Discover the 20+ Fruits That Start with R

close-up of governor's plum fruits on wooden table top, flacourtia indica, also known as ramontchi, madagascar plum or indian plum, reddish black fleshy fruits, soft-focus wooden background
© Shamils/

Written by Lev Baker

Updated: August 12, 2023

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You may know your apples and oranges, but did you know that there are 20+ fruits that start with the letter R? Most of these fruits, you may have never even heard of! From tropical treasures to familiar favorites, these fruits that start with R promise a delightful and memorable experience for your taste buds. Let’s explore these fruits together, learn about what they look like, how they taste, and even what benefits they offer!

1. Rose Hip

Freshly picked rose hips on the wooden table. Rose hip commonly known as rose hip (Rosa canina).

If you do not pick a rose bloom, eventually the rose will turn into a rose hip, an edible fruit related to apples.


As you might be able to guess from the name, rose hips are fruits borne by rose plants. Any unpicked rose bloom ultimately transforms into a berry-like hip when the flower withers. These rose hips exhibit a vibrant hue ranging from red to orange in color, have a spherical or elongated shape about as big as a grape, and are pretty firm.

Rose hips, just like rose petals, can be eaten. The fact that roses are related to apples and crab apples explains why their fruits closely resemble these plants.

The flavor profile of rose hips is intriguing; they taste slightly sweet and have a floral note and a subtle tart kick.

2. Rose Apple

Syzygium jambos (Scientific name : Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston)

They may not look like your standard apple, but rose apples are just as delicious, with a refreshing crunch and delightful sweetness.


Rose apples are petite fruits with a round or oval shape. They narrow down to a point on the end opposite the stem and are topped with a green, leaf-like calyx. As they ripen, their thin, smooth, and glossy skin changes from green to a vivid yellow.

This fruit has its origins in the island regions of Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia. In terms of flavor, rose apples offer a refreshing crunch and an initial sweetness that transitions into a unique floral hint of rose, hence its name.

3. Rollinia

Rollinia Deliciosa

Although the spikes or bumps on the fruit’s skin may not make it look appetizing, the rollinia fruit has a sweet, creamy, and zesty taste!


This fruit has its roots in the forests of South America. The rollinia fruit is quite large, with a shape that varies from round to conical. It starts out green in color and turns yellow as it ripens. The outer layer of the fruit is filled with soft spikes or bumps that darken and bruise upon touch, making it seem less inviting to eat. But don’t be fooled! The flavor of the rollinia fruit is distinctively sweet and creamy, with a zesty tang like lemon. Moreover, it is laced with subtle hints of tropical fruits like banana, pineapple, and coconut, adding complexity to its taste.

4. Riberry

Indian cherry or riberry fruits hanging on the tree

Also called an Indian cherry, the riberry has an almost spicy taste that may taste similar to clove and cinnamon.


The riberry fruit resembles a cherry in shape, possessing a light red exterior with a solitary seed inside. Originally hailing from India and Southeast Asia, this tiny, red, round fruit has now gained recognition worldwide.

When consumed fresh, the striking clusters of riberries surprise the palate with their exhilarating, spicy taste that suggests a blend of clove and cinnamon. Moreover, their scent is similar to sweet, aromatic tea, subtly enhanced with musk and undertones of wild honey.

5. Red Mombin

Jocote (Spanish Plum) - Spondias purpura at the asian street market

Known by many names including jocote and hog plum, red mombin is a sweet but tart fruit that hails from Central and South America.


Red mombin, a tropical delight, originates from the regions of Central and South America. This fruit has various names, such as hog plum or jocote. It’s a small, round fruit featuring red or yellow skin with a yellow, pleasantly sweet yet tart, flesh. Inside the fruit lies a single, sizable seed. The red mombin is commonly enjoyed as a tasty snack in many Latin American nations.

6. Raspberry


Of course, one of the first fruits to come to mind that start with the letter R is the raspberry!


Raspberries are a popular type of berry known for their vibrant hue and sweet, juicy flavor. They are packed to the brim with vitamins, minerals, and health-boosting antioxidants. While red and black raspberries are more common, they can also be purple, yellow, or gold in color. Within the United States, California is the top producer of fresh raspberries.

7. Rangpur Fruit

Rangpur, Citrus × limonia or Citrus reticulata × medica, sometimes called the rangpur lime, mandarin lime or lemandarin, is a hybrid between the mandarin orange and the citron. Selective focus

Although this fruit may look like a mandarin orange at first glance, the rangpur is actually a mandarin and lime hybrid.

©Murilo Mazzo/

The rangpur boasts bright orange fruits, similar in size to a mandarin. You’ve probably never heard of rangpur fruit before, but you may be surprised to know that it has a very familiar taste. The rangpur fruit is an interesting hybrid of mandarin orange and lime. This fruit is not only juicy and easy to peel but also has a tart flavor that is similar in taste to lemon and lime. Its juice can also be used similarly to lime juice. You can add a zesty twist to drinks, salads, and various Asian cuisines.

