Discover The Largest Fish Ever Caught In Maine

Closeup of a lake trout's head and mouth

Written by Emilio Brown

Updated: April 23, 2023

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Fishing is a beloved sport, dating back to its creation over 40,000 years ago. Modern equipment has given countless ways to cast into the water and test your luck, but the goal has always remained the same; to catch a large or rare prized fish. Here you will discover the largest fish ever caught in Maine, and other amazing fish facts. 

Maine is a hot spot for fishing and has over 6,000 lakes and ponds. With so many fishing areas in Maine, there have been countless fish caught reaching record-breaking sizes. Let’s take a look at the largest fish ever caught in Maine.

Lake trout fish in hands salvelinus namaycush

In Maine, lake trout are one of the largest freshwater fish you can catch.

The Largest Fish Ever Caught In Maine

In Maine the largest fish ever caught was captured by angler Erik Poland, who managed to reel in a 39.2 lb. long lake trout, which had a length of 44 in. The lake trout was caught on July 2, 2020, and was pulled out of Richardson Lake. Erik Poland was 34 years old when he captured this prize. He smashed the previous lake trout record set by Holls Grindle of Ellsworth when they caught a 31.5 lb lake trout at Beech Hill Pond in 1958.

Erik states it took more than an hour of fighting to capture this monster. The fish was around 94 feet into the water, and it was lured in by trolling and caught with a DB Smelt Lure. It may be several years before another monster fish like this is caught to break the record. 

Native to Maine, lake trout are in stock in several of the state’s lakes.

Lake Trout In Maine 

In Maine, lake trout are one of the largest freshwater fish you can catch. These fish vary in size greatly, and on average are about 19 inches, with a weight between 5 to 15 lbs. Lake trout that are giant and have measured over 36 inches when aged have varied between being 15 to 30 years in age, but this fish is capable of living up to 70 years. 

Native to Maine, lake trout are in stock in several of the state’s lakes. They are capable of being caught closer to shore in the spring and fall months but generally prefer deeper waters. The bag limit for lake trout varies across Maine and depends on their abundance within the water.

In the summer months of Maine, lake trout dwell at a depth of around 45 ft. These fish prefer cold water. In the winter you can still try your best to catch them while ice fishing and they swim at depths between 10 to 100 ft.

What Do Lake Trouts Eat?

When young lake trout have a diet of plankton, insects, and small invertebrates, and as they grow so does their diet. Being one of the largest fish in Maine, adult lake trout are excellent predators, feeding on smaller fish they find. While lake trout are top predators because of their size, larger fish, like sea lamprey, eat them. Their size and tendency to stay in deep water make it so lake trout do not have many enemies. 

Close up of open sucking mouth of sea lamprey with teeth

While lake trout are top predators because of their size, larger fish, like sea lamprey, eat them.

Fishing In Maine

Maine is home to around 56 freshwater fish species. 19 of them were introduced to the state. The state’s thousands of freshwater sources and countless fish make it a perfect region for anglers. 

Here are some of the most common fish in Maine:

With so many fish to catch in Maine, skilled anglers use a variety of methods for catching them. If you plan on fishing in Maine you should have the right gear, fine-tuned for the type of fish you are trying to catch. 

Using the right methods and gear is not all you need to know to be a successful fisherman. Knowing your waters, and the habits of fish can increase your chances of catching a record-breaker, like the largest ever caught in Maine. 

Big Largemouth Bass

Largemouth Bass are some of the many fish in Maine.

Ocean Fishing In Maine

The fantastic fishing in Maine extends to its coast, as the state has access to around 3,500 miles of coastline. We know Maine for the millions of pounds of lobsters that come out of its ocean, and the love of fishing has brought countless anglers to Maine’s sea. While the lake trout is the largest freshwater fish you can catch in Maine, there are several large ocean fish near its coast.

The largest saltwater fish you can catch in Maine include cusks, pollock, wolfish, tuna, and much more. Fishing boats fill Maine’s coast in hopes to catch large prizes. You can find very large fish both in Maines’s fresh, and saltwater habitats to catch.

View from a fishing boat at sea

Fishing boats fill Maine’s coast in hopes to catch large prizes.

Where Is Maine Located On A Map?

Maine is located on the northeastern tip of the United States and is bordered by New Hampshire to the west, the Gulf of Maine to the southeast and the Canadian Provinces of New Brunswick to the northeast, and Quebec to the northwest. Richardson Lake is located in Oxford County in the western region of the state, close to the New Hampshire border and east of the Magalloway Plantation.

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About the Author

Emilio Brown

Spiders, snakes, and lizards are my favorite types of animals, and I enjoy keeping some species as pets. I love learning about the various wonders nature has to offer and have been a writer for 5 years. In my spare time, you can find me getting out into nature.

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