Discover the 20 Fruits That Start With Y

Written by Rob Hayek
Published: November 17, 2023
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Fruits are a healthy part of the food pyramid. Moreover, they can provide all sorts of nutritional benefits. It’s wild to think about how many fruits exist on this planet. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it is important to eat fruits because they lessen the chances of a chronic disease. The USDA recommends eating fruits that are lower in calories. Overall, there are many fruits to choose from.

We’re here to share the 20 fruits that start with Y while giving out some important details about the food and describing it. Additionally, we will briefly explain where you can find them.

20. Yumberry


Yumberries are a Chinese fruit that is very sweet.

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You can find yumberry in Eastern Asia, specifically China. Amazingly, this fruit has been feeding people for over 2,000 years. It produces a sweet-sour flavor and is one of the best fruits that starts with Y. Overall, it is one of the most popular fruits in China, with many acres going toward growing the fruit. People often create juice concentrates with yumberry. Therefore, it doubles as a fruit to eat and one to drink.

19. Yaca


Yaca is a fruit that can be very ripe and delicious.

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You have to go to Sri Lanka and India to find the origins of this fruit, the Yaca. Significantly, the jackfruit tree usually possesses the largest volume of fruits. The Yaca tastes sweet and has a similar flavor to bananas. However, you will likely find this fruit in Southeast Asia, as they have domesticated the fruit. It is one the sweetest fruits that start with Y.

18. Yali Pear

Yali Pear

Nothing is better than a split-open Yali Pear to take a bite out of.

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The Yali Pear originated from China and has been around for centuries. Ultimately, when you bite into a Yali Pear, you will experience a crisp and juicy texture while also taking in the flavor of sweet tart. The harvest period is usually late, while the bloom period is early. Subsequently, it is one of the best historical fruits that start with Y.

17. Yangmei Fruit

Yangmei Fruit

The Yangmei Fruit comes from Chinese trees and is rich in Vitamin C.

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China has another fruit to add to the list. Ultimately, the Yangmei Fruit has several nicknames, including the Chinese strawberry, Chinese bayberry, red bayberry, and waxberry. The fruits typically develop from May to June. Typically, the Yangmei Fruit has a taste that is a hybrid of a strawberry, a pomegranate, and a cranberry, with a splash of orange. It is one of the tangiest fruits that start with Y.

16. Yellow Dragon Fruit

Yellow Dragon Fruit

The seeds are one of the highlights of Yellow Dragon Fruit.

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If you are looking for a very acidic fruit, the Yellow Dragon Fruit is your best choice. Ultimately, you can grow this fruit all year round. You can eat it whole or cut it up and add it to your salads. Initially, you will get a mixture of sweetness with floral acidic juice when biting into the Yellow Dragon Fruit. The Yellow Dragon Fruit is native to South America and is one the juiciest fruits that start with Y.

15. Yellow Grapes

Yellow Grapes

Yellow grapes are slightly rarer than white, green, and red grapes.

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Most people know about red, green, and white grapes. However, yellow grapes are also part of the grape family. Yellow grapes bloom in May and ripen in mid-September. Furthermore, people often use yellow grapes to create raisins.

14. Yellow Guava

Yellow Guava

The best yellow guavas are organic, and you can reap all sorts of health benefits.

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The Yellow Guava is native to the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Hence, it is a fruit that grows in hotter and humid temperatures. It can gravitate in size, as it can be as small as an apricot or as large as a grapefruit. Furthermore, people use the Yellow Guava as food and as a scent for shampoo.

13. Yellow Himalayan Raspberry

Yellow Himalayan Raspberry

You have to go all the way to India to find the Yellow



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You have to go all the way to the Himalayan region to find this fruit. Hence, the journey might be worth it based on the taste of the Yellow Himalayan Raspberry alone. It produces a mild and sweet flavor, contrasting with red raspberries. Overall, it is one of the rarest fruits that start with Y.

12. Yellow Passion Fruit

Yellow Passion Fruit

After growing them off your tree, you can make tasty summer drinks with yellow passion fruit.

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You have probably heard about the passion fruit tea. Therefore, the yellow passion fruit is something you can make one with. But first, you must find the trees they grow on. Specifically, you can find these fruits in California or Florida. You can typically harvest this fruit from April to November.

11. Yellow Pear Tomato

Yellow Pear Tomato

The Yellow Pear Tomato first originated in Europe in 1805.

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It is a hybrid between a pear and an apple. Hence, the Yellow Pear Tomato has the perfect name. It is also one of the oldest small fruits from Europe, dating back to 1805. Since then, it has bounced everywhere, including stops in Canada and the United States. It is one of the most unique fruits that start with Y.

10. Yellow Plum

Yellow Plum

You will find the sweetness in every bite of yellow plums.

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Plums come in red, blue, black, and purple. Yet, the yellow plum is so rare that you will not find it in the United States. The yellow plum, or Mirabelle plum, is banned for transport to the United States thanks to an agreement with France. Ultimately, the reason for this is to protect the French market. It is a sweet fruit that you will find in France and is one of the many fruits that start with Y.

9. Yellow Sapote

Yellow Sapote

Yellow sapote, or eggfruit, can be peeled and sliced open.

