Discover 22 Vines That Produce Beautiful White Flowers

White Sky Vine flowers in bloom. Native to India, it is also known as Bengal Clock Vine and White Trumpet Vine.
Sanchita Visual Arts/

Written by Nixza Gonzalez

Updated: August 30, 2023

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Vines are excellent plants you can use to spruce up your garden. Many of them produce stunning white flowers, and others even develop into edible food! Here we have a long list of 22 vines that produce beautiful white flowers and some tips and tricks on how to grow them.

1. Japanese Climbing Hydrangea

The first white-flower-producing vine on our list is the Japanese climbing hydrangea, sometimes simply called the climbing hydrangea. This lovely flowering vine is native to the woodlands of Japan and parts of the Korean peninsula and Sakhalin Island. Although this woody and showy climbing vine isn’t native to North America, you can find it in many gardens. This gardener-favorite vine can reach about 30 to 50 feet long. It also has a wide spread of about 5 to 6 feet. This plant in North America is mainly grown as an ornamental, often in garden pots or near tall trees. They are also commonly planted underneath fences and use the fence to climb. If you’re going to grow this plant, keep in mind it requires full morning sun and afternoon shade, especially in hot climates.

Japanese hydrangea vine

Japanese climbing hydrangeas are grown as ornamental vines in North American gardens.

2. Snake Gourd

The next white-flowering vine on our list is the snake gourd. The snake gourd is native to large parts of south and southeast Asia. This plant is common in India, Malaysia, Pakistan, and China. Although not native to Africa, it’s been naturalized.

Snake gourds produce long delicious vegetables that emerge from lace-like unique white flowers. The flowers are white and open at night. They have many long white hairs that curl up. This annual vine also has massive leaves that reach about 10 inches long. Snake gourd fruit is long, growing up to 59 inches. It’s eaten as an immature vegetable in Asia. As the fruit matures, it turns red and develops a slight bitterness.

Snake Gourd Flower

Snake gourds produce lace-like white flowers that bloom at night.

3. Southern Dewberry

The Southern Dewberry is another white-flowering vine. It’s a member of the rose family and is native to parts of North America, including the southern United States and northern Mexico. Some southern dewberries are vines, while others are shrubs. As a shrub, it can reach about 8 feet tall. However, it can also grow as a vine curling and spreading on the ground. Southern dewberries aren’t just known for their lovely white flowers, but also their sweet and tart fruits. These plants produce fruit in spring. They are eaten raw or used in jams. One tip to growing a large and healthy southern dewberry plant is to water deeply, but only when the soil dries out.

Rubus trivialis, Southern dewberry. A view of a thicket of many flowers, green (unripe) fruit, and prickly stems. Horizontal color photo.

Another vine that produces beautiful white flowers is the southern dewberry, which may also grow as a shrub.

4. White Coral Vine

Next on our list of vines that produce beautiful white flowers is the white coral vine. Another name for this long and dense plant is the queen’s wreathAlthough it’s made it onto our list of vines that produce beautiful white flowers, the flowers can also be dark or light pink. These lovely flowers are native to the Pacific and Atlantic coastal plains of Mexico. However, you can find this stunning vine throughout the southern United States. It’s also a popular, tall, and shady ornamental vine in many gardens. If you wish to grow your coral vine, you can plant seeds indoors in spring.

white mexican creeper, Antigonon Leptopus,  Coral Vine white plant, white flowers

White coral vines are bright vines native to Mexico.

5. White Sky Vine

Another stunning white-flowering vine is the white sky vine. The scientific name for this lovely plant is Thunbergia grandiflora ‘Alba’. However, it’s also called the white Bengal clock vine. This beautiful evergreen vine has thick dark green leaves and rope-like stems. The flowers aren’t just white, they also have a yellow-striped center. These flowers bloom from mid-summer to late fall and are about 3 inches wide. White sky vines don’t thrive in cold weather. They are best grown in USDA growing zones 8a to 11b. To encourage growth and save space, it’s best to plant near a trellis or fence.

Close up on White Bengal Trumpet (Thunbergia grandiflora 'Alba')

White sky vines produce beautiful white flowers with yellow-striped centers.

6. Snail Vine

While snail vine flowers aren’t entirely white, they still make this list. Snail vines are members of the Fabaceae family. They are well-known for their unique and fragrant snail-shell-shaped flowers. These flowers also sometimes resemble corkscrews, which explains why it’s also called the corkscrew vine. Snail vines are native to Central and South America. They can be both annuals and perennials depending on their environment. Snail vines produce clusters of small, fragrant, and vibrant pink, purple, and white flowers during the summer. If these flowers have been pollinated, they produce seedpods. This is great if you’d like to dry the seeds and grow multiple snail vines.

Snail Vine

Snail vines produce pink, purple, and white snail-like flowers.

7. White Mandevilla Vine

The seventh white-flowering vine on our list is the white mandevilla vine. Technically, mandevilla is a genus of flowering plants that come in many colors. These vines were first officially described in 1840. They are more commonly called rock trumpets. White Mandevilla vines are native to parts of North and South America. Many of the species within this genus originate from the Serra dos Órgãos forests in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These lovely vines are excellent and lush climbers, perfect if you want a climbing vine with large fragrant flowers. They are perfect when grown along a trellis or fence.

