Slovak Cuvac

Canis lupus familiaris

Last updated: May 27, 2024
Verified by: AZ Animals Staff
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Slovak Cuvac Scientific Classification

Scientific Name
Canis lupus familiaris

Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals.

Slovak Cuvac Locations

Slovak Cuvac Locations

Slovak Cuvac Facts


Slovak Cuvac Physical Characteristics

  • White

Slovak Cuvac as a Pet:

General Health
Energy Level
Tendency to Chew
Family and kid friendliness
Yappiness / Barking
Separation Anxiety
Preferred Temperature
Cold climate
Exercise Needs
Friendly With Other Dogs
Pure bred cost to own
A Slovak cuvac puppy costs $800-$1,200 to purchase and about $950 a year to maintain. 
Dog group
Male weight
79-97 lbs
Female weight
68-82 lbs

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“The Slovak cuvac descended from Arctic wolves!” 

Slovak Cuvac Introduction

The Slovac cuvac is a large Slovakian breed of dog that is also sometimes called the “Slovensky cuvac.” They are actually descended from Arctic wolves! Farmers tamed them and have used them ever since as watchdogs and herd dogs. They do well high up in the snow-covered mountains of Eastern and Central Europe. They have a long lifespan so they serve for many years.

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Slovak cuvacs bond closely with their people and will sacrifice their own lives to protect humans and their property. They’re good with children but might chase small pets. A couple of drawbacks they have is that they shed a lot and they are stubborn when it comes to training. So they are not recommended for people who are not experienced in training dogs or don’t have the time to put into training. Some breeders have experimented with mixing them with Labrador retrievers or German shepherds to improve those kinds of qualities. Do you research before committing to this breed, but one this is for sure–you will never doubt this dog’s love and loyalty to you.

3 Pros and Cons of Owning Slovak Cuvacs

A very healthy breed
This dog is pretty hardy and healthy, but has a few health problems that are common to large dogs.
They shed massively
Their beautiful pure white fur sheds year-round, especially in the summer when they lose their undercoats. During the period of heaviest shedding, they need to be brushed daily.
Energetic breed for an active family
Slovak cuvacs are a great choice for a large, active family that enjoys running, hiking, swimming, and playing games, or for people who have large, fenced yards, farms, or ranches.
A prey instinct for smaller animals
This is a gentle breed, but around smaller animals, their prey instinct may get activated. They need to be trained and watched until they can be trusted.
Playful and kid-friendly!
They’re intimidatingly large, but are still gentle and affectionate playmates for kids.
Challenging to train
They like to be in charge. Training needs to be positive, but firm and consistent as well.

The Best Dog Food for Slovak Cuvacs

Choosing a dog food for your companion is something that should be a matter of research, thought, and consultation with your veterinarian. Large breeds eat a lot, so it is understandable that owners will want to find a food that fits their budgets. However, keep in mind that loading a dog up on cheap food might cause health problems as your pup grows older.  

Some things to look for in a quality dog food are natural ingredients without cheap fillers or artificial additives. You also want to look for a brand that is specially formulated for the developmental level and size of your dog. For example, puppies should have a puppy recipe because it has the specific nutrients young growing dogs need for overall health. As your dog gets older, gradually introduce an adult formula, and later a senior formula. It is generally best not to switch between brands or flavors frequently, as that can upset your dog’s digestion.

A-Z Animals recommends Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Large Breed Adult. The protein in this food comes from real chicken, not low-quality poultry byproducts. An excellent source of protein like this is vitally important with an active breed such as the Slovak cuvac.

Slovak Cuvac Size and Weight

The Slovac cuvac is a large breed dog ranging from 24-27.5 inches tall and 79-97 pounds for males, and 23-25.5″ tall and 68-82 pounds for females.

Health and Entertainment for your Slovak Cuvac

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Height (Male)24-27.5” Tall
Height (Female)23-25.5” Tall
Weight (male)79-97 lbs, fully grown
Weight (female)68-82 lbs, fully grown

Slovak Cuvac Common Health Issues

As you’re looking at dog breeds, be aware that certain health problems are common to dogs of a particular size and this does not have to mean there is something especially wrong with that breed. Large dogs like Slovak cuvacs often have trouble with hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. These are deformed joints that happen as the dog grows and more weight is put on the joints. Big dogs can also get bloat. This can happen when a dog wolfs down its food and its stomach and intestines fill with gas and get twisted. Bloat can be deadly, so the dog needs to get to the vet immediately if it is showing signs of pain and distress after eating. This is a long-lived breed, though, that does not have any major unusual health issues.

Slovak Cuvac Temperament and Behavior

Slovac cuvacs are superior guard dogs. They will literally give their lives to defend their people and territory. This is an athletic breed that likes to run, play games, and show off their agility. They get along great with children but have a prey instinct to chase small animals. They can be stubborn when you try to train them, so they are not recommended for new dog owners.

