Canada Lynx

Lynx canadensis

Last updated: May 27, 2024
Verified by: AZ Animals Staff
© Through Christy's Lens/

They have natural snowshoes


Canada Lynx Scientific Classification

Scientific Name
Lynx canadensis

Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals.

Canada Lynx Conservation Status

Canada Lynx Locations

Canada Lynx Locations

Canada Lynx Facts

snowshoe hare
Name Of Young
Group Behavior
  • Solitary
Fun Fact
They have natural snowshoes
Estimated Population Size
Biggest Threat
Most Distinctive Feature
Long hair on cheeks and ears
Other Name(s)
Wildcat, gray lynx
Gestation Period
74 days
Litter Size
Boreal forest
Common Name
Number Of Species
Canada, US, Newfoundland

Canada Lynx Physical Characteristics

  • Brown
  • Yellow
  • Red
Skin Type
Top Speed
50 mph
14 years
9 kgs (20 lbs)
0.33m-1.1m (1.7ft-3.9ft)
51cm(20 inches)
Age of Sexual Maturity
21-33 months
Age of Weaning
12 weeks

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The Canada Lynx is known as the Climbing Cat!

If you visit the woods in Canada and the Northern United States, do not be surprised if you see a cat high above your head. The Canadian lynx spends a lot of time in trees so that they can jump down on snow hares. It has an unusual-shaped paw that acts like a snowshoe so that it can easily move through the snow. The unusual hair in their ears may act like hearing aids.

Canada Lynx infographic

5 Incredible Canada Lynx Facts!

  • Canada lynx are outstanding climbers.
  • Canada lynx big toe is set at a different angle, which helps to distribute their weight so that they can walk through the snow easily.
  • The number of Canada lynx depends on the number of snowshoe hares. Their numbers follow each other in 11-year cycles.
  • Canada lynx do not build a home for their kittens. Instead, they use an available object, like a hollow log.
  • The rare Blue lynx is a result of a genetic mutation.

Scientific name

The scientific name for the Canada lynx is Lynx canadensis. It is a member of the Felidae family. This family also contains the Eurasian lynx (L. lynx) and the Iberian lynx (L. pardinus) in Europe. Lynx or lynxes are both acceptable spellings of the plural. The word lynx comes from the Greek word “to shine,” and it may refer to the lynx’s eyes.

Evolution and Origins

Canada lynx walking in deep snow cover in the woods on a sunny day. Lynx canadensis in the wild nature of Alaska winter. Canadian Lynx on the background of branch and tree trunk


The evolutionary history of the Canada Lynx is a topic of great interest to researchers and wildlife enthusiasts alike. While there is still much to learn about the origins and development of this fascinating species, scientists have made significant strides in understanding its evolution over time.

One important aspect of the Canada Lynx’s evolutionary history is its relationship to other lynx species around the world. Researchers believe that all lynx species share a common ancestor, which likely originated in Asia more than two million years ago. From there, these early cats spread across Europe and eventually into North America.

The Canada Lynx itself likely evolved from a population of Eurasian lynxes that migrated across the Bering land bridge during one or more ice ages. Over time, these animals adapted to their new environment in North America – developing larger feet for better traction on snow and shorter tails for improved heat conservation.

Another key element in understanding the evolution of the Canada Lynx is its relationship with prey animals such as snowshoe hares. Because these small mammals make up such a large portion of their diet, changes in hare populations can have a significant impact on lynx populations as well. Scientists are studying how shifts in climate patterns may be affecting both hare numbers and lynx behavior – providing valuable insights into how this species has adapted over time.


Canada lynx in deep snow

Lynx have exceptional instincts for detecting prey.


The Canada lynx stands about 24 inches tall at the shoulders. This cat is about 32-to-47 inches long. It is almost twice as big as the average house cat. This cat weighs about 33 pounds, while the average house cat weighs about 8.5 pounds. Their tail can be up to 5 inches long.

This cat’s body is covered with short hair. The tip of the tail is black. Lynx have a silvery appearance to them because their hair has a minute white tip. The soft coat is marked with dark spots, and it may have thin strips on its body. Lynx have long tufts of hair coming from their cheeks. These longer tufts may help the animal know which way the wind is blowing, which can be essential to its hunting success.

This animal has long legs, with the back ones being longer than the front ones. They also have unique large feet. The biggest claw on each paw juts out at an angle. These adaptations on the paws help the lynx distribute its weight better when walking through snow.

The tongue of the Canadian lynx is bristly. It contains tiny hook-shaped structures that help the Canadian lynx groom itself. These hook-shaped structure adaptations also help the cat keep water in its mouth when it drinks.


Canada lynxes also have long tufts of hair in their triangle-shaped ears. These tuffs of hair may be extremely sensitive to sound. Therefore, they may act as a hearing aid to help the Canada lynx know when a predator is nearby.

Lynx have over 20 muscles that help them move their ears. Therefore, they can move each ear in a half-circle. These adaptations allow them to locate prey faster.


Canada Lynx on the edge of the ice along Alaska highway at Johnson's Crossing, Yukon, Canada.
Canada Lynx on the edge of the ice along Alaska highway at Johnson’s Crossing, Yukon, Canada.

©Jukka Jantunen/

Canada lynx are quiet and solitary animals. They tend to live a solitary life except for a brief period when mating. Some biologists have also observed young kittens hunting together for brief periods. These facts may help them survive as a group before they get big enough to find and fight prey independently.

Canada lynx cover a lot of territories. If the snowshoe hare population is high, then female lynx will cover about 10 square miles while male Canada lynx may cover approximately 22 square miles. If the snowshoe hare population is down, the female may expand their territory up to 81 square miles.

