Landseer Newfoundland

Canis lupus

Last updated: May 27, 2024
Verified Verified by: AZ Animals Staff

While Landseer's are very gentle and calm, they can sense a dangerous situation and will protect their loved ones.


Landseer Newfoundland Scientific Classification

Scientific Name
Canis lupus

Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals.

Landseer Newfoundland Conservation Status

Landseer Newfoundland Locations

Landseer Newfoundland Locations

Landseer Newfoundland Facts

Name Of Young
Group Behavior
  • Social
Fun Fact
While Landseer's are very gentle and calm, they can sense a dangerous situation and will protect their loved ones.
Gestation Period
58 to 68 days
Litter Size
4 to 12 puppies
  • Diurnal
Common Name
Landseer Newfoundland

Landseer Newfoundland Physical Characteristics

  • Black
  • White
Skin Type
26.5 to 31.5 inches
Age of Sexual Maturity
18 to 24 months
Age of Weaning
3 to 6 weeks

Landseer Newfoundland as a Pet:

General Health
Energy Level
Tendency to Chew
Family and kid friendliness
Yappiness / Barking
Separation Anxiety
Preferred Temperature
Cold climate
Exercise Needs
Friendly With Other Dogs
Pure bred cost to own
$2000 to $2500
Dog group
Male weight
130-150 lbs
Female weight
100-120 lbs

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While the Newfoundland is a popular dog breed, Landseer Newfoundlands are much rarer. So, what’s the difference between the two? Newfoundlands are generally brown or black in color, while the Landseer is exclusively white and black.

In America, this breed is considered to be a color variant of the Newfoundland, but in Europe, they are a separate breed. But their classification doesn’t really matter; all that matters is that they are gentle and sweet giants that make amazing family pets.

Different Types of Landseer Newfoundland and Landseer Newfoundland Mixes

There is only one type of Landseer Newfoundland, the black and white variant of the Newfoundland. In addition, because this variant is so rare, there are no known crossbreeds. However, there are plenty of breathtaking Newfoundland mixes that are worth  a mention; they include:

Newfie Husky

The Newfie husky is a cross between a Siberian husky and Newfoundland. They inherit their deep blue eyes from their husky parent and their soft, loose ears from the Newfoundland, making one adorable dog!

However, because of their thick, long coats, they shed a lot, which means maintaining them is pretty hard, so they are probably not the best breed for first-time dog owners.

New Rottland

This breed is a cross between a Rottweiler and Newfoundland. So another name for this breathtaking dog is the Newfweiler. These are definitely not apartment dogs and require a home with a massive yard.

While Rottweilers have a reputation for being aggressive, this giant breed couldn’t be more opposite. Instead, they are incredibly gentle and excellent guard dogs thanks to genes from both parents. However, they are massive and weigh up to 150 pounds, so they might not be a great choice if there are young children in the home; they could easily knock the kids over when excited.

Saint Bernewfie

The Saint Bernewfie is a cross between a Saint Bernard and Newfoundland. They also go by the name Bernefie. Both breeds are gigantic, so the Saint Bernewfie will grow to massive sizes as well, which means you will need a big property to house them.

One of the cons of owning this breed is the amount of drool they produce. So, if you don’t like slobber, this might not be the dog for you.

These dogs are super loveable and great with kids, but because of their size (they can reach the same weight as a healthy adult man), they might accidentally knock the children over when excited or running through the house.

Three Pros and Cons of Owning a Landseer Newfoundland

While there are many pros to owning a Landseer Newfoundland, there are some cons as well.


  • Gentle for their tremendous size
  • Highly intelligent and easy to train
  • Landseers are great family dogs who get along well with children and other pets


  • They are extremely stubborn
  • Their size can pose a problem, particularly for first-time dog owners
  • They drool a lot!

The Best Dog Food for a Landseer Newfoundland

Landseer Newfoundlands are considered an extra-large breed, so buying specialized food for giant breeds would be most beneficial to their diets.

In addition, they take longer to mature, so they might need to stay on a puppy diet for a whole year to support their slow growth. However, once fully grown, they need to transition to an adult diet to prevent weight gain and become obese.

Landseer Newfoundland Size and Weight

Landseer differs from Newfoundlands in several ways. For example, they have longer legs and bodies compared to their brown cousins.