White mandevilla flower - Latin name - Mandevilla boliviensis

Mandevilla vines have a wide range. They come in many colors and are typically fragrant.

8. Climbing White Jasmine

Next is the climbing white jasmine, also known as the true or common jasmine. This lovely white flowering plant is a member of the olive family. Its scientific name is Jasminum officinale. Although only native to parts of Asia and the Caucasus, it’s been widely naturalized all over the world. 

Climbing white jasmines are popular garden flowers. They are especially showy in summer when hundreds, if not thousands, of small white flowers bloom. This plant is a favorite for many gardeners as the flowers are abundant and delicate, but also fragrant. Jasmine flowers are sometimes used in aromatherapy. It’s also a common sweet and heavy perfume scent.

True jasmine, Jasminum officinale, white flowering bush in southern France

Climbing white jasmines have a wide range and are popular garden flowers.

9. White Flowering Honeysuckle Vine

The white flowering honeysuckle vine is another lovely vine on our list. It’s sometimes also called the western white honeysuckle. The scientific name for this dazzling vine is Lonicera albiflora. This vine is native to parts of the southeastern United States including Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. It can grow as a small leafy vine or as a shrub that reaches about 4 feet tall. However, the plant can sometimes grow up to 10 feet tall. The flowers grow in small clusters of about 2 inches. They bloom in spring from March through May.

Western White Honeysuckle (Lonicera albiflora) in garden, Moscow region, Russia

White flowering honeysuckle vines bloom in spring.

10. Bleeding Heart Vine

Have you ever heard of the bleeding heart vine? It’s a unique vibrant flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae. The scientific name for this vine is Clerodendrum thomsoniae. It’s native to tropical west Africa from Cameroon west to Senegal. This stunning vine has large dark green ovate to oblong leaves about 7 inches long. The flowers are produced in clusters and are white and light pink with a red five-lobed corolla. Bleeding heart vines are popular ornamental flowers. They are commonly grown in warm southern gardens and don’t tolerate frost.

Bleeding Heart Vine,Broken Heart, Bag Flower, flower of magic flower

Bleeding heart vines go by many names. They are also called bagflowers.

11. Wild Cucumber

Wild cucumbers also produce brilliant white flowers. The scientific name for this plant is Echinocystis lobata. It’s native to North America. You can find this lovely wild plant within 40 states in the United States. It isn’t native to most of the southeastern United States. This lovely sprawling vine is an annual that easily grows as long as 26 feet. It’s an excellent climber, perfect for growing on a trellis. Despite their lovely appearance, wild cucumber fruits aren’t edible. 

Wild Cucumber (Echinocystis lobata) in garden

Wild cucumber fruits aren’t edible.

12. White Bougainvillea

The twelfth vine on our list of vines that produce beautiful white flowers is the bougainvillea. Not all bougainvillea flowers are white though. They are sometimes pink, yellow, red, or purple. These thorny ornamental vines can sometimes grow as shrubs. Within the bougainvillea genus, there are about 4 to 22 species of vines and many more cultivars. Depending on the species, this plant can grow between 3 to 39 feet tall. You can grow these plants in the ground or containers. They also do well in hanging baskets. However, it’s best to grow white bougainvillea vines in warmer climates, like USDA growing zones 9b and 10.

Greece, Cyclades Island. Blooming purple white bougainvillea flower under blue sky sunny day background. Thorny ornamental tree, shrub, vine.

White bougainvillea vines can grow between 3 to 39 feet tall.

13. White Morning Glory

Possibly one of the most common flowers on our list is the morning glory, which produces white flowers. There are thousands of species of morning glory flowers, that range in color and size. These long vines are very showy, especially during spring and summer when they bloom. They can easily stretch up to 10 feet long. Morning glory vines are hardy. These lovely flowering annuals thrive in USDA growing zones 2-11. You don’t need a lot of space to grow them either. You can plant morning glory vines in containers.

Beach morning glory

There are thousands of morning glory species.

14. White Japanese Wisteria

White Japanese wisterias are beautiful hanging plants. This plant species is breathtaking and perfect for adding a whimsical and peaceful look to your yard. It’s native to Korea and Japan. This twinning vine, twists and produces a long branch of white graceful flowers. The flowers are fragrant and bloom in large amounts during spring. While this plant can be started in a container, it needs room to grow and should be transplanted near a structure to support its weight. Under the best conditions, white Japanese wisterias can reach 30 feet tall and spread 20 feet wide.

White Japanese wisteria

White Japanese wisterias are impressive long woody twinning vines that produce long cascades of white flowers.

15. White Trailing Fuchsia Vine

White trailing fuchsia vines are lovely plants that are hard to look away from. These long and thick vines can also grow as shrubs or small trees. They are fuchsias in the Onagraceae family. Trailing fuchsia vines are grown as ornamental plants in many North American gardens. However, their native range is southern Peru, Bolivia, and northern Argentina. Technically, these lovely flowering vines aren’t entirely white. The flowers are pink, white, and yellow-green. They are also tubular, long, slender, and grow in clusters.