How To Take Care of Slovak Cuvacs

Maintenance and Grooming

The coat of a Slovak cuvac is white, thick, dense, and a little bit wavy. Males have a mane of longer fur around their necks. With their heavy coats, these dogs do great in cold weather but may suffer in warm climates. Make sure during the summer they have access to plenty of water, shade, and cool air. These dogs are heavy shedders that owners should brush frequently to remove dead hair and cut down on the amount of fur that will litter your house, yard, or car. They lose all of their undercoats during the summer. During this time, owners may need to groom their pup twice a day.  


These can be difficult dogs to train. They really have a mind of their own and will try to be dominant. An experienced trainer will know how to handle a large dog like this with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. These dogs benefit from being exposed to different situations and meeting a variety of people and dogs so they can learn to behave politely. Around smaller animals their prey instinct might get activated, so owners need to watch them closely in those situations until they can be trusted.


This is a large and athletic breed that needs rigorous exercise, including daily jogs, hide-and-seek, fetch, flying disc, and similar games. They like to swim, so if you live near a lake or the ocean, this dog will love it. What it enjoys best, though, is running freely outdoors. They do not do well in apartments or small houses. They do best in large homes with space to roam, especially on a farm or ranch with livestock and an active family. Make sure any toys you provide are designed for large and powerful breeds. They will chew up toys that aren’t durable and swallow little pieces of them.


Slovak Cuvac puppy

Owners should train Slovak puppies to accept a grooming routine to manage their fluffy white fur.


Early training is essential with a large breed dog as they can become unmanageable when full-grown if their training is neglected. Training and socialization should accustom them to small children, other dogs (especially smaller ones), and strangers. Owners should train puppies to accept a grooming routine that includes nail trims, ear cleaning, and teeth brushing.  

Slovak Cuvacs and Children

This breed is suitable for kids, friendly toward pets, and nice to strangers. They are highly protective of small children and playful with older kids and teens. However, they might perceive visiting children as new members of the pack and try to maintain their position by herding or correcting them. They need to be supervised around little ones until these tendencies have been thoroughly brought under control. 

Dogs similar to Slovak Cuvacs

  • Kuvasz – This is a Hungarian breed. It does not take as much grooming as the Slovak cuvac, but it also does not get along as well with kids.
  • Komondor – The fur of this breed grows in long, visually striking dreadlocks. It loves children and doesn’t take a lot of grooming but it barks a lot.
  • Great Pyrenees – Slovak cuvacs are often mistaken for Great Pyrenees. The Great Pyrenees is easier to groom and better with children, but barks more.

Because this is a breed from Slovakia, you might like to give your dog a Slovak name. Keep in mind though that in many cultures it may be unusual to give a dog a “human” name as is often done in the United States. Here are some male Slovak names if you choose to do this:

  • Stefan
  • Miroslav
  • Jozef
  • Benes
  • Tomas

And here are some beautiful female Slovak names if you choose to name your dog this way:

  • Maria
  • Katarina
  • Eva
  • Monika
  • Anna

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What's the right dog for you?

Dogs are our best friends but which breed is your perfect match?


If you have kids or existing dogs select:

Other Dogs

Should they be Hypoallergenic?

How important is health?
Which dog groups do you like?
How much exercise should your dog require?
What climate?
How much seperation anxiety?
How much yappiness/barking?

How much energy should they have?

The lower energy the better.
I want a cuddle buddy!
About average energy.
I want a dog that I have to chase after constantly!
All energy levels are great -- I just love dogs!
How much should they shed?
How trainable/obedient does the dog need to be?
How intelligent does the dog need to be?
How much chewing will allow?
About the Author

Drew Wood is a writer at A-Z Animals focusing on mammals, geography, and world cultures. Drew has worked in research and writing for over 20 years and holds a Masters in Foreign Affairs (1992) and a Doctorate in Religion (2009). A resident of Nebraska, Drew enjoys Brazilian jiu-jitsu, movies, and being an emotional support human to four dogs.

Slovak Cuvac FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

How much does a Slovak cuvac cost to own?

A Slovak cuvac puppy costs $800-$1,200 to purchase and about $950 a year to maintain.

Is the Slovak cuvac good with kids?

The Slovak cuvac is a large and athletic breed, so it needs to be socialized, trained, and supervised with small children, but it is considered to be a good breed for a family with children.

How long does a Slovak cuvac live?

On average, Slovak cuvacs live 11-13 years.

Thank you for reading! Have some feedback for us? Contact the AZ Animals editorial team.


  1. / Accessed December 5, 2022
  2. American Kennel Club / Accessed December 5, 2022
  3. / Accessed December 5, 2022
  4. Dogbreedslist / Accessed December 5, 2022
  5. / Accessed December 5, 2022
  6. / Accessed December 5, 2022
  7. / Accessed December 5, 2022