When Is Cockroach Season in Michigan?

Written by Nixza Gonzalez
Updated: May 3, 2023
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Cockroaches are everywhere in Michigan. They are hard to miss. These resilient insects have been around for millions of years. They adapt and live both indoors and outdoors. Some species though, carry diseases and can cause allergic reactions. Although there is a cockroach season in Michigan, cockroaches can be found all year round.

There are over 4,500 cockroach species in the world. In Michigan, there are about 5 common species, you may encounter while living or visiting the state. As uncomfortable as cockroaches may be, they are rarely dangerous and impossible to completely avoid.

However, these insects are very active at night. In Michigan, they are more frequent during summer. Follow along to learn more about cockroach season in Michigan, including the exact months.

Michigan Cockroach Season

Cockroaches are active all year round. They are attracted to dark and damp areas with water and food sources. This is why most cockroach infestations begin in the kitchen or the bathroom. Cockroaches, however, are more active during spring and summer in Michigan. Some, though, are more active than others.

Common Types of Cockroaches in Michigan

There are five active roaches in Michigan, however, 4 are common in homes. Before you can treat an infestation, it’s important to identify the cockroach species. Listed below are 4 common types of cockroaches in Michigan and how to identify them.

American Cockroach

American cockroaches are one of the most common roaches in Michigan, next to the German roach. These roaches are large and can grow up to 2 inches long. They also live for about 3 years. Don’t let their size fool you though, these large roaches are great hiders and can squeeze through small openings. These are easy to distinguish from other roach species because of their size. They can also fly. Both male and female American cockroaches have wings. These large insects are found all over the world, but despite their name, aren’t native to the Americas. Instead, they likely were introduced to North America from Africa in the early 1600s.

These large roaches can be found indoors and outdoors. Inside, they are active at night and hide during the day in small cracks. They are also known to live within the walls of older buildings and can travel through pipes. American cockroaches also live outdoors. Their reddish-brown coloring helps them camouflage against mulch, wood piles, and trees.

isolated American cockroach

American cockroaches are native to Africa, but they are found throughout the United States, including Michigan.


German Cockroach

German cockroaches are true pests. They can infest homes, cars, and electronics quickly. German cockroaches, like American roaches, are very common in Michigan. You can find them year-round, but they prefer warmth and humidity. These tiny insects are usually less than half an inch long. They are great hiders and can slip between the smallest of cracks. Sometimes, they also live in the cracks between floorboards.

German cockroaches are also very hard to get rid of! They are resilient against many repellents and poisons. Usually, if you see one German roach in the morning, it means you have an infestation. These tiny insects also carry harmful bacteria which can impose health risks. They carry bacteria like salmonella on their legs and transfer the bacteria to surfaces they walk on.

While their name suggests they originate from Europe, specifically Germany, studies point to their origin being somewhere in Southeast Asia.

The german cockroach (Blatella germanica)

German cockroaches are true pests and can infest homes quickly.

©Erik Karits/Shutterstock.com

Oriental Cockroach

Another cockroach species common in Michigan is the Oriental cockroach. They are easy to identify because they are nearly all black. Their appearances aren’t what makes them stand out though. Oriental roaches produce an awful odor and are considered one of the dirtiest cockroaches in the world. They mainly live in sewers and pipes, which is how they get into homes. Oriental cockroaches flourish in kitchens and bathrooms where there is a frequent water source, like a leak. They are about an inch long and may be native to Africa, despite their name. These roaches are also sometimes called blackwater bugs. While they can infest homes, Oriental cockroaches mainly live outdoors. One shouldn’t be enough to concern you.

Types of Cockroaches - Oriental Cockroach

Oriental cockroaches are almost entirely black and produce an awful odor.

©Yuliia Hurzhos/Shutterstock.com

Brown-banded Cockroach

Last but not least is another common cockroach in Michigan, the brown-banded cockroach. This cockroach typically lives outside but sometimes trespasses into homes looking for food and shelter. They are very common in spring and summer, especially when raining. Brown-banded cockroaches are very small and easy to miss. They have dark bodies with light brown bands. They are also about 10 to 14 mm long. These tiny insects aren’t picky eaters. They scavenge on crumbs, leftover food, garbage, cardboard, paper, and even clothing. These small insects typically live less than a year. Male brown-banded cockroaches have fully developed wings and can fly.

๋Juvenile brown banded cockroach isolated on white floor.

Brown-banded cockroaches are one of the smallest species living in Michigan.

©Chumrit Tejasen/Shutterstock.com

The photo featured at the top of this post is © PitukTV/Shutterstock.com

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About the Author

Nixza Gonzalez is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering topics like travel, geography, plants, and marine animals. She has over six years of experience as a content writer and holds an Associate of Arts Degree. A resident of Florida, Nixza loves spending time outdoors exploring state parks and tending to her container garden.

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