
Canis lupus

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A Lhasapoo’s coat can be curly like a poodle’s or long and silky like a Lhasa Apso’s.


Lhasapoo Scientific Classification

Scientific Name
Canis lupus

Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals.

Lhasapoo Locations

Lhasapoo Locations

Lhasapoo Facts

Fun Fact
A Lhasapoo’s coat can be curly like a poodle’s or long and silky like a Lhasa Apso’s.

Lhasapoo Physical Characteristics

Lhasapoo as a Pet:

General Health
Energy Level
Tendency to Chew
Family and kid friendliness
Yappiness / Barking
Separation Anxiety
Preferred Temperature
Cold climate
Exercise Needs
Friendly With Other Dogs
Pure bred cost to own
$400 to $1,000
Dog group
Male weight
8-14 lbs
Female weight
7-12 lbs

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A Lhasapoo’s coat can be curly like a poodle’s, or long and silky like a Lhasa Apso’s.

Owning a Lhasapoo is always an adventure because no two Lhasapoos are ever quite alike. These cuddly, spunky, highly intelligent dogs are a cross between the Lhasa Apso and the poodle. Some inherit the poodle’s curly coat while others sport the long, silky hair of the Tibetan breed. Lhasapoos will vary in size, depending upon whether their poodle parent was a miniature or toy breed. Puppies bred from toy poodles are dubbed teacup Lhasapoos. You can often find full-grown Lhasapoos in rescue shelters.

Though on the small size, Lhasapoos make great watchdogs. They inherited their protective instincts from Lhasa Apso ancestors who were charged with guarding inner temple sanctums in their native Tibet. When trouble came calling, the Lhasa Apso’s barks would rouse enormous Tibetan mastiffs who would get rid of the intruders. Lhasapoos, thus, have a tendency to be bossy and need a firm but loving hand to teach them they’re not the alpha of the pack. Another name for the Lhasapoo is Lhasadoodle.

Pictorial summary of the Lhasapoo

3 Pros and Cons of Owning a Lhasapoo

They’re mentally quick: Poodles and Lhasa Apsos are both bright dogs, so it stands to reason their offspring are bright, too. Lhasapoos relish games and can be trained to do tricks so long as the training involves lots of positive reinforcement.They can be aggressive: It’s a trait Lhasapoos inherit from both parental lines. As a sentinel dog, Lhasa Apsos are wary of strangers, and poodles tend to assert dominance unless they are kept in check. Consistent obedience training and socialization from an early age are the keys to overcoming aggression in a Lhasapoo.
They form strong bonds: Lhasadoodles can be very affectionate and playful. They tend to be one-person dogs, but if you focus on teaching them socialization skills when they’re pups, they will easily learn how to get along with the other human and animal members of your family.They’re yappers: Whenever someone is at your front door, your Lhasa Apso/poodle hybrid will let you know about it by barking loudly. Of course, this barking trait is also what makes them excellent watchdogs despite their small size.
They’re hypoallergenic: Neither the poodle nor the Lhasa Apso shed very much, and the Lhasapoo has inherited its parents’ hypoallergenic coat. Lhasadoodles are great canines for people who love dogs but who don’t like to sneeze.They don’t do well with young children: Because they bark a lot and can be aggressive, Lhasapoos are not recommended for households with young children. They do extremely well in homes with children who are old enough to respect their boundaries, though.

Lhasapoo Size and Weight

Lhasapoo walking in the snow

Lhasapoo males are slightly larger than females, just like Lhasa Apsos

Depending on its parent poodle line, a Lhasadoodle can be a mini size or a teacup size. Mini Lhasadoodles have a miniature poodle parent. They range from 10 to 15 inches in height and weigh between 10 and 18 pounds. Teacup Lhasadoodles have a toy poodle parent. They range from 9 to 13 inches in height and weigh between 10 and 15 pounds.

Like Lhasa Apsos, Lhasadoodle males are slightly larger both in height and weight than females of the same breed. They will reach their adult height between 9 and 12 months, but it may take them another six months to fill out to their full adult weight.

Height (Male):13 inches
Height (Female):11 inches
Weight (Male):14 pounds
Weight (Female):12 pounds


Lhasa Apso on a white background.

Lhasa Apsos once kept watch over monastries in ancient Tibet

The history of the Lhasapoo goes back a thousand years to the monasteries of Tibet where the sage, watchful Lhasa apso kept watch over ancient religious sanctuaries, along with giant Tibetan mastiffs. However, it wasn’t until 1933 that the first of this silken-furred species would make its way to the United States as a diplomatic gift. A couple of years later, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club. 

Because the Lhasapoo is also part poodle, a  glimpse at the latter breed is also required. France’s national canine actually has German origins. And in spite of that somewhat pampered appearance, the poodle was actually created to aid hunters in snagging waterfowl – a role it is still engaged in today. (Fun fact: its name actually stems from the German word for splash: pudel).