Female Landseers are smaller than males, weighing 100 to 120 pounds and measuring 26.5 to 28.5 inches tall, while males weigh a whopping 130 to 150 pounds and measure 28.5 to 31.5 inches tall.

Landseer Newfoundland Common Health Issues

Unfortunately, Landseer Newfoundlands have a relatively short lifespan because they are susceptible to several health conditions, which include:

Landseer Newfoundlands have an average lifespan of 8 to 10 years.

Landseer Newfoundland Temperament

This breed is the total package; they have an outstanding temperament and are generous, courageous, and highly intelligent. In addition, they are patient, friendly, and obedient. Their calm nature makes them a great addition to the family, who they will protect with their lives.

While Landseers are very gentle and calm, they can sense a dangerous situation and will protect their loved ones. In addition, they are quite independent but enjoy companionship as well. They love water and the outdoors, so you will need a lot of space for them to explore.

How to Take Care of a Landseer Newfoundland

Because of their size and thick coats, the Landseer Newfoundland requires a lot of additional care that smaller dogs don’t; this includes:


While the Newfoundland has a thick double coat, which protects them from freezing temperatures, the Landseer’s fur is slightly shorter and has no underwool.

This helps them to dry faster after enjoying a swim and makes their grooming routine easier. However, they shed all year round and must be brushed daily to avoid matting.

In addition, they require weekly baths, especially if they are in the water a lot. Their nails need to be clipped every few months (as soon as they start touching the ground), and brush their teeth every day with dog toothpaste.


Because of their high intellect, Landseer Newfoundland are easy to train. However, they mature much slower than other breeds, as their puppy stage can last for 18 months.

This is why it’s vital to start training and socializing them as soon as possible to weed out any bad behaviors or developmental problems. The best training method for Landseer Newfoundlands is positive reinforcement training.


Luckily, the Landseer Newfoundland is not too energetic and doesn’t require much exercise. However, they still need their daily walks to keep them in good health.

But after their walks, they usually go and laze around the house, typically close to their beloved owners.


Landseer Newfoundland’s average litter size is generally between 4 to 12 puppies. It takes longer for this breed to reach adulthood, and the puppy stage can last as long as 18 months. During this stage, their bones and joints are still developing, so it’s essential they avoid vigorous exercise so as not to strain their fragile bones or joints.

Owning one of these beauties won’t come cheap. Landseer Newfoundlands can cost between $2000 to $2500 per pup. Their steep price is due to their color variation, which is caused by a recessive gene that is quite rare.

Landseer Newfoundland and Children

The Landseer Newfoundland is a fantastic dog to have around children. They are incredibly patient and have natural guarding instincts. In addition, Landseers get along well with other animals and do not have a high prey drive like hunting dogs.

Their only con is their size, which might be a problem if you have very small children. They can accidentally knock one of your kids over when excited or running through your home.

Dogs similar to the Landseer Newfoundland

There are a few breeds similar to the Landseer Newfoundland when it comes to size and temperament; they include:

Naming your Landseer Newfoundland might be challenging; there are so many good names to choose from. So, to help inspire, here are the most popular names for this breed:

  • Bear
  • Brutus
  • Captain
  • Moose
  • Annie
  • Bailey
  • Bertha
  • Willow

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About the Author

Chanel Coetzee

Chanel Coetzee is a writer at A-Z Animals, primarily focusing on big cats, dogs, and travel. Chanel has been writing and researching about animals for over 10 years. She has also worked closely with big cats like lions, cheetahs, leopards, and tigers at a rescue and rehabilitation center in South Africa since 2009. As a resident of Cape Town, South Africa, Chanel enjoys beach walks with her Stafford bull terrier and traveling off the beaten path.

Landseer Newfoundland FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

What is the difference between a Landseer and a Newfoundland?

Newfoundlands are generally brown or black in color, while the Landseer is exclusively white and black.

Why are black and white Newfoundlands called Landseer?

In honor of Sir Edwin Landseer, the 19th Century artist who featured white and black Newfoundlands in numerous paintings.

How much is a Landseer Newfoundland?

Landseer Newfoundlands can cost between $2000 to $2500 per pup. Their steep price is due to their color variation, which is caused by a recessive gene that is quite rare.

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  1. Pet Guide / Accessed September 29, 2022
  2. Dog Breed Info / Accessed September 29, 2022
  3. Wikipedia / Accessed September 29, 2022