Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: Ideal Time to Go + 10 Amazing Animals to See

Written by Rob Hayek
Published: December 23, 2023
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The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is a wonderful place to visit if you are ever in Colorado. Significantly, it is a very large zoo with plenty of fun activities to do. There is so much to cover, and we are going to outline the best parts.

We are here to talk about the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo while describing the best time to go there and highlighting seven animals you will see. Furthermore, we will give some history of the park.

Ski-lift at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs

©Brian Roeder/

Where Is The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo?

The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is in Colorado Springs, CO. It is about 70 miles south of Denver. Additionally, it sits on 146 acres of land and is surrounded by numerous trees all around.

When Did It Open?

The park opened in 1926. Yes, it has been around for nearly a century. Spencer Penrose opened the Cheyenne Zoological Mountain Society to secure a place for his growing list of animals. Furthermore, he wanted to establish a place where he could provide education to the masses about these animals. Penrose also wanted to establish conservation efforts for these animals while also showcasing them to the public.

Best Time of Year to Go

While you can go to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo any time of year, there are certain times when it is best to go. Ultimately, the summer is the best time to go to the zoo. It is best to go in the summertime because it is the time of year when everything is operational. Furthermore, the Sky Ride (which is the lift you take to explore the vast park.) is open seven days a week during the summertime hours. It is only open on the weekends during the September-April stretch.

The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is open from 9 am. to 5 pm. When you go in the summer, you also will get a pass to the Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun. It is a massive monument that stretches for approximately 1.4 miles up the road, where you will get a breathtaking view of Colorado Springs.

How Much Does It Cost and Where Can You Buy?

You can buy tickets to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo by exploring the website. Ultimately, you can get advanced tickets. This means you must purchase your ticket in advance before going to the zoo. Significantly, there are procedures to follow and different costs for different days.

Adults who want to go when the zoo opens will have to pay $29.75. Curiously, those who want to enter the zoo at 2 PM will only have to pay $19.75. Children (ages 3-11) get in for the morning price of $24.75 and the afternoon price of $14.75.

Peak days, or days that are slightly busier, will naturally cost more. Therefore, you will pay $34.75 for a full morning ticket and $24.75 for the afternoon. In the wintertime, not everything is open. Thus, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo blocks off nearly the entire season as “value days,” which means tickets for adults cost $24.75 to get in.

Cheyenne Mountain State Park

Cheyenne Mountain State Park is located in El Paso County, Colorado


Events and Programs at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

The zoo offers several events and programs for the entire family to enjoy. Significantly, the first thing you can do is explore some virtual experiences. Virtual tours are approximately 30 minutes long, and you can learn all about the zoo and its history.

The zoo also hosts special events all year long, such as the Electric Safari, the Run to the Shrine, Moonlight on the Mountain, Silent Night at the Zoo, Boo at the Zoo, and Dog Days at the Zoo. Overall, there is always an event to highlight a particular time of year, whether it is a holiday or a special occurrence.

The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo also offers special camps and classes for children to help educate them on the zoo and the animals that inhabit it. Ultimately, there are summer camps, teen programs, adult programs, and family programs,

Custom animal experiences give visitors a chance to explore different animals on their own. Moreover, you can meet and greet an animal as well as have your photo taken with it.

Conservation Efforts

One of the main reasons Penrose started the zoo way back in 1926 was because of the conservation efforts he wanted to implement. Significantly, that has continued to this day as the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is totally green and committed to the health and sustainability of animals around the world.

When a guest pays for a ticket, 75 cents from the sale goes toward conservation projects. Amazingly, this program has generated $4 million since 2008.

10 Animals You Will See at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

There are over 750 animals at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Specifically, there are amazing exhibits for each of them. We will feature 10 of the best animals you will see on this site.

  1. Asiatic Bear: The Asiatic Bear is among the numerous animals you will see at the zoo. It originated from Europe and Asia and is one of the highlights of the zoo.
  2. American Alligator: Even though they are not native to Colorado, you will see the American alligator in this zoo. Ultimately, they are a highlight of the zoo as they are one of the featured animals that are among the most dangerous predators in the world.
  3. Hippos: You will see hippos when you visit Water’s Edge Africa at the zoo. Amazingly, you get to see them in a simulation of their natural environment in Africa while seeing how they breed and interact with each other.
  4. African Penguins: Another animal that you will see at the Water’s Edge Africa is the African Penguin. Sadly, this is a threatened species, and the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo provides education on these animals while also showcasing their behaviors.
  5. Elephants: One of the most dangerous animals in the world, elephants are also exhibited at the zoo. Ultimately, they are the main highlight of the Encounter Africa exhibit, where you will get to see African elephants splash in the pools and walk around their area.
  6. Siberian Tigers: It is probably the most dangerous cat in the world. Spectacularly, the Siberian Tiger is one of the best animals you will see at the zoo. It is also one of the highlights of the Asian Highlands exhibit.
  7. Amur Leopard: Another cat you will see in the Asian Highlands exhibit is the Amur Leopard. Ultimately, you will get to see leopards up close while also learning about their conservation status.
  8. Red-Necked Wallaby: You don’t get to see a wallaby often. However, you will see a Red-Necked Wallaby here when you go into the Australia Walkabout exhibit. You will get to learn all about these creatures while also having the chance to hand-feed them incredible treats. Overall, it is an incredible experience that you will get to partake in.
  9. Giraffe: The tallest animal in the world lives here. Yes, we are talking about the giraffe. When you are in the African Rift Valley, you will see giraffes and get the chance to feed them. The feeding experience costs $3 and is open every day. Furthermore, the zoo celebrates Girrafe Calf “Wednesday,” which is a celebration of a giraffe calf that was both on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Every Wednesday, the zoo trots out a calf, named Wednesday, to show how much it is growing and what new abilities it has developed.
  10. Mountain Tapir: If you want to see a rare animal in North America, you definitely want to see a mountain tapir. These animals are originally from South America. Yet, you can see them exclusively at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in their natural environment.


The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of the best zoos you can visit in the United States. While it is not the largest zoo in America, it is still one of the most organized and efficient places to see animals in the country. The next time you are in Colorado Springs, you may want to take a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo to see many kinds of animals while partaking in brand-new adventures.

Father and son visit the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs and feed the giraffe lettuce, a popular attraction.

©Thomas Barrat/

The photo featured at the top of this post is © University of College/

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About the Author

Rob Hayek is a writer at A-Z Animals where his primary focus is on animals, sports, places, and events. Rob has been writing and researching about animals, sports, places, and events for over 10 years and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Cal State University Fullerton, which he earned in 2009. A resident of California, Rob enjoys surfing and also owns a sports group which allows people from the local community to come together to play sports recreationally.

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