When precisely did these two breeds come together to create this adorable, somewhat territorial little canine? No one knows for certain. Experts however assert that designer breeds became the in thing about two decades ago, which is likely when the first adorable furball of this variety came into being.

Lhasapoo Common Health Issues

Dogs with shortened muzzles like the Lhasa Apso are sometimes affected by a condition called brachycephalic airway syndrome. These dogs may find it difficult to breathe, particularly when it’s hot out or when they’re exercising vigorously. If your Lhasapoo has inherited a shortened muzzle, it’s important to make sure his or her nostrils are fully open. If you notice your pet snorting or sniffing unusually, then it’s time for a visit to the vet. Like other toy breeds, some Lhasadoodles may also have unstable knees, which occasionally slip out of place. This condition, which is known as luxating patellas, can be serious enough to warrant surgical intervention. Other conditions some Lhasapoos are prone to include eye diseases like retinal atrophy, cataracts, glaucoma and “cherry eye” (prolapsed nictitating membrane.) Despite these health issues, Lhasapoos typically live 12 to 15 years.

In summary, common health issues that may affect your Lhasa apso/poodle mix include:

  • Brachycephalic airway syndrome
  • Luxating patellas
  • Retinal atrophy
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Cherry eye

Lhasapoo Temperament

LhasaPoo puppy laying in the grass
Lhasapoos are rather protective in spite of their diminutive size

When a Lhasapoo loves you, he or she really loves you. You can expect to have a full lap whenever you’re sitting on the couch. These pets will also be sweet and playful with other members of the family, too, including other companion animals, so long as they’ve gotten to know them. It takes Lhasapoos a while, though, to warm up to strangers. They may be small dogs, but they have fully embraced the responsibility of protecting you and yours.

How To Take Care of Lhasapoos

Lhasapoos can be relatively high maintenance. Even as puppies, they need regular haircuts, a fair amount of other grooming, consistent training, and a moderate amount of exercise to help them grow into healthy, engaging pets. There are several breed-specific factors you must take into consideration when it comes to dealing with Lhasadoodle pups and adults.

The Best Dog Food for Lhasapoos

Adult Lhasapoos should be fed one cup of high-quality dog food a day, split between two meals. Avoid giving them table scraps; as small dogs, even a minor weight gain can be unhealthy for them.

Puppies will need to eat small amounts at least three or four times a day. By six months old, your pet should be eating two meals a day. The optimal amount for your pup will vary according to his or her metabolism and activity levels, so if you have any questions, consult with your vet.

At A-Z Animals, we find that the best dog food for Lhasapoos is Merrick Classic Healthy Grains Dry Dog Food with Real Meat.

We like this chicken, brown rice, and turkey dog food, because it’s high in calcium and phosphorus for the bones and cartilage, with glucosamine and chondroitin for extra joint protection. It also includes taurine as well as carrots, both of which can improve eye health over your dog’s life.

See if your dog enjoys Merric Classic Healthy Grains Real Meat dog food, available on Chewy and Amazon.

Best for Small Breeds
Merrick Classic Healthy Grains Small Breed Recipe Dry Dog Food
  • Formulated healthy nutrition for small breeds
  • Chicken and turkey meal, deboned chicken, and rice recipe
  • Grains including quinoa to supports healthy digestion
  • Supports healthy hips, joints, skin and coat
Check Chewy Check Amazon

Maintenance And Grooming

Whether they inherit the curly coat of a poodle or the long, straight coat of a Lhasa Apso, a Lhasapoo’s coat needs to be brushed at least once daily so that mats and tangles don’t develop. Wash your dog’s face at least once a day; Lhasapoos are one of the breeds that commonly develop brownish stains under their eyes if that area isn’t kept scrupulously clean. A weekly bath is a good idea, too.

You’ll want to visit a professional groomer every three to four weeks for haircuts, and you’ll want the groomer to pay special attention to haircuts around the genital area so that your dog doesn’t end up with urine stains or with bits of feces clinging to the area beneath his or her tail. Make sure to keep your dog’s ears clean and dry to minimize the risk of ear infections. Dogs with shortened muzzles may be prone to periodontal disease, so make sure to brush your Lhasapoo’s teeth daily.


Lhasapoos pick up new commands easily. They have a stubborn streak though, so the earlier you begin working with them on training and socialization, the better. These dogs respond far better to positive reinforcement than to the threat of punishment. You may struggle with training from time to time, but if you give up on it, you’ll increase the likelihood that your Lhasadoodle will develop negative traits like aggression and wariness. It’s worth working with a professional dog trainer if you’re having problems working with your pet on your own.


