Dog Breeds that Start with N

Published: August 11, 2021
the Northern Inuit Society / CC BY-SA 4.0 – License / Original
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Here is a list of dog breeds that start with the letter N.

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A Neapolitan Mastiff
Neapolitan Mastiff

Fearless and extremely protective of it's home!

A Newfoundland

Introduced by Vikings more than 1,000 years ago!

A Newfypoo

Newfypoos have a thick oily coat that can be hard to groom.

A Norfolk Terrier
Norfolk Terrier

Fearless but not aggressive!

A Norrbottenspets

Getting your hands on one of these pups might be a challenging task. At one point, the breed was on the brink of extinction.

A Norwegian Buhund
Norwegian Buhund

The Norwegian Buhund once worked on Norse homesteads

A Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Elkhound

This breed traveled with the Vikings!

A Norwegian Lundehund
Norwegian Lundehund

This breed is also called the Norsk Lundehund and the Norwegian Puffin Dog

A Norwich Terrier
Norwich Terrier

Though Norwich terriers are small, they have a reputation for being feisty.

A Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

The Toller is one of only two breeds that hunters use as decoys while hunting.

List of Dog Breeds that Start with the Letter N

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