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The eggfruit is exactly what it looks like. It is a fruit that looks like an egg. Otherwise known as the Yellow sapote, this fruit is native to Mexico and Belize. You can eat this fruit right off the tree or add it to shakes, like ice cream.

8. Yellow Squash

Yellow Squash

Yellow squash can go well with zucchini, which is healthy and nutritious.

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When picking yellow squash, you can add it to several meals. Concurrently, you can mix it with zucchini into a great meal. Yellow squash is also called “summer squash.” Moreover, you can find it all over the planet. Southern Living gives a great outline on cooking yellow squash. Therefore, it is one of the more beloved fruits that start with Y.

7. Yellow Watermelon

Yellow watermelon on pink background.

Yellow watermelon is a unique fruit that differs from its red version and adds a sweeter taste.

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When looking at a yellow watermelon, there is little difference from the regular red counterpart. However, the yellow watermelon is slightly sweeter than the red watermelon. The textures and flavors are similar. Significantly, the yellow watermelon is native to Africa, and everyone should take in the rich vitamins that come with it.

Yellow watermelon can serve as a great snack. Furthermore, consuming it can help your immune system and improve your skin texture. It also contains more of the antioxidants known as beta-carotene that you would otherwise find in red watermelon. Notably, antioxidants can help protect against cancer.

6. Yemenite Citron

Yellow Citron

Yellow citrons are larger than other fruits and produce greater varieties.

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The Yemenite Citron is unique for its great size. Overall, it’s bigger than other fruits, and there are many varieties of the fruit. Some variations originate in Yemen. Otherwise, it is a very rare sweet, mild, yet almost flavorless fruit.

5. York Imperial Apple

York Imperial

The York apple is found in Pennsylvania, specifically in the small town of York.

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If you have ever been to the small town of York, PA, you might have seen a tree with this specific apple. Therefore, you might have encountered the York Imperial Apple. The York first originated in 1820 when a Quaker crafted this version on a tree in Pennsylvania. Uniquely, the apple is defined by its lop-sided shape.

4. Young Mango

Young Mango

A Young Mango is best tasted when cut into several slices.

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The Young Mango originated in Florida. Initially, the tree and fruit started in 1964. It was dormant and not cultivated for almost four decades. However, it received a revival when the state began marketing it under the name “Tebow,” which was the name of former quarterback Tim Tebow. When they started cultivating Young Mango ago, they used the nutrients to create a soda. Conversely, it does not share all the same health benefits as the fruit alone. But it is one more way that a fruit inspired a new product.

3. Youngberry


A youngberry is a hybrid of a blackberry, raspberry, and dewberry.

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The youngberry is a hybrid between blackberries, raspberries, and dewberries. Overall, it is what happens when you combine multiple flavors and textures and mix them into one. B.M. Young created the fruit mixture in Louisiana in the early 20th century. Therefore, it is unsurprising to know that youngberries are more succulent than blackberries. They are one of the tastiest fruits that start with Y.

2. Yunnan Hackberry Fruit


Hackberries are fruits that people have consumed for centuries.

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Not many people know about this dark purple fruit. Yet, it is a fruit that is native to North America. Hackberries have been used as food and medicine for centuries. Specifically, Native Americans used the fruit to eat and also to treat illness and injuries. These fruits can grow on very large trees. Amazingly, they look and taste like peanut M&Ms. They offer a candy-like taste and are very savory.

1. Yuzu


Yuzu are citrus fruits that originate from Japan.

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The last fruit on our list is Yuzu. Significantly, Yuzu has an East Asian origin and has been around for centuries. The fruit is currently cultivated across Asia, South America, Australia, and Europe. Therefore, it is quickly gaining traction and becoming one of the region’s most popular fruits.

However, these countries have different uses for Yuzu. In Japan, they produce juice with the ingredients in the fruit. In Korea, they use it as a tea. Additionally, chefs in the United States have been using Yuzu with their meals.

Additional Fruits That Start with Y

That was an extensive list of fruits that start with Y. Yet, there is always more. Here are 10 more fruits that start with Y:

  • Yali Pear
  • Yang Tao
  • Yellow Bell Pepper
  • Yellow Cherries
  • Yellow Elderberry
  • Yellow Pitahawa
  • Yen Ben
  • Yellow Mombin
  • Yellow Strawbery
  • Yucca Fruit

Summary of Discover the 20 Fruits That Start With Y

2.Yunnan Hackberry Fruit
4.Young Mango
5.York Imperial Apple
6.Yemenite Citron
7.Yellow Watermelon
8.Yellow Squash
9.Yellow Sapote
10.Yellow Plum
11.Yellow Pear Tomato
12.Yellow Passion Fruit
13.Yellow Himalayan Raspberry
14.Yellow Guava
15.Yellow Grapes
16.Yellow Dragon Fruit
17.Yangmei Fruit
18.Yali Pear

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Igor Sirbu/

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About the Author

Rob Hayek is a writer at A-Z Animals where his primary focus is on animals, sports, places, and events. Rob has been writing and researching about animals, sports, places, and events for over 10 years and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Cal State University Fullerton, which he earned in 2009. A resident of California, Rob enjoys surfing and also owns a sports group which allows people from the local community to come together to play sports recreationally.

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