents take off the head, legs and wings of an insect before feeding it to their baby.

A Blue Jay
Blue Jay

Blue jays rub ants on their feather to remove harmful acids

A Blue Lacy Dog
Blue Lacy Dog

Originated in Texas in the mid 1800s!

A Blue Nose Pit Bull
Blue Nose Pit Bull

Their noses are actually light bluish-gray.

A Blue Picardy Spaniel
Blue Picardy Spaniel

The Blue Picardy is also known as the Epagneul Bleu de Picardie in French

A Blue Racer
Blue Racer

Some blue racers have smooth scales that are solid electric blue while others are grayish or brownish.

A Blue Shark
Blue Shark

Blue sharks can have up to 135 pups at a time.

A Blue Tanager (Blue-Grey Tanager)
Blue Tanager (Blue-Grey Tanager)

They travel and forage in pairs or groups

A Blue Tang
Blue Tang

One of the most colorful members of the genus Acanthurus

A Blue Tit
Blue Tit

The blue tit can hang upside down from branches

A Blue Whale
Blue Whale

The largest animal on Earth

A Blue-Ringed Octopus
Blue-Ringed Octopus

The blue-ringed octopus produces some of the deadliest poison in the world

A Bluefin Tuna
Bluefin Tuna

The bluefin is one of the largest fish in the world

A Bluefish

Bluefish are known for their "bluefish blitzes," where they chase schools of small baitfish to the surface, creating a feeding frenzy visible from the shore.

A Bluegill

The world record for longest bluegill is 15 inches.

A Bluetick Coonhound
Bluetick Coonhound

Has an uncanny knack for problem-solving!

A Boas

Boas are considered primitive snakes and still have vestigial legs, called spurs.

A Bobcat

About double the size of a domestic cat!

A Bobolink

In spring, the male bobolink is the only North American bird who is dark below and light colored above. This makes identification easy.

A Boelen’s python
Boelen’s python

A single hatchling can go for over $5,000 as a pet.

A Boer Goat
Boer Goat

Most popular meat goat in the world

A Boggle

Boggles at animal rescues are often mistaken for pitbulls because they have a similar facial structure.

A Boglen Terrier
Boglen Terrier

Boglen terriers are also occasionally known as boggles.

A Bolivian Anaconda
Bolivian Anaconda

This is a newly described species! In 2002, scientists realized they had a different species in Bolivia.

A Bolognese Dog
Bolognese Dog

From the northern Italian city of Bologna!

A Bombardier Beetle
Bombardier Beetle

Spray a noxious solution from their abdomens

A Bombay

Bred to look like a black panther!

A Bonefish

Bonefish have migratory habits, moving from shallow waters to deeper waters during different times of the year.

A Bongo

Long and heavy spiralled horns!

A Bonito Fish
Bonito Fish

May eat squid or other small invertebrate ocean life

A Bonnethead Shark
Bonnethead Shark

Bonnetheads are the only hammerhead sharks that use their pectoral fins to swim.

A Bonobo

Shares 97% of the same DNA as humans!

A Booby

Seabirds found across the South Pacific!

A Boomslang

Boomslangs are primarily arboreal but sometimes come to the ground.

A Booted Bantam
Booted Bantam

The feathers on the feet of tiny Booted Bantam chickens can reach up to six inches in length!

A Borador

Boradors make excellent police dogs and are used often on search and rescue missions.

A Border Collie
Border Collie

Highly intelligent and alert breed!

A Border Collie Mix
Border Collie Mix

Because the border collsky's parent breeds were hardworking dogs, mainly used to herd animals and pull sleds, they will need proper socialization to cope with new people.

A Border Terrier
Border Terrier

Small, rough-coated breed of terrier!

A Bordoodle

Bordoodles are much quieter than other Doodles and require far less exercise.

A Borkie

Most Borkies inherit the signature howl of their Beagle parent.

A Bornean Orangutan
Bornean Orangutan

Known to use large leaves as umbrellas!

A Borneo Elephant
Borneo Elephant

The smallest species of elephant!

A Boskimo

Boskimos are a cross between Boston terriers and American Eskimos

A Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier

Friendly, lovable and very strong!

A Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin

Stays in groups from 15 to 2,000 in number!'

A Bouvier Des Flandres
Bouvier Des Flandres

A Bouvier cannot achieve a champion title in Belgium unless it has already won a prize as a working police or military dog.

A Bowfin

The bowfin is a primitive fish that first evolved in the Jurassic

A Bowhead Whale
Bowhead Whale

Bowhead Whales can make hundreds of distinct songs they use to communicate with one another.

A Box Jellyfish
Box Jellyfish

Venomous marine animals

A Box Turtle
Box Turtle

This reptile has an S-shaped neck allowing it to pull its entire head into its shell.

A Boxachi

A Boxachi’s size can vary, so you won’t know how big they will get unless you adopt an adult. However, 40 pounds is the maximum weight they can reach.

A Boxador

Boxadors are extremely smart and catch onto backyard games very quickly!

A Boxer Dog
Boxer Dog

Bright, energetic and playful!

A Boxer Mix
Boxer Mix

If cared for properly, boxadors can live for 10 to 15 years.

A Boxerdoodle

The Boxerdoodle has a strong hunting dog lineage.

A Boxfish

Can release a toxin from its skin

A Boxsky

Boxers were bred to be working war dogs, and their boxsky descendants still love to help out on ranches and other outdoor jobs.

