The Largest Dogfish Shark Ever Caught in Maryland

Man fishing in a kayak in the sea. Fisherman kayaking in the Mediterranean sea

Written by Nixza Gonzalez

Published: August 16, 2024

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Fishing is a fun and popular hobby in Maryland. So many incredible records have been won in this vibrant state. Maryland offers both incredible saltwater and freshwater fishing opportunities. This means that you can fish for large bass and sharks in the same week.

Can you guess the size of the largest shark ever caught in Maryland? What about the smallest? On July 9, 1983, Grace Czerniak caught a massive 1,210-pound tiger shark. This is just one impressive shark record. In 2009, Jim Hughes​ managed to reel in an 876-pound mako shark.

Not all sharks though are massive beasts weighing over 500 pounds. Also found in Maryland waters are dogfish sharks. Actually, Maryland lists two records. But what are they? Keep reading to learn about the largest dogfish shark ever caught in Maryland.

Are Dogfish Shark Common in Maryland?

Maryland has plenty of excellent Atlantic fishing spots. The state also boasts some of the most beautiful beaches. You’d be surprised just how many sharks swim near the shore. You may have even swum within just a few feet of a shark. One of the most common shark species in Maryland is the dogfish shark. Also in Maryland waters are common threshers, scalloped hammerheads, Atlantic sharp noses, and more.

What are Dogfish Sharks?

Spiny dogfish shark Deep - 15 meters Japan sea Russia

Dogfish sharks are common in Maryland.

In Maryland are two types of dogfish sharks; spiny and smooth. Spiny dogfish sharks are found all over the U.S. They are slim sharks that grow up to four feet long. Spiny dogfish sharks are mainly grey and white. They live for about forty years.

Smooth dogfish aren’t too different from spicy dogfish. Smooth dogfish sharks are grey, brown, and white. Although most are about two to three feet long, they can reach five feet. These sharks give birth to live young.

The Largest Dogfish Shark Ever Caught in Maryland

Now that we’ve learned a little more about dogfish sharks, let’s discover the largest dogfish shark ever caught in Maryland. There are two records. The largest dogfish shark ever caught in Maryland was a smooth dogfish. On October 22, 2022, Fay Ganster​​ reeled in an 18-pound smooth dogfish. But what about spicy dogfish? Meyels Sampson holds the record for the largest spiny dogfish ever caught in Maryland. They caught an 11-pound and 5-ounce spiny dogfish in 1993 in Ocean City.

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About the Author

Nixza Gonzalez

Nixza Gonzalez is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering topics like travel, geography, plants, and marine animals. She has over six years of experience as a content writer and holds an Associate of Arts Degree. A resident of Florida, Nixza loves spending time outdoors exploring state parks and tending to her container garden.

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