The 10 Largest Deer in the World in 2024!

Largest Deer Ever - Irish Elk
Daniel Eskridge/

Written by Timo Holmquist

Published: July 1, 2024

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    In the animal kingdom, there are many types of animals that have horns or antlers. Not all of these qualify as “deer.” An antelope, for example, is similar to a deer but occupies an entirely different scientific family. So, what is a deer?

    A deer is a member of the Cervidae family of herbivorous mammals that share common characteristics like hooves and (aside from rare exceptions) the male growing antlers. Within the Cervidae family, there are numerous species both living and extinct. Let’s take a look at the 10 largest deer in the world!

    Since antler size varies amongst the various species, calculating size falls on maximum observed weight per species (not average weight) and how high the shoulders are from the ground.

    10. Pere David’s Deer (Elaphurus davidianus)

    Largest Deer - Pere David's Deer

    Pere David’s deer can weigh more than 400 pounds and are classified as extinct in the wild.

    • Max Size: 441 lbs
    • Height: 3.9 ft from hoof to shoulder

    Coming in at number 10 on our list, the Pere David’s deer is a large deer native to Asia. It is the only member of its genus and is no longer found in the wild. Captive populations in zoos, private animal collections, and game reserves constitute the last members of the species.

    The deer is peculiar in appearance, with a horse’s head, antlers, a donkey’s tail, and hooves that resemble cow hooves with the added adaption of webbing between the toes (for swimming). They are resourceful animals as well, displaying the ability to use their hooves as tools for digging and scraping. In 2016, 16 deer were released into an unfenced park in China, tentatively meaning they are back in the wild. Their success will be determined by whether or not they can survive and produce viable offspring.

    9. Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus)

    Largest deer - mule deer

    The herbivorous mule deer is an iconic example of wildlife in the American west.

    • Max Size: 463 lbs
    • Height: 3.9 ft from hoof to shoulder

    Named for their large, mule-like ears, these gentle herbivores are among the most iconic examples of wildlife in the American West. Another defining characteristic is their tail, which is short, all-white, and has a small black tip. Once ultra-prominent amongst the western areas of North America, mule deer populations are declining. At one time, a herd of over 100,000 was observed in Colorado; the same herd is down to 32,000 members currently.

    There are roughly 4 million mule deer spread across their range, with 10 valid subspecies. According to the IUCN, they are listed as least concern, but challenges like urban development and habitation fragmentation exist. Mule deer are hunted by humans but also experience predation from coyotes, mountain lions, eagles, bears, wolves, lynx, and bobcats.

    8. Thorold’s Deer (Cervus albirostris)

    Largest Deer - Thorold’s Deer

    A Thorold’s deer is also called the Chinese white-lipped deer because of its muzzle.

    • Max Size: 507 lbs
    • Height: 4.6 ft from hoof to shoulder

    This threatened species lives at high altitudes on the eastern side of the Tibetan Plateau. They are also known as the Chinese white-lipped deer due to pronounced patches of white around their muzzle. The Latin species name albirostris comes from the words albus (white) and rostrum (snout).

    Thorold’s have a dark brown colored upper coat, and their eyes have distinct white-eye rings. Their antlers can be quite large and differ from other species because of their cream coloration. Overhunting has resulted in its current conservation status of vulnerable. Like many deer, Thorold’s deer is crepuscular, meaning they are more active during twilight.

    7. White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

    A white-tailed deer standing in a meadow

    There are about 5 million white-tailed deer in Texas.

    • Max size: 512 lbs
    • Height: 4 ft from hoof to shoulder

    The white-tailed deer is one of the most common deer species on earth. It has a wide natural range (North America, Central America, Ecuador, and part of South America) and has also been introduced in other areas like New Zealand, the Caribbean, and Europe. In the U.S. state of Texas alone, some 5million white-tailed deer are present.

    White-tailed deer are one of the more skittish deer species, often swishing their tails back and forth when they are nervous. When confronted with danger, white-tails can run up to 30 mph and are adept swimmers, capable of making it across strong rivers and lakes to escape. Along with other deer types like the mule deer, chronic wasting disease (sometimes called zombie deer) has been observed in white-tail populations. An infected deer can suffer from drastic weight loss, stumbling, listlessness, and other neurological symptoms. To date, no infection has been transmitted to humans, but the prevalence of the disease has become a concern to hunters and conservationists alike.

    6. Barasingha (Rucervus duvaucelii)

    Largest deer - Barasingha

    Efforts to repopulate the barasingha began in 1967 and it is now listed as vulnerable.

    • Max size: 617 lbs
    • Height: 4.3 ft from hoof to shoulder

    The barasingha, also known as the swamp deer, is a deer native to the Indian subcontinent. They have numerous tines (points/prongs) on their antlers, numbering anywhere from 14-20. The word barasingha means “12-horned” in Hindustani. 

    The barasingha has been the focus of a successful repopulation program, which began in 1967 when the total species population numbed only 66. The IUCN currently lists the barasingha as vulnerable. There are currently three identified subspecies, all occurring on the Indian subcontinent as well. Although repopulation efforts have been successful, the main threat to the longevity of the species is the conversion of wetlands to agriculture and urban development, which destroys the deer’s preferred habitat.

