Discover Where “Heartland” Is Filmed: Best Time to Visit, Wildlife, and More!

Percheron horse
© Nadezda Murmakova/

Written by Angie Menjivar

Updated: June 1, 2023

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For horse lovers, Heartland is a must-watch series that beautifully illustrates what life on a ranch and working with horses truly entails. For those who have only ever dreamed of ranch life, living vicariously through the characters only further inspires them to ride. Discover where Heartland is filmed, including when the best time to visit is, what kind of wildlife you’ll find there, and if you can visit the real set of the show!

What Is Heartland About?

Heartland is a Canadian-based family drama that follows multiple generations as they navigate the ever-complex and ever-changing events throughout their lives. The show takes place in a fictional town called Hudson in Canada. Here, the Fleming-Bartlett family lives on a ranch on a hill just below the Rocky Mountains. The show explores the themes of loss and betrayal but also of marriage and friendship. The protagonist is Amy, a teenage girl who shares a special gift in common with her mother. Each of them seems to possess an uncanny ability to communicate with horses and, thus, rehabilitate them.

In the very first episode, Amy tragically loses her mother. So, she has to move to Heartland Ranch, where her grandfather takes her in. Around the same time, her older sister, Lou Fleming, who has been living in New York, returns to help with the family ranch and grieve alongside her loved ones. When Amy’s and Lou’s mom was killed, she was attempting to save a horse named Spartan. As part of her own healing, Amy begins working with Spartan to hone the gift her mother passed on to her. As Amy continues helping injured and abused horses, the ranch starts opening to welcome others.

Horse, Disability, People, Recovery, Care

Heartland is a must-watch show for horse lovers.

© Stojanovic

Where Was Heartland Filmed?

Heartland is filmed at a private ranch located in Millarville, Alberta. This ranch was the location for the outdoor scenes throughout the show. Unfortunately for die-hard fans, this private ranch is not open to the public. However, the set for Maggie’s Diner, Tack, and Feed is located in High River, Alberta. It offers fans a chance to walk up and snap some photos. According to a TripAdvisor review, you can also leave a note for the cast! Additionally, a studio set located in Calgary was used to film many of the indoor scenes of the show.

Amber Marshall, who plays Amy, takes viewers on a YouTube tour of the places where the show was filmed, including the Heartland house. She breaks the fourth wall as she invites you further in to see what the set looks like. Amber explains they film in different locations based on whether they’re filming outdoor or indoor scenes. Next, the actress walks over to the rest of the property to show off the chicken coop, the Heartland barn (which she clarifies is a real barn). She then shares a secret — they have an exact replica of the barn over in the studio!

Best Time to Visit Calgary, Alberta

To protect the owners and private ranch where Heartland is filmed, there is no data of the exact location of the ranch. However, Calgary is a wonderful place you can visit starting in mid-June through the first part of October to get a chance to visit the Millarville Farmers Market. Here, you can check out various vendors, including artists, farmers, growers, and bakers. There’s something special to find here that will make you feel as though you’re enjoying a piece of Heartland yourself.

Calgary is a wonderful place you can visit starting in mid-June through the first part of October.

©Dolce Vita/

Wildlife in Calgary, Alberta

Calgary has tons of natural areas where wildlife abounds. A walk through a local park means plenty of opportunities for wildlife encounters. The City of Calgary offers a friendly but stern reminder that all wildlife should be left alone and never fed. If you can’t make it to Calgary, check out the wildlife monitoring cameras on the City of Calgary’s website. Some of the wildlife you’re likely to spot or encounter once there include:

Things to Do in Calgary, Alberta

Although there is plenty of wildlife in Calgary, it also boasts a bustling city with various skyscrapers, great fine dining options, and a booming oil industry. For an aerial view of the city, head over to the Calgary Tower, an attraction that gives you a unique look at the city. It will help orient you if you plan to get around town. To see some animals in a more contained environment, check out the Calgary Zoo, where there are more than 1,000 animals!

Where is Calgary, Alberta Located on a Map?

Calgary, an Alberta city boasting a striking skyline and cosmopolitan vibe, owes its rapid development to its role as the heart of Canada’s oil industry. Despite this, it retains a strong connection to its Western heritage, earning the nickname “Cowtown.”

This is evident in the world-renowned Calgary Stampede, a grand rodeo, and festival held every July that originated from the agricultural showcases once held in the city.

Here is Calgary on a map:

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About the Author

Angie Menjivar is a writer at A-Z-Animals primarily covering pets, wildlife, and the human spirit. She has 14 years of experience, holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology, and continues her studies into human behavior, working as a copywriter in the mental health space. She resides in North Carolina, where she's fallen in love with thunderstorms and uses them as an excuse to get extra cuddles from her three cats.

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