Heartbreaking Video Shows a Herd of Buffalo Get Spooked by a Lion Pride and Leave a Calf Behind

Buffalo calf
© Jurgens Potgieter/Shutterstock.com

Written by Sammi Caramela

Published: November 13, 2023

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Nature and wildlife can be gutwrenching at times. Though simply part of the “circle of life,” witnessing a predator kill its innocent prey can be hard to watch. In a recent TikTok video, which is linked below, a lion pride spooks a herd of buffalo, causing it to leave a young calf behind. The calf looks around, seemingly confused and scared as it searches for the rest of its herd. Within seconds, a lion pounces from its hiding spot in the tall grass and pins the calf down, sinking its sharp teeth into its body as it flails around. The scene is not for sensitive eyes, so viewed discretion is advised.

Watch the Heartbreaking Video Now

Do Lions Prey on Buffalo?

Yes, lions prey on buffalo in addition to various other animals, including antelopes, zebras, warthogs, wildebeests, and other grassland animals. While many of its prey are actually larger than the lion, because they hunt in prides, lions can typically take down massive animals together. 

In the video shown above, a single lion can attack and kill a buffalo calf with ease. This is likely due to the calf’s small size. Oftentimes, lions will go after babies if the prey they’re hunting is usually larger and stronger than they are. This gives them a better chance of killing it.

What Are a Buffalo’s Predators?

A buffalo’s most common predators include humans, lions, crocodiles, and hyenas. Because buffalo travel in large herds (between 50-500 members), they typically can fight off predators.

Buffalo herd in the Okavango Delta

Buffalo herds often contain hundreds of buffalo.

©2630ben/iStock via Getty Images

This is an especially helpful way to keep buffalo calves safe from being singled out and attacked. However, as you saw in the video above, members can get left behind when spooked, ultimately leaving them vulnerable to a predator. 

Where Do Lions and Buffalo Live?

Both lions and buffalo live in Africa, but lions also live in Asia. There is also an overlap in the animals’ habitats, with a lion’s habitat consisting mostly of open woodland, scrub, and grassland and a buffalo’s habitat including woodland and grass pastures.

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About the Author

Sammi is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering cats, nature, symbolism, and spirituality. Sammi is a published author and has been writing professionally for six+ years. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Writing Arts and double minors in Journalism and Psychology. A proud New Jersey resident, Sammi loves reading, traveling, and doing yoga with her little black cat, Poe.

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