    5. Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)

    Female Reindeer Have Antlers


    have deeply cloven hooves to enable them to traverse snow.

    • Max size: 701 lbs
    • Height: 4.9 ft from hoof to shoulder

    Just like that, we’re into the top 5 with the reindeer or caribou (wild reindeer are called caribou in North America). They are arctic specialists, living in large quantities above the arctic circle in North America, Europe, Siberia, and Greenland. Generally speaking, there are two types, forest and tundra reindeer. The tundra reindeer migrate in enormous herds, sometimes totaling more than half a million members.

    Some of the more prominent physical characteristics of reindeer include deeply cloven hooves for snow travel and enormous antlers, sometimes numbering up to 44 points. By some estimates, there are over 3.5 million reindeer in North America, around 1 million in Eurasia, and roughly 3 million domesticated reindeer in northern Europe. Nevertheless, Reindeer herds in the lower 48 U.S. states have disappeared, and herd size in Canada is shrinking. This, coupled with habitat fragmentation and human interference, has caused the IUCN to list reindeer as a vulnerable species overall.

    Domesticated reindeer have had a long history with humans living in the polar regions. Reindeer in northern Europe are important to the Saami, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Russians, and the Inuit in North America. They have been used to pull sleds, manage chores, and are still hunted by some for their fur, meat, and bones (which are then used to craft tools). Contrary to many other species, the domestication of reindeer has been going on since at least the Bronze Age, signifying more than 1,000 years of companionship between humans and reindeer.

    4. Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)

    Red Deer next to river

    In North America, red deer share a common ancestor with elk.

    • Max size: 1,102 lbs
    • Max height: 4.6 ft from hoof to shoulder

    Our first entry to have a maximum observed weight over 1,000 pounds in a fully grown adult, the red deer is a big animal. This species is prominent in Europe, the Caucasus region, Turkey, and parts of Iran. There are even small numbers present in the tall Atlas Mountains of Northern Africa.

    Red deer are often compared to elk in North America and share a common ancestor. Historically, elk were considered a subspecies of red deer, although recently they have been given their own species categorization. Some consider the red deer to be a species group as opposed to one species, but there is much debate over how many individual species and subspecies are associated with the red. Overall, red deer populations are prominent and stable, with conditions differing per locale (decline in the Atlas Mt. population, for example).

    3. Sambar (Rusa unicolor)

    Largest deer - Sambar

    Sambars are large deer native to India and southeast Asia.

    • Max size: 1,204 lbs
    • Height: 5.2 ft from hoof to shoulder

    The sambar is the largest deer species native to India and southeast Asia. The appearance and size of each sambar can differ wildly, which has led to some classification confusion in the past. Generally speaking, they are large deer with antlers prevalent on the males and a long tail with a black tip, similar to the mule deer. The males tend to spar like other deer species, but they have been observed to stand on their hind legs and crash their antlers down, which is unique amongst deer and resembles the sparring techniques of bighorn sheep.

    The sambar has been introduced in a few countries to varying degrees of success, including Australia, where it’s become quite a popular hunting prize. Currently, there are seven extant and one extinct subspecies. Conservation efforts are ongoing but vary wildly between locations; the IUCN lists the sambar as vulnerable.

    2. Elk (Cervus canadensis)

    Incredible Rainforest Animals: Roosevelt Elk

    The Roosevelt elk are named for President Theodore Roosevelt, and are the largest variety of elk in North America.

    • Max size: 1,323 lbs
    • Height: 5.2 ft from hoof to shoulder

    This massive deer is a mainstay in many locations. Their rut (mating season), which occurs every autumn, is a tourist magnet in places like Estes Park, Colorado, drawing thousands of visitors every year. The males showcase their antlers, occasionally spar with other males, and let out a haunting bugle intended to attract females.

    Elk are also called wapiti, which comes from the Shawnee and Cree Native American word “waapiti,” meaning white rump. In Europe, they are exclusively called wapiti, while moose are called elk. This geographic difference in phrasing can be traced back all the way to the 17th century.

    Elk populations are largely stable, so they are listed as least concern, according to the IUCN. They were hunted to extinction in many areas, but large reintroduction efforts have been implemented over the past hundred years. There are roughly 1 million elk in North America.

    1. Moose (Alces alces)

    Moose Size Comparison - Moose in Field

    The largest deer species in the world is the moose!

    The largest deer on Earth is the moose (referred to as elk in Europe). Moose are enormous, featuring broad, open-palmed antlers with points extending beyond the “palm.” The largest ever recorded moose weighed 1,808 pounds!

    Unlike most deer species, moose are largely solitary, except during the mating season. It is common to see solitary bull moose and either solitary females or females with 1 to 2 offspring. Their range in North America is large, extending from Alaska through Canada and the northeastern U.S. The Rocky Mountain Ranges also contain moose, with isolated populations occurring as far south as Colorado and Utah. European elk live in large numbers in Scandinavia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.

