10 Fruits That Start With W

© iStock.com/1340211439

Written by Rob Hayek

Published: December 13, 2023

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Fruits are delicious and part of the periodic food table, which is important for a full nutritional diet. Overall, there are fruits of all kinds throughout the world that people enjoy eating every day. Some of these fruits start with Y in their name and are unique. Ultimately, there are fruits that start with every letter of the alphabet.

We are here to present 10 fruits that start with W while providing some information about where you can find them across the world. Furthermore, we will also give little fun facts about the fruits and explain some of the taste and texture.

10. Walnut

Walnut Fruit

Believe it or not, walnut, while technically a nut, also stems from a fruit tree, so it is part of the fruit family.

©Tunatura/ via Getty Images

The walnut is a fruit, believe it or not. Yes, it is technically a nut. But the walnut stems from a fruit. Ultimately, walnuts have a single seed that is encompassed by a hard shell, which classifies it botanically as a fruit, according to Healthline. The only similar food that would not be a fruit is a peanut, which is technically a legume.

California is the top producer of nuts in the world, and that includes walnuts. Overall, the United States and China produce the most nuts in the world. The best way to grow walnuts is through trees and bushes. However, some people grow nuts underground. Walnuts are definitely one of the fruits that start with W.

9. Wampee


Wampee is a fruit that comes directly from China and is perched high across trees.

©Vina Kurnia/ via Getty Images

One of the sweetest fruits you can ever have is a wampee. Significantly, it also has a very slightly acidic taste to it. You will find the wampee in China, and you will have to look up to spot them. Ultimately, they are perched above very high trees. You can recognize them by their pinkish coloring and the branches they hang on.

People also can make wampee into drinks. Moreover, they can also turn wampees into jams or desserts. It is the perfect spread for your next party and also one of the many fruits that start with W that you can enjoy in numerous ways.

8. Watermelon

Hands of woman with watermelon growing in the garden

Watermelons are a fruit with many seeds to unfold to get to the rich, sweet taste.


The most obvious pick for fruits that start with W is the legendary watermelon. Why is it legendary? Well, for starters, it is very heavy, and you must be really careful when carrying one, or you might drop it and ruin the entire fruit. Watermelons have been around since 2000 BC. Allegedly, people first grew watermelons in northeastern Africa, according to research submitted to the National Library of Medicine.

Watermelons have a myriad of tastes. Ultimately, it tastes sweet and sour with a tinge of bitterness. But it is a melon. Therefore, depending on how long it has been out, the taste can change. It can be really juicy when you first cut it. However, like all food, it starts to lose its flavor over time.

Farmers grow watermelons across the United States, including Florida and Georgia. Curiously, you can have several varieties of watermelons, including seedless. Across the world, you will find watermelons growing in Turkey, China, Uzbekistan, and Iran.

7. West Indian Cherry

someone's hand holding fruit of the muntingia calabura or ( Malayan Cherry, Calabura, Cherry Tree, Jamaican Cherry, West Indian Cherry Tree, Kerukup-Siam, Buah Ceri, Panama Berry, Kersen, Talok )

You will find West Indian Cherries in small, bushy shrubs that evolve into large trees springing out of the ground.

Image: Ageng Arifian Sasono, Shutterstock

©Ageng Arifian Sasono/Shutterstock.com

The official name for this berry is Malphighia Emarginata, otherwise known by the common name of West Indian Cherries. The best way to grow them is through seeds from healthy plants, according to the Agricultural Governmental website. Then, you need to dry the seed if you are storing it in a cool place. You can plant and fertilize this fruit to ensure the best outcome possible.

West Indian Cherries can be found in India, of course. Additionally, they are also grown in the northern part of South America and certain locations in Texas. These cherries taste like a tart but are slightly sweeter. Subsequently, it is one of the sweeter fruits that start with W.

6. White Mulberry

White Mulberry

White mulberries are available in Northern China and can sprout from small shrubs into massive trees.

©Oksana S/ via Getty Images

If you ever travel to the northern part of China, you might encounter white mulberries on some of the trees. Despite its Chinese origin, you can also find white mulberries in other countries throughout the world, including the United States, Mexico, and Argentina.