Drooping flowers Fuchsia Boliviana Alba inside a botanical garden

White trailing fuchsia vines can sometimes grow as shrubs or small trees.

16. White Flowering Clematis

Another excellent vine on our list of vines that produce beautiful white flowers is the white flowering clematis. This lovely flower goes by many names, including the leatherflower. Clematis though isn’t a specific species, but a genus within the Ranunculaceae family. The flowers range in size, fragrance, and color. Some are bright white, elegant, and sweet-smelling, while others are large, red, and slender. A popular white flowering clematis is the Clematis ligusticifolia, also known as Old-man’s Beard.

Bright white flowering large petal clematis flowers, beautiful virgins bower leather climbing plants in bloom, green leaves and bud

The white flowering clematis is a beautiful vine that produces large showy white flowers.

17. Sweet Pea

Sweet peas, known for their lovely and delicate small flowers, are native to Sicily, southern Italy, and the Aegean Islands. The scientific name for these stunning plants is Lathyrus odoratusThese annual vines spread quickly and can reach as tall as 6 feet and 7 inches. The color of sweet pea flowers ranges a lot. Some are bi-colored, while others are solid red, purple, pink, or blue. As stunning as these bright flowers are, they suffer from many diseases and pests, including pesky aphids. A sign of an aphid infestation in sweet pea plants is yellowing and wilting leaves.

Sweet Peas  - Lathyrus odoratus -  decorative plant for the traditional cottage garden style.

Sweet peas range a lot in color.

18. Moonflower

Moonflowers are mysterious and unique plants with a great name! These mystical flowers are native to tropical and subtropical regions of North and South America. They are also sometimes called tropical white morning glories. Moonflowers are perennial twinning vines that can grow up to 98 feet tall. They have bright white flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves. The leaves of these plants are about 2 to 5.9 inches long. Moonflowers bloom at night, and close during the day, typically with the first drop of morning dew. This is likely how moonflowers got their name.

Ipomoea alba, commonly called moonflower, is native to tropical America. It is a tender perennial vine that is grown in St. Louis as a warm weather annual.

Moonflowers bloom at night and in cooler weather.

19. White Madagascar Jasmine

Another jasmine plant makes our list, the white Madagascar jasmine. The scientific name for this lovely flower is Stephanotis floribunda. As its name suggests, this flowering vine is native to Madagascar. The plant produces long and winding wooding branches, with white waxy star-shaped flowers. The flowers have a strong scent. They bloom in summer. This plant can reach a height of up to 20 feet.

Madagascar Jasmine (Stephanotis floribunda) in greenhouse, Moscow region, Russia

Madagascar jasmine flowers are native to Madagascar and can reach up to 20 feet tall.

20. White Butterfly Pea

The white butterfly pea is another pea on our list with lovely white flowers. It’s endemic to the Indonesian island of Ternate. You can also find this lovely pea vine in Africa and Australia. It’s a common decorative plant in many spring gardens. The plant is also referred to as the Asian pigeonwing and the blue pea. White butterfly peas are members of the family Fabaceae. Butterfly peas range in color. Some are deep violet with white centers, while others are pink and white. These strong and resilient plants rarely suffer from diseases or illnesses.

Clitoria Ternatea White Aparajita Butterfly Pea Sanghupushpam or Blue Clitoria Flower is often grown as an ornamental cum medicinal plant.

Another name for the white butterfly pea is the Asian pigeonwing.

21. Runner Bean ‘White Lady’

Many bean species are varieties are vines that produce small and delicate white flowers. One of these beans is the runner bean, ‘white lady’. This beautiful vine goes by many names, including the scarlet runner bean and the butter bean. However, lima beans are also called butter beans. White lady runner beans are grown as an ornamental and as food. The beans within the seed pods are edible. They’ve been cultivated since at least around 2000 BC. Although runner beans are often associated with the color red, not all varieties have red flowers or beans.

White flowers of a runner bean plant ( Phaseolus coccineus)

Runner beans go by many names. They are also commonly called butter beans, not to be confused with lima beans.

22. White Passion Flower

Last but not least is the white passion fruit flower vine. Passion fruit plants are large vines that spread quickly. Each species and cultivar has a unique flower. Although the white passion fruit flower plant has a white flower, it’s not entirely white. This fragrant and star-like flower also has specks of purple and pink. From these flowers, the plant produces small and tart yellow-green fruit.

Passiflora subpeltata, commonly known as white passion flower in the botanical garden

White passion flowers produce small yellow-green fruit. Not all passion flowers are white.

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About the Author

Nixza Gonzalez

Nixza Gonzalez is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering topics like travel, geography, plants, and marine animals. She has over six years of experience as a content writer and holds an Associate of Arts Degree. A resident of Florida, Nixza loves spending time outdoors exploring state parks and tending to her container garden.

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