A Boxweiler

Boxweilers come in a variety of colors, but they usually feature the subtle brindle pattern that their boxer parents are so famous for.

A Bracco Italiano
Bracco Italiano

The Bracco Italiano is considered the oldest European pointer. It was a popular hunting dog during the Renaissance, being bred by both the Medici and Gonzaga families.

A Brachiosaurus

Palentologists originally believed that brachiosaurus lived in the water, but they lived on land.

A Brahma Chicken
Brahma Chicken

Brahma chickens are huge and friendly, but one reportedly killed a man in Ireland!

A Brahminy Blindsnake
Brahminy Blindsnake

These snakes have been introduced to all continents, except Antarctica!

A Braque du Bourbonnais
Braque du Bourbonnais

This breed almost went extinct during the World Wars but was revived in the 1970s.

A Braque Francais
Braque Francais

The Braque Francais will not warn you of any potential threats but, instead, will try to befriend the stranger.

A Brazilian Black Tarantula
Brazilian Black Tarantula

They seem to move in slow motion.

A Brazilian Terrier
Brazilian Terrier

Small body and tri-coloured coat!

A Brazilian Treehopper
Brazilian Treehopper

“Mild-Mannered Minimonsters”

A Bredl’s Python
Bredl’s Python

These snakes love to climb trees, and young snakes often hide high in the branches.

A Brittany

The breed was formerly known as the Brittany spaniel

A Brontosaurus

Their necks had air pockets that kept them light and relatively easy to maneuver.

A Bronze Whaler Shark
Bronze Whaler Shark

Bronze whaler sharks often hunt in large groups, herding schools of fish into bait balls and going on a feeding frenzy.

A Bronze-winged Jacana
Bronze-winged Jacana

Fathers pick up their young and carry them under their wings

A Brook Trout
Brook Trout

The Brook Trout is actually part of the salmon family, making it not technically a trout.

A Brookesia Micra
Brookesia Micra

Brookesia micra can curl up and pretend to be a dead leaf if it’s threatened.

A Brown Bear
Brown Bear

A dominant predator in it's environment!

A Brown Dog Tick
Brown Dog Tick

Can live its entire life indoors

A Brown Headed Cowbird
Brown Headed Cowbird

Males are generally monogamous during mating season and will protect the female from other males. However, females tend to venture from their partners and mate with other males.

A Brown Hyena
Brown Hyena

They don’t laugh

A Brown Snake
Brown Snake

Causes the most snake bite deaths in Australia!

A Brown Tree Snake
Brown Tree Snake

People have reported seeing these snakes in Texas, Oklahoma, and Hawaii, but this has never been proven!

A Brown Water Snake
Brown Water Snake

Has more scales than any other water snake on the continent: 27 to 33 rows of dorsal scales!

A Brown-banded Cockroach
Brown-banded Cockroach

Females glue egg cases to furniture

A Brug

These small, confident dogs have no fear of approaching much larger dogs.

A Brussels Griffon
Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon prefers to live with another dog so they have a companion to play with.

A Budgerigar

Natively found in Australia!

A Buff Orpington Chicken
Buff Orpington Chicken

Buff Orpingtons love to sit on your lap.

A Buffalo

"They look like you owe them money."

A Buffalo Fish
Buffalo Fish

The oldest Buffalo fish recorded was 112 years old!

A Bull and Terrier
Bull and Terrier

Bull and Terriers were explicitly bred for bull-baiting, a savage blood sport where certain dog breeds would attack an angered bull tied to a pole.

A Bull Shark
Bull Shark

Unpredictable and aggressive temperament!

A Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier

Needs to be kept active!

A Bull Trout
Bull Trout

The bull trout is not actually a trout, but a member of the char family.

A Bullboxer

Bullboxers have several different breed nicknames, including the pitoxer, bullboxer pit, and the American bull boxer.

A Bulldog

Friendly, loving and docile!

A Bulldog Mix
Bulldog Mix

Bulladors are notorious for having the best traits and mannerisms from both parents, as they are usually friendly, playful, and sociable.

A Bullfrog

Has loud cow-like calls!

A Bullmastiff

Courageous, loyal and calm!

A Bullsnake

Considered “The farmer’s friend” because it eats mice and other vermin.

A Bumblebee

The most common species of bee!

A Burmese

Adoring, elegant and affectionate!

A Burmese Python
Burmese Python

These snakes can swallow their prey as whole.

A Burrowing Frog
Burrowing Frog

Found close to marshes, streams and lakes!

A Burrowing Owl
Burrowing Owl

The burrowing owl lives in underground burrows

A Bush Baby
Bush Baby

In a series of leaps, this creature can cover almost 30 feet of distance in just a few seconds.

A Bush Dog
Bush Dog

Bush dogs have webbed toes to help them swim.

A Bush Viper
Bush Viper

Bush vipers are predators, sinking their fangs into prey while dangling from a tree limb

A Bushmaster Snake
Bushmaster Snake

The bushmaster’s scientific name means “silent death.”

A Butterfly

There are thought to be up 17,500 species!

A Butterfly Fish
Butterfly Fish

There are more than 100 different species!

A Bengal Tiger
Bengal Tiger

The most numerous species of tiger!

A Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier

Friendly, lovable and very strong!

Our Newest Animals that Start with the Letter B

The most recently added Animals that start with the letter B.

A Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

Bald eagles have 20/5 vision, which is much sharper than a human's.

A Barn Owl
Barn Owl

Found everywhere around the world!

Animals that start with the letter B, including the Brown Bear & Bumblebee.
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