    Moose, while resembling deer in many ways, also have some identifiable differences. Both males and female moose have a dewlap, which is a fold of skin underneath the chin. Moose also shed their antlers every year and the size and symmetry of the antlers reflect the overall health of the moose. Moose also have a really big, bulky nose. Their large nose acts like our eyes, but where our eyes take in a field of vision to process, a moose’s nose takes in an array of smells and processes them; consequently, moose have a fantastic sense of smell. Their nostrils can also close, which allows them to forage for aquatic food. Like other deer, they are adept swimmers and can even submerge down to 16 feet below the surface if they so choose.

    While a pack of hungry wolves could take a moose down, and moose calves have become victims to the occasional bear, it’s the Siberian Tiger that represents the most direct predator to the moose. Their ranges overlap in one part of Russia, north of the city of Vladivostock and near the Pacific, where the tiger hunts moose regularly. In another strange overlapping of habitats, moose swimming in deep channels between islands off of North America’s northwest coast have been killed and eaten by hungry orcas, meaning moose in that area have a natural marine predator. In most places where moose are common, however, they enjoy less predation than other similar species because of their enormous size.

    The Largest Deer That Ever Lived

    Largest Deer Ever - Irish Elk

    The Irish elk had massive antlers and is believed to have weighed more than 2,000 pounds.

    Deer have been around for a long time, and the current extant species do not account for the massive deer of the past. The Irish elk (resembling a North American moose but genetically dissimilar) was the largest deer to ever walk the earth. While extinct, fossils indicate the Irish elk was on par with the Alaskan moose in terms of size and most likely weighed more, up to nearly 2,000 pounds. The Irish elk went extinct roughly 8,000 years ago.

    The Largest Deer Ever vs. A Lion

    What would life be like for the Irish elk if it was still around today? How would it fare if faced with a modern predator like a lion?

    The Irish elk would definitely have the size advantage, with its height hitting 7 feet and close to 2,000 pounds, compared to a lion, which grows to 4 feet tall and can weigh up to 550 pounds.

    While both can be capable of a top speed of 50 mph, the lion can only maintain that for short distances, so the Irish Elk would outrun it.

    However when it comes to offensive capabilities, lions are superior as they are apex predators with a bite force of 650 PSI -1,000 PSI and can break vertebrae by biting. Lions also beat out Irish Elk in predatory behavior, as the herbivorous deer has no natural predatory instinct.

    So although bigger and faster, the Irish elk would likely lose in a battle with a lion. Read more about what a possible face-off would be like here.

    How Long Do Deer Live?

    Deer do not have very long lifespans in the wild on average, and live for 3-6 years. This is mainly due to being hunted by humans as well as various environmental factors such as habitat loss.

    In captivity, deer live much longer with some reaching over 20 years of age, and some female deer are reported to have given birth to fawns during this later stage in life. Considering the significant difference between the lifespans of deer in the wild versus deer in captivity, it’s easy to see that human and other predator intervention is behind their lower lifespan in the wild.

    Summary of The 10 Largest Deer in the World!

    RankDeer NameWeight
    1Moose1,808 pounds
    2Elk1,323 pounds
    3Sambar1,204 pounds
    4Red Deer1,204 pounds
    5Reindeer (Caribou)701 pounds
    6Barasingha617 pounds
    7White-Tailed Deer512 pounds
    8Thorolds Deer507 pounds
    9Mule Deer463 pounds
    10Pere David’s Deer441 pounds
    These are the largest deer varieties in the world!

    Honorable Mention:

    Fallow deer, buck, standing in a field displaying its horns.

    The European fallow deer can grow up to 5 ft long, 3 ft tall, and weigh over 220 lbs.

    Out of 43 species of deer in the family Cervidae, there are others of notable size, though not as heavy or tall. Let’s add them to our list as a bonus lesson.

    • Black-tail(ed) Deer These deer live on the west coast of North America from Northern California to Southern Alaska and weigh up to 225 pounds. They are up to 5.5 feet long and up to 3.7 feet tall. The males’ antlers can grow more than 18 inches tall. By comparison, black-tail deer are slightly smaller than white-tail deer but about the same size as mule deer. They weigh more than 17 times the weight of the smallest deer species, the northern pudu.
    • Fallow Deer — Also known as European Fallow Deer (those that live in Europe or Persian Fallow Deer (those that live in Iran and Israel). Fallow deer can grow up to 5 feet long and 3 feet tall at the shoulder. They can weigh up to 330 pounds, but typically weigh more like 220 pounds. Their antlers can grow to over 1 foot.
    • Chital — Also known as Axis Deer, Cheetal Deer, or Spotted Deer. This type of deer can be found in South Asia, including much of India, parts of Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Chital are less than 3 feet tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 200 pounds, and females weigh up to 130 pounds. Their bodies are up to 5 feet long and their tails are up to 10 inches long. Their antlers, only seen on males, are an astonishing 3 feet and 3 inches long. So Fallow Deer and Chital are around the same height, though the Chital weigh less but have much larger antlers than fallow deer.

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