Lhasapoos are active but small; they’ll do well with 60 minutes of moderate exercise per day. You may be surprised to learn that most Lhasapoos enjoy swimming. This is a trait they inherited from their poodle parent: Poodles, you may recall, were originally bred to be water dogs. So long as you provide your Lhasadoodle with plenty of toys, he or she should do well in an apartment as well as a larger house.

Lhasapoo Puppies

Lhasapoo puppies are adorable. They look like miniature Ewoks! Their tiny size means you’ll have to keep a close eye on them to make sure they don’t get into any trouble wandering around their new dwelling. Even the tiniest 8- to 12-week-old pup is ready to start potty training. In fact, it’s smart to start obedience training and socialization just as soon as you get your new pup home.


Like their parent Lhasa Apsos, Lhasapoos enjoy their independence, and that means they may not have a lot of tolerance for younger children who may want to pretend their pet dog is a doll. Even when a Lhasapoo is well socialized, this dog may snap if he or she feels harassed. For that reason, Lhasadoodles do best in homes with older children.

Dogs Similar to Lhasapoos

a Maltipoo running down the road

Maltipoos like Lhasapoos are a poodle hybrid breed

Shih Tzus, Maltipoos and Yorkshire terriers are similar to Lhasapoos in many ways.

Shih Tzus: Shih Tzus are also a breed with roots in Tibet. Unlike Lhasa Apsos, though, these little dogs were bred to be companions, so their temperaments are far more placid than the sometimes-feisty Lhasapoo. They’re slightly smaller than Lhasapoos, too, usually growing no more than 11 inches tall. Their long, silky coats come in a variety of colors, including white, gold, black and grey.
Maltipoos: Maltipoos are a hybrid cross between a poodle and a Maltese. They are gentle, affectionate and playful, but they can become anxious if they’re left alone too long. Depending upon whether their poodle parent was a mini or a toy, Maltipoos range from 8 to 14 inches tall. They’re intelligent dogs who are easy to train.
Yorkshire terriers: Yorkshire terriers or Yorkies may be small dogs, but they don’t know it. This breed is as spunky and energetic as any terrier. Big Yorkies are only 9 inches tall and seldom weigh more than 7 pounds. They need frequent grooming to keep their long, silky coats smooth and clean.

Popular names for Lhasapoos include:

  • Singha
  • Tenzin
  • Dorjee
  • Norbu
  • Tash
View all 118 animals that start with L

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How much yappiness/barking?

How much energy should they have?

The lower energy the better.
I want a cuddle buddy!
About average energy.
I want a dog that I have to chase after constantly!
All energy levels are great -- I just love dogs!
How much should they shed?
How trainable/obedient does the dog need to be?
How intelligent does the dog need to be?
How much chewing will allow?
About the Author

Ashley Haugen

Ashley Haugen is a lifelong animal lover and professional writer and editor. When she's not immersed in A-Z-Animals.com, she can be found hanging out with her dogs and birds.

Lhasapoo FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

How much does a Lhasapoo cost to own?

Lhasapoo puppies cost anywhere between $400 and $1,000, depending upon the breeding stock. If you prefer an older dog, you can sometimes find Lhasapoos in a rescue shelter. First-year costs, which include shots, chipping, neutering, collars, leashes, and crates as well as feeding, grooming, and training expenses will come to about $1,700. Thereafter, you can expect to spend approximately $1,200 a year on your Lhasadoodle.

Is a Lhasapoo good with kids?

A Lhasapoo is not generally a good dog for children younger than 10.

How long will a Lhasapoo live?

A healthy Lhasapoos will usually live 12 to 15 years.

What is a Lhasapoo?

A Lhasapoo is a hybrid with one poodle parent and one Lhasa apso parent.

What are common diseases a Lhasapoo has?

Lhasapoos may be affected by brachycephalic airway syndrome, luxating patellas, and eye conditions such as retinal atrophy, cataracts, glaucoma, and cherry eye.

What does a lhasapoo look like?

Lhasapoos are small dogs that weigh between 10 and 20 pounds. Their coats can be curly like a poodle’s or straight like a Lhasa apso. Their coats can be many different colors, including white, cream, golden, brown, and black.

How big does a lhasapoo get?

Male Lhasapoos can grow as tall as 13 inches; female Lhasapoos can grow as tall as 11 inches

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  1. animalso.com / Published March 22, 2021
  2. vetstreet.com / Published March 22, 2021
  3. dogtime.com / Published March 22, 2021
  4. thehappypuppysite.com / Published March 22, 2021
  5. petcoach.co / Published March 22, 2021
  6. pets.thenest.com / Published March 22, 2021
  7. oakhill-vets.com / Published March 22, 2021
  8. wamiz.co.uk / Published March 22, 2021
  9. embracepetinsurance.com / Published March 22, 2021
  10. dogbreedplus.com / Published March 22, 2021