Canada lynx are quiet animals. They seldom make a sound unless it is mating season. Then, males will scream at each other to try to determine who gets to breed a female. The screaming can continue for hours. The screams start at about 0.7 kHz, rising to about 1.15 kHz before falling to 0.6 kHz. The calls are inverted V when measured, and they fade out instead of just stopping.

Canada lynx have excellent eyesight. This outstanding eyesight allows them to see prey at night up to 250 feet away. They do most of their hunting at night and hide during the day.


Canada Lynx sitting in a tree on a sunny day

Canada Lynx live in dense forests and follow the snowshoe hare, their primary food source.

©Ewa Studio/

Canada lynx live in successional forests where snowshoe hares are abundant. These habitats include weedy areas, grasslands, old fields and pastures, shrub thickets, and young forests. They would prefer that these areas be as far away from humans as possible. Additionally, they want at least two acres in an undisturbed place. Most would like ten or more acres in their home range. Most are found in hilly areas where the elevation varies from 975 feet to 8,000 feet. While males almost always have a range all to themselves, the range of females often overlaps.

Canada lynx also need old-succession forests when it comes time to give birth. These forests provide good cover for the Canadian lynx to raise their young. These animals do not build dens. Instead, they choose a home in a fallen log, cave, or some other available area.


Snowshoe Hare

Snowshoe Hares are the primary food source for the Canada Lynx.


Canada lynx feed almost exclusively on snow hares. Over 70% of their diet consists of these animals. They are considered monophagous animals, as they eat only one food. There are other monophagous animals in the world. For example, monarch butterflies eat only milkweed, while giant panda bears eat only bamboo.

Predators and Threats

Close-up of Canada Lynx

The Canada Lynx is part of the delicate ecosystem of North America.

©Through Christy’s Lens/

Humans are the main predator of the Canadian lynx. They often kill them for their pelts, which are used to trim some fashion clothing.

Wolves often feed on Canadian lynx. A Canadian lynx can usually climb in the forest to get away from wolves. They can jump up to 25 feet in a single jump. That is about seven times as far as the average human can jump. Most Canadian lynxes can jump into trees to escape wolves in the forest, but they are often unable to escape them in the open.

Another predator for the Canadian lynx is coyotes, who are usually close to the top predator in areas where these animals live. Coyotes have recently expanded their territory, and they eat the snowshoe hares that the lynx prefer to dine on. Researchers suggest that if more wolves are introduced, they can feed on the coyotes, increasing the snowshoe hare population. In turn, there would be more Canadian lynxes.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Canada Lynx kitten calling for its mother.

Canada Lynx kittens are born blind and stay with their mothers for nearly a year.

©Geoffrey Kuchera/

Female Canadian lynxes become sexually mature at 21 months. Males become sexually mature at about 33 months.

Females come into heat in February or March, and they only have one heat cycle per year. The heat cycle lasts 1-to-2 days. If successful, then a litter of one to nine kittens is born eight to ten weeks later. Each kitten will weigh about 7 ounces at birth.

The kittens are born blind, but they will open their eyes at about ten days. Some kittens will start eating meat that the mother provides at about 30 days. They will continue to eat mom’s milk for about 100 days.

Males do not help raise the young at all. Young usually stay with their mother for ten months. Then, the mother pushes them away. They often remain together for a few more months before starting their solitary life.

The lifespan of a Canada lynx is about 14 years. By comparison, mountain lions have a lifespan of about 10 years, while bobcats have a lifespan of approximately seven years.

Population and Conservation

The population of the Canada Lynx, a species native to North America, is estimated to be around 2,000 individuals in the United States (including Alaska) and over 10,000 in Canada. However, due to their elusive nature and preference for remote habitats such as boreal forests and mountains, accurate estimates can be difficult to obtain.

Despite being listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in the contiguous United States since 2000, recent studies suggest that populations have stabilized or even increased in certain areas. This may be due to successful conservation efforts that focus on protecting habitats and limiting hunting and trapping.

However, threats still exist for this beautiful wildcat. Climate change poses risks by altering snow cover patterns which impact prey availability, while human activities like logging and development continue to fragment lynx habitat leading some populations more vulnerable than others.

Ensuring the long-term survival of Canada Lynx populations across its range will require ongoing research monitoring trends over time, along with working collaboratively with local communities on effective conservation strategies.

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About the Author

Heather Hall is a writer at A-Z Animals, where her primary focus is on plants and animals. Heather has been writing and editing since 2012 and holds a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture. As a resident of the Pacific Northwest, Heather enjoys hiking, gardening, and trail running through the mountains with her dogs.

Canada Lynx FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Are Canada lynx dangerous?

Canada lynx are not particularly dangerous as they love to avoid people. Yet, if they feel cornered, they will attack humans.

Are Canadian lynx good pets?

Canada lynx do not make good pets. In many states, it is against the law to own Canadian lynx. They are not domesticated and still have wild instincts. This means that they will fight you if they feel threatened.

How many Canadian lynx are left?

In the backcountry, there are thousands of Canadian lynx left in Canada and Alaska. There are still some left in the lower 48 states, but there are not as many as once lived there. Wildlife officials believe there are stable lynx numbers in Maine, Montana, Washington, and Colorado.

What is the difference between a Canada lynx vs. a bobcat?

While a bobcat looks very similar to a Canada lynx, there are many differences. Bobcats do not have tufts of hair in their ears, on their faces, or tails while Canada lynx has it in all three places. Canada lynx have a shorter tail than bobcats. The paws on a bobcat are not as big as on a Canada lynx. Additionally, paws do not have the claw sticking out at a different angle, making it easier for a Canada lynx to walk in the snow.

What does the Canada Lynx eat?

Canada lynxes eat snow hares almost exclusively. Their numbers will go up and down depending on how many snow hares are available.

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