8. Rambutan

Fresh and ripe rambutan sweet tropical fruit peeled rambutan with leaves, Rambutan fruit on basket and wooden background harvest from the garden

A tropical fruit, rambutan is a fruit that may look tough on the outside thanks to its leathery skin and spikes.

©Bigc Studio/

Rambutan fruits are either round or slightly oval in shape. Their exterior is leathery and filled with gentle spikes. In terms of color, the fruit can range from yellow to deep red. Inside, you’ll find juicy, white flesh surrounding an oval seed with a bitter and potent taste. Its flavor resembles that of lychee due to both fruits being from the same family. Rambutans offer a sweet, fruity taste with a slight tang that may be akin to strawberries and grapes.

The origins of rambutan can be traced back to Malaysia and Indonesia. It is now extensively cultivated across Southeast Asia and even in Hawaii.

9. Red Banana

Red bananas are a group of varieties of banana with reddish-purple skin. Some are smaller and plumper than the common Cavendish banana, others much larger.

Yes, a red banana! These types of bananas come from Southeast Asia and taste very similar to your average banana, albeit with a slight raspberry-like sweetness.


Red bananas, hailing from Southeast Asia, are a variety of bananas known for their distinctive red skin. When ripe, they are soft and exude a sweet taste. Many people compare their flavor to that of a conventional banana but with an added raspberry-like sweetness. Although they’re often used in desserts, they can also complement savory meals. Compared to yellow bananas, red bananas are smaller in size and have a rounder shape.

10. Red Huckleberry

Red huckleberry harvest in hand of woman hiker in forest. July or early summer. Wild ripe Huckleberry berries edible for humans, bears and wildlife. North Vancouver, BC, Canada. Selective focus.

If you happen to be outside foraging on the Pacific Coast of the United States, keep your eye out for red huckleberry, which has a tart and zesty flavor.


The red huckleberry plant bears a small, tangy red berry. These berries hang from tiny stems beneath the branches, with “crowns” at their base, which are actually remnants of the flowers. The berry of the red huckleberry comes in various shades, from red to pink to orange. And its tart and zesty flavor has won many hearts, with some even preferring it over cranberries! This plant can be spotted along the Pacific Coast, extending from southeast Alaska to central California.

11. Red Mulberry

Mulberry fruits hanging from a tree.

These fruits look very similar to blackberries and are purple to black in color when ripe.


Red mulberry fruit bears a striking resemblance to blackberries. This oblong-shaped fruit measures about 1 to 1 and a half inches long and ripens from dark purple to black. It’s edible and native to eastern and central North America.

Red mulberries can be enjoyed fresh off the tree or used as an ingredient in various dishes. They have a refreshingly juicy, slightly tart, yet sweet flavor. The fruit is incredibly versatile as it is an excellent ingredient for making jams, jellies, pies, and beverages, too!

12. Redcurrant

Red currant heap in a bowl. Currant red with leaf on wooden background. Organic currants with soft focus. Currant top view.

Although redcurrants can be eaten fresh, they are best turned into jams, milkshakes, and even ice creams!

©Tim UR/

Redcurrants are tiny, round fruits with a vibrant red color. Though they can be eaten fresh, their slightly bitter yet sweet flavor makes them better suited for turning into jams, milkshakes, ice creams, and more. While these berries are native to certain regions of Western Europe, they now grow in various parts of the world.

13. Rockmelon

three dull-orange cantaloupeslices in the foreground against a background of whole, unsliced canteloupes

Also known as cantaloupes, rockmelons have a beautiful and delicious peach-colored interior.


Rockmelons are smaller in size compared to other melons. They are characterized by cream and green-colored, netted skin and a soft, peach-colored interior. The flesh of the rockmelon is smooth, accompanied by a unique sweet scent and a pleasant, musky flavor.

In the USA, rockmelons are known as cantaloupes. Despite the common belief that they originated in Africa, recent genetic studies of melons worldwide have determined that the cultivated rockmelon actually has its roots in Asia.

14. Raisins

Raisins in wooden bowl isolated on white background.

Raisins are dried grapes that are filled with nutrients and relatively high in calories!


Everyone is familiar with this popular snack! Raisins are simply grapes that have been dried. This process intensifies the fruit’s nutrients and sugars, making raisins both rich in nutrients and high in calories. The Middle East is credited as the birthplace of raisins, from where they spread to Europe and found particular favor among the Greeks and Romans.

15. Rajka Apple

Dark red ripe Apples with water droplets from the rain, hanging on a branch with green foliage

Sweet and juicy, rajka apples come from the Czech Republic.


Rajka apples are of medium to large size, boasting a round conical shape. They ripen into a striking scarlet red color that overlays a yellow base, making them eye-catching and delicious-looking.

This modern variety, hailing from the Czech Republic, is known for its abundant harvest. These fruits are crunchy and filled with a unique aroma. They offer a sweetness similar to strawberries and provide plenty of juice.

16. Rambai

Baccaurea racemosa known as kapundung or menteng is a species of fruit tree in Southeast Asia.

Although rambai fruits may not look as appetizing as other fruits that start with R, they have a sweet and tangy taste.