You can usually find white mulberries at their ripest in the spring. Then, once you bite into one, you will notice its sweet flavor without the tartness, which is a significant contrast from black mulberries. It is one of the rarest fruits that starts with W.

5. Wineberry

Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese wineberry, wine raspberry,wineberry or dewberry) is an Asian species of raspberry (Rubus subgenus Idaeobatus) in the rose family, native to China, Japan, and Korea.

You can find wineberries in Japan, Korea, and China, but they are also grown throughout the United States and other parts of the world.

Image: Brookgardener, Shutterstock


Wineberries are similar to raspberries. Conversely, the main difference is the increase in tart flavor with a little more juice. You will likely find them in East Asia. Likewise, you can find them throughout the United States.

Wineberries are very popular with people who bake pies. Furthermore, they become essential for all summer harvests. Some people have even made barbeque sauce and maple syrup out of the sauce.

4. Wild Lime

Wild Lime

Wild Lemon is a unique fruit that you will find in the northeastern part of India.

©Everyday Better To Do Everything You Love/ via Getty Images

You will find wild lemons across the northeastern side of India. However, you can also find these wild fruits in Portuguese. They are different from normal lemons as they are green on the outside. Curiously, they are only edible toward the end of summer when they become fully ripe.

Wild lemons are used for more than just food. Curiously, they are some of the best flavors to use in shampoos, hair conditioners, and moisturizers.

3. Wintermelon


Similar to a watermelon, the inside of a winter melon is packed with seeds.

©Herlina Hartanto/ via Getty Images

The wintermelon is the unknown melon. Yet, it is just as tasty as a watermelon. Wintermelons taste very sweet. Moreover, they are utilized for more than just plain food. While you can bite into a watermelon and taste the sweet, savory flavor, it is ideal for a drink. Moreover, cafes use wintermelon for boba drinks.

Wintermelons originated in Taiwan. Now, they are utilized across the world and have been experimented in many different ways. They are one of the more unique fruits that start with W.

2. Winter Squash

Close up of a display of a large pumpkin or winter squash seen outdoors in autumn.

You can find winter squash anywhere across the world and they require a lot of patience to ensure full growth.

Image: Joe Kuis, Shutterstock

©Joe Kuis/Shutterstock.com

The best way to grow winter squash is to harvest it for 75-100 days. Ultimately, you will want to make sure there is no frost that touches the fruit while it is growing. The best time to start to harvest is in late summer or in the fall.

Winter squash has a sweet and nutty flavor. Curiously, imagine you are eating a sweet potato with pumpkin mixed in. It is usually dark green, but sometimes its coloring is bright orange. Subsequently, it is one of the most difficult fruits that start with W that you can grow.

1. Wolfberry


Wolfberries are a Chinese delicacy that is very delicious and a fruit you can add to any salad or eat by itself.

©koosen/ via Getty Images

The last official fruit on our list is wolfberries. Amazingly, you can put wolfberries on anything. They go well on other fruits and mixed with salads. Overall, they are sweet and sour. Wolfberries are rich in iron and potassium.

Wolfberries originated in China. Furthermore, there are many health benefits to wolfberries, including greater antioxidant levels and a significant boost to the immune system. There is also a good amount of vitamin C and fiber. Thus, it is one of the best fruits that start with W.

Additional Fruits That Start With W

Here are some additional fruits that start with W:

  1. Water Apple
  2. Wax Apple
  3. White Aspen Fruit
  4. White Currant
  5. White Sapote
  6. Wild Orange
  7. Williams Pear
  8. Wood Apple
  9. Wild Cucumber
  10. Wild Custard Apple

Summary of 10 Fruits That Start with W

2.Winter Squash
4.Wild Lime
6.White Mulberry
7.West Indian Cherry

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About the Author

Rob Hayek is a writer at A-Z Animals where his primary focus is on animals, sports, places, and events. Rob has been writing and researching about animals, sports, places, and events for over 10 years and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Cal State University Fullerton, which he earned in 2009. A resident of California, Rob enjoys surfing and also owns a sports group which allows people from the local community to come together to play sports recreationally.

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