Discover The Top Four Largest (And Most Dangerous) Snakes In Mississippi This Summer!

Close-up of venomous Copperhead Snake. Its head, whose color gives the snake its common name, is broad and wedge-shaped. Kostich

Written by Peralee Knight

Updated: May 2, 2023

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There are a whopping 51 different species of snakes in Mississippi, but thankfully only six are venomous! But which species are the biggest, and how can you identify them when there are so many kinds of snakes running around this state? The top four largest (and most dangerous) snakes in Mississippi are the eastern/southern copperhead, the eastern/southern cottonmouth, the timber rattlesnake, and the eastern/southern diamondback rattlesnake. In this article, we are counting them down from the smallest species to the largest venomous snake in the entire United States. Plus, as a bonus, we have included the vigilante of the snake world, a species that actually hunts and kills venomous snakes!

The Top Four Largest (And Most Dangerous) Snakes In Mississippi

Like most of the states located in the eastern United States, there are four species of venomous snake that are the largest. In this section, we are counting them down by size, but don’t be fooled! Each of these four snakes is fully capable of inflicting a painful bite with the potential to cause severe injury. Of these, three can deliver enough venom to kill an adult human without prompt medical care!

4. Eastern/Southern Copperhead

Snakes in Mississippi - Southern Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix)

Copperheads are the fourth largest venomous snake in Mississippi

Size24-36 inches long
HabitatRocky or high elevations and marshlands
VenomExtremely painful but not deadly, risk of infection
BehaviorExtremely aggressive, strikes with no warning, blends well with surroundings

The copperhead is named for its overall reddish-brown coloring and can be identified by the brown hourglass markings over the body. Copperheads are pit vipers, with characteristic triangular heads and slitted, catlike pupils.

There are copperheads found throughout Mississippi, except for small areas near the Gulf Coast. The copperhead would rather run than strike, but they blend so well with their surroundings they are often encountered by accident. The bite isn’t always deadly, but without prompt medical care, the copperhead’s venom can kill.

3. Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin)

Cottonmouth vs Water Snake - Cottonmouth

Cottonmouths are the third-largest venomous snake in Mississippi, and there are two species found in the state.

Size20-48 inches long
HabitatSwamps, marshlands, any location with standing water
VenomDeadly without medical attention
BehaviorModerately aggressive, raises and tilts head back and opens mouth wide to reveal white “cotton colored” interior as a warning.

The cottonmouth is reddish-brown with black banding when young but may darken to grey or black with age. They can be most easily identified by their signature gaping mouth warning, which reveals the stark, cotton-colored white interior.

Mississippi has two species of cottonmouth – the eastern and the southern. While cottonmouths aren’t particularly aggressive, accidental contact such as stepping on one or contact in water results in deadly bites. Cottonmouths account for around one percent of deadly snake bites in the United States.

2. Timber Rattlesnake

timber rattlesnake1

The second largest and most dangerous Mississippi snake is the Timber rattlesnake. This species has the deadliest, most concentrated venom of any snake in the United States.

Size36-60 inches long
HabitatForests, farms, agricultural areas, lowlands
VenomMost concentrated venom of any U.S. snake, deadly without prompt medical attention
BehaviorAmbush hunter with a little warning prior to striking, running is advised

Timber rattlesnakes can be identified by their yellow-grey bodies, brown/black arrow markings, and the reddish-brown stripe down the back. Timber rattlesnakes may also have darker brown banding over the entire body.

This species is found throughout Mississippi, except for the Gulf Coast. This snake prefers dry locations such as forests or farmland. The timber rattlesnake has the most concentrated and deadly venom of all United States species, but bites are rare. However, slowly backing away is not often an option and experts recommend quickly getting out of this snake’s way!

1. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

Large eastern diamondback rattlesnake

Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are the biggest venomous snake in Mississippi and the United States as a whole!

Size36-72 inches long
HabitatDry areas, scrub, bushes, woodpiles, and occasionally near water
VenomDeadly without prompt medical attention
BehaviorMildly aggressive, lifts head slowly in warning along with rattle, strikes very quickly from up to 4 feet

The largest and most dangerous snake in Mississippi is the eastern diamondback rattlesnake which is brown over the entire body, with a distinctive brown diamond pattern outlined in yellow. They can also be identified by the black markings striping the face, as well as the narrow shape and slitted eyes common in pit vipers.

The Eastern diamondback rattlesnake is the largest venomous snake in the United States. Slow to attack but with a fast strike, backing away slowly is the best way to escape a deadly bite. This species is found throughout Mississippi but prefers to stay away from humans.

The Equalizer: Black King Snakes Actually Hunt Dangerous Snakes!

Snakes in Mississippi - Eastern Black Kingsnake (Lampropeltis nigra)

The Black king snake only looks dangerous! Black king snakes hunt venomous snakes and can be a welcome sight in Mississippi!

Mississippi is also the home of the black king snake, a non-venomous constrictor that’s five feet long, thickly muscled, and looks terrifying. With its shiny black back, yellow underbelly, and overall girth, this species can be mistaken for a dangerous threat.

But the truth is, this species is an extremely beneficial snake that hunts venomous species! The black king snake has a natural immunity to the venom of other snakes, including rattlesnakes. The species is also quite helpful and keeps the rodent population in its territory down. So, if you see this hunter on the job in your yard, you can rest easy knowing that it’s completely harmless to humans!

Summary Of The Top Four Largest (And Most Dangerous) Snakes In Mississippi

1Eastern/Southern Copperhead24-36 inches longExtremely painful but not deadly, risk of infection
2Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin)20-48 inches longDeadly without medical attention
3Timber Rattlesnake36-60 inches longMost concentrated venom of any U.S. snake, deadly without prompt medical attention
4Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake36-72 inches longDeadly without prompt medical attention

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