Rambai fruits, when ripe, are spherical to elongated in shape. Each fruit is made up of three to five seeds encapsulated within berries that transition from greenish-yellow to a pale yellow color. The edible portion of the fruit is its succulent, clear pulp, which offers a taste that varies from sweet to tangy. Despite its origins in Indonesia, the Malaya Peninsula, and Thailand, the rambai remains relatively unknown and underutilized.

17. Ramontchi

close-up of governor's plum fruits on wooden table top, flacourtia indica, also known as ramontchi, madagascar plum or indian plum, reddish black fleshy fruits, soft-focus wooden background

Native to Africa and Asia, the ramontchi is a tiny fruit about an inch thick.


The ramontchi fruit is around an inch in thickness, with a color that changes from red to purple as it ripens. Its flesh is quite thick, enclosing between 6 to 10 seeds. The fruit’s pulp, which can be yellow or white, offers a sweet taste laced with a bit of sourness. This pulp can be enjoyed raw or used in jellies or jams. This fruit is native to Africa and parts of Asia with tropical and temperate climates.

18. Raspuri Mango

Street vendor selling raspuri mangoes

With a reddish-yellow color, raspuri mangoes are sweet and tart in flavor.


Raspuri mangoes have an oval shape, typically ranging from 4 to 6 inches in length. Once ripe, their skin turns a shade of reddish-yellow, but take care to note that the skin is not edible! The flesh of this mango is deeply sweet and tart, and its fragrance is wonderfully rich. This type of mango is considerably popular in India.

19. Rata

Garcinia or Garcinia dulcis fruits isolated on white with clipping path.

Native to South America, rata has a buttery texture and a tart taste that makes it perfect for jams.


Rata grows a yellow fruit roughly the size of a peach. This fruit tree is a native species of South America. The rata fruit has a distinct pointed end and a yellow flesh that’s tart in taste. The fruit’s interior is buttery in texture. It’s not only delicious to eat as is but also makes great jams.

20. Red Bayberry

Red Yangmei or Arbutus berries fruit isolated on white, Red Bayberry, Yumberry, Yamamomo, Waxberry on white with work path.

A spherical fruit with bumpy skin, the red bayberry is similar to a strawberry, cranberry, and pomegranate in taste with a texture of an orange.

©MERCURY studio/

The red bayberry fruit is spherical, around 0.6 to 1 inch in diameter, and has a bumpy surface. Its skin is typically thick and crimson red in color, though it can range from white to purple as well. The flesh usually matches the skin color or appears slightly lighter.

The taste of the red bayberry is quite unique, drawing comparisons to strawberries, cranberries, and pomegranates while maintaining the texture of an orange. Despite its sweetness, the fruit is not overly sugary and has a pleasantly subtle tartness.

Originating from China, the red bayberry is also commonly referred to as yang mei in its native land.

Comprehensive List of All Fruits that Start With R

The above 20 fruits are not the only fruits that start with R. Here is a more comprehensive list of all fruits that start with this letter, including the 20 fruits above!

  • Rose Hip
  • Rose Apple 
  • Rollinia
  • Riberry
  • Red Mombin
  • Raspberry
  • Rangpur Fruit
  • Rambutan
  • Red Banana
  • Red Huckleberry
  • Red Mulberry
  • Redcurrant
  • Rockmelon
  • Raisins
  • Rajka Apple
  • Rambai
  • Ramontchi
  • Raspuri Mango
  • Rata
  • Red Bayberry
  • Red Delicious Apple
  • Red Grapes
  • Rhobs al-Arsa
  • Rocha Pear
  • Roselle
  • Rosigold Mango
  • Rough Lemon
  • Rumdul
  • Red Kiwi
  • Red Papaya
  • Red Pineapple
  • Red Williams Pear
  • Rainier Cherry
  • Red Custard Apple
  • Red Guava
  • Rhubarb
  • Ruby Roman Grape
  • Red Bush Apple

Summary of Fruits That Start with R

Rose HipVitamins C, A, K, zinc, and magnesium 
Rose AppleCalcium, iron, vitamins A and C
RolliniaCalcium, vitamins A, B, and C
RiberryVitamin C and iron
Red MombinVitamins A, C, potassium, and magnesium
RaspberryFiber and vitamin C
Rangpur FruitVitamin C, calcium, and potassium
RambutanManganese, copper, vitamins C, and A
Red BananaVitamins C and B6, and folate
Red HuckleberryIron, vitamins A, and C
Red MulberryVitamins C, E, and K
RedcurrantCalcium, iron, and vitamin C
Rockmelon Vitamin K, folic acid, zinc, and calcium
RaisinsVitamins C, E, and K
Rajka AppleFiber, vitamin C, and potassium
RambaiVitamin C, potassium, and magnesium
RamontchiVitamin C
Raspuri Mango Vitamin C and fiber
RataUsed in traditional medicine
Red BayberryVitamin C, A, and E

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About the Author

Lev is a writer at AZ Animals who primarily covers topics on animals, geography, and plants. He has been writing for more than 4 years and loves researching topics and learning new things. His three biggest loves in the world are music, travel, and animals. He has his diving license and loves sea creatures. His favorite animal in the world is the manta ray.

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