Pigeon vs Dove: 2 Key Differences Explained

Written by Hannah Ward

Published: July 6, 2024

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When we think of pigeons and doves we probably imagine completely different birds.  In fact, the term “dove” has become synonymous with world peace and we often think of them as being these majestic pure white birds.  However, pigeons and doves are both members of the bird family Columbidae.  More than that, they are both technically the same birds as there is no scientific difference between the two.  So, why do we use two different names if they’re both the same bird and how do we distinguish between what people call a “dove” and a “pigeon”?  Join us as we find out what the key differences really are between pigeons and doves.

12 Animals of Christmas From Around the World - turtle doves

Even though they are genetically the same as pigeons, doves are the variety that has become widely symbolic of love.

Comparing Dove vs. Pigeon

There are more than 300 species in the Columbidae family. They are found everywhere except Antarctica, the high Arctic, and the driest areas of the Sahara desert.  They have adapted to almost every habitat and live in areas such as grasslands, savannahs, deserts, woodlands, forests, and urban areas.  Pigeons and doves typically have small, rounded heads with short bills.  They also have compact bodies and short legs, tapered wings, and soft feathers.  They all eat a similar diet of fruit and seeds, and they all build relatively flimsy nests.

Name OriginOld English / Old NorseFrance
SizeUp to 0.5 poundsUp to 9 pounds
TailLarge and fanned outSmaller and straighter

The 2 Key Differences Between Pigeons and Doves

While doves and pigeons come from the same family of birds, generally doves are smaller while pigeons are the larger species. The other key difference is that pigeons have straighter tails while doves’ are more fanned out.

There is absolutely no scientific difference between doves and pigeons.  Instead, which bird is called a dove and which is called a pigeon usually comes down to a few things.  The most confusing factor is actually language – different countries tend to prefer different terms.  However, broadly doves are generally described as being the smaller members of the Columbidae family, while pigeons are often referred to as being the larger birds.  

Pigeon vs. Dove: Size

Most Expensive Birds-Racing Pigeon

Pigeons are usually described as the larger members of the


family and the largest can reach up to 9 pounds

There is a massive variation of size within the Columbidae family.  The smallest member of the family is the New World ground dove which weighs as little as 0.06 pounds and is only 5 inches long.  However, the largest is the crowned pigeon which is often described as being as big as a turkey. Crowned pigeons are around 30 inches long and weigh up to 9 pounds.

With this kind of size range in mind, broadly doves are described as being the smallest members of the family, with weights up to 0.5 pounds. On the other hand, pigeons are generally the largest species with weights from 0.5 to 9 pounds.  However, it is important to stress that this is only a very broad difference and is not a set rule for the entire family.  Additionally, there are some birds that are called both names which bucks the trend completely.  One example of this is the common pigeon (Columba livia) which is also called a rock dove.  These birds generally weigh between 0.5 and 0.8 pounds.

Pigeon vs. Dove: Tail

Doves generally have a more exuberant and fanned-out tail than pigeons

Another difference between pigeons and doves – although again only a general guide – is their tails.  Although there are exceptions to the rule on both sides, doves are generally perceived to have larger and more expressive tails than pigeons.  Dove tails are often described as being longer and more fanned out than that of a pigeon, particularly during flight.  Pigeons tails are usually not as long or as fanned out.

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are doves always white?

No, although the common image that comes to mind when we think of a dove is a beautiful white bird with a fanned tail, doves are not always white.  In fact, their colors can vary widely between grey, brown, white, or with mixed markings – just the same as pigeons’ appearances vary.

Why are pigeons often called pests?

Just like the dove has the label “peaceful” attached to it, pigeons also often have a label attached to them. However, the pigeons’ label is not as favorable.  Pigeons are often described as pests because they often nest and flourish in urban areas. Besides, who hasn’t been accosted by a few pigeons desperate for scraps of food at some point in their life?  The truth is, pigeons are often labeled as pests because they can be seen in great numbers in urban areas scavenging for food.

What does it mean when pigeons and doves are described as being granivorous or frugivorous?

The main diet of pigeons and doves is seeds and fruit.  Grainivorous birds are those that feed predominantly on seeds, while frugivorous ones are those that eat fruit and insects or worms.  The Columbidae family can actually be divided based on this, with granivores making up the Columbinae subfamily while the other four subfamilies are frugivores.  Interestingly, both “doves” and “pigeons” as we have loosely defined above are present in both groups.

What are homing pigeons?

Homing pigeons are domesticated common pigeons or rock doves.  They have an innate homing ability, which means that they can find their nests and return home to them even from thousands of miles away.  Nowadays, they are more often used for pigeon racing.  However, during wars – particularly World War I and II – they were used to carry important messages. This is because there was less chance of them being intercepted by the enemy than radios.  This was commonly known as “pigeon post” or “war post”.

If left untended by humans in an urban environment, pigeons face their lowest survival rates.

Should I get a Dove or a Pigeon?

Zenaida Dove - Zenaida aurita bird in Columbidae, doves and pigeons, national bird of Anguilla as turtle dove, similar to Mourning dove, breeds throughout the Caribbean and Yucatan Peninsula

The Zenaida Dove (

Zenaida aurita

) is one of many species that could belong to your family. Also known as the mourning dove, they aren’t typically a pet choice but are also known to make great additions to your aviary.

There are around 344 species of these birds, both dove and pigeon, that belong to the family Columbidae. Outside of the English language, they are generally referred to as either domestic or feral pigeons, as the translation of dove doesn’t usually exist in many other languages. Names aside, both birds can, and do, make great pets, although due to their smaller sizes, doves tend to make up the majority of pets.

Additionally, doves do not have a negative connotation attached to them, while pigeons are often referred to as ‘rats with wings’. but this mislabeled term doesn’t allow them to be discovered as the great pets they also are. Whether you should opt for a dove or pigeon is a preference and both are relatively easy to care for.

Doves are happy, social birds that exhibit a range of characteristics, from sweet and silly, to curious and loving. They may even perch on your shoulder and enjoy the occasional cuddle. As they are fairly social animals, they are best kept in pairs. While there are many to choose from, the most commonly kept pets are the ringneck dove, also known as the turtle dove or laughing dove, and diamond doves.

Pigeons have been kept as domestic animals for hundreds of years, from their use as messengers to their capacity for joining your ‘flock’ indoors, and they are able to bond with their families. However, just as with doves, they are typically better when kept in pairs. Whichever one you choose, these easy-to-tame feathered friends will be with you for a fairly long time, with lifespans for pigeons around 15 years and doves around 20 years.

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About the Author

Hannah Ward

Hannah is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on reptiles, marine life, mammals, and geography. Hannah has been writing and researching animals for four years alongside running her family farm. A resident of the UK, Hannah loves riding horses and creating short stories.

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