Dogo Argentino

Canis Lupus

Last updated: May 27, 2024
Verified Verified by: AZ Animals Staff
B.Datzer / Creative Commons / Original

Loyal and affectionate to their family!


Dogo Argentino Scientific Classification

Scientific Name
Canis Lupus

Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals.

Dogo Argentino Conservation Status

Dogo Argentino Locations

Dogo Argentino Locations

Dogo Argentino Facts

Common Name
Dogo Argentino
Loyal and affectionate to their family!

Dogo Argentino Physical Characteristics

Skin Type
13 years
45kg (100lbs)

Dogo Argentino as a Pet:

General Health
Energy Level
Tendency to Chew
Family and kid friendliness
Yappiness / Barking
Separation Anxiety
Preferred Temperature
Average climate
Exercise Needs
Friendly With Other Dogs
Pure bred cost to own
$1 000 to $4 000
Dog group
Male weight
88-100 lbs
Female weight
88-94 lbs

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Despite its recent recognition, Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez created this breed almost 100 years earlier in 1928.

The American Kennel Club initially recognized the Dogo Argentino in 2011 as part of the miscellaneous group. However, during 2020, the AKC changed this breed’s designation to the working group. Despite its recent recognition, Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez created this breed almost 100 years earlier in 1928.

Dr. Nores Martinez initially bred this dog for fighting. He combined a local fighting dog known as the Cordoba Dog with Great Danes, Boxers, Bull Terriers and other strong breeds. Despite its fighting heritage, Dr. Nores Martinez discovered that his creation, with its powerful head and muscular neck and body, excelled at hunting.

In its native Argentina this dog is known for its fearless pursuit of wild boars, pumas, mountain lions, and other large game animals. Its intelligence and tireless energy also make it a good candidate for agility training and other physically demanding tasks. Dogos have done well as police and military support dogs as well as seeing eye support animals.

The Dogo Argentino is also a very loyal breed that becomes attached to its family. However, it can be wary of strangers and stray animals. Proper socialization from a young age is important for your Dogo Argentino to grow up into a happy, healthy and well-adjusted member of the family. The Dogo Argentino is, however, one of the most expensive dogs to own in the US today.

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3 Pros and Cons of Owning a Dogo Argentino

Grooming: This dog requires minimal grooming. Brushing weekly and periodic nail trimming are the two most important grooming activities.Exercise: These dogs require daily exercise. Long walks several times per day or opportunities to chase balls outside in a secure yard will go a long way to eliminating excess energy. Dogos can become destructive if they do not get enough exercise or find themselves bored during the day.
Guarding: Dogo Argentinos make excellent watch or guard dogs. Their large size between 80 to 100 pounds and their muscular bodies can make them imposing to strangers.Strong Personality: This breed needs an experienced dog owner to show it the ropes and the rules at home. These dogs are extremely strong and need a firm hand to train them and teach them manners to avoid unruly behavior as adults.
Loyal and Intelligent: This breed is very attached to its family and will defend its humans to the death, if needed.Prey Drive: As noted above, these dogs are often used for hunting. They will chase squirrels, small game, and other animals if not trained properly.

Evolution and Origins

A Dogo Argentino dog laying by the water.

The Dogo Argentino was obtained by crossing several breeds including bulldogs, bull terriers, great danes, and pyrenean mastiffs

The Dogo Argentino was originally bred in the early twentieth century by Dr. Nores Martinez who had embarked on a quest to obtain a breed which would be the perfect family pet, a guard dog, and a hunting companion.

To that end, he obtained the Cordoba, a dog descended from European mastiffs renowned for its excellent hunting ability yet dreaded for its aggressive behavior.

Enlisting the support of his brother, an attorney, he also made use of the bulldog for formidable jaws, the boxer for nimbleness, the bull terrier for the pet’s signature white coat, the Great Dane for its size, and the Pyrenean mastiff for an unflappable nature.

As proof of the success of his breeding program, Dr Martinez had one of Dogos take on a puma and a boar, with the dog emerging victorious from both fights.

Size and Weight

A Dogo Argentino dog isolated on a white background

Dogo Argentinos weigh between 88 to 100 pounds

The Dogo Argentino is a large and strong dog breed. Males generally range from 88 to 100 pounds and stand between 24 and 26.5 inches tall. Female Dogos are only slightly smaller at 88 to 95 pounds and 24 to 25.5 inches in height.

These dogs should generally be pure white, but the AKC standard does allow for one black or dark patch on its head. However, this colored area cannot be larger than 10% of the Dogo’s head. This breed has a powerful head and jaws with a muscular neck, a sturdy chest and a lean body.

When puppies are three months old, they typically weigh between 28 and 34 pounds. The puppies will weigh between 52 and 64 pounds by the time they are six months. Dogo Argentinos are fully grown by 19 months.

Male24 to 26.5 inches88 to 100 pounds
Female24 to 25.5 inches88 to 95 pounds

Common Health Issues

A Dogo Argentino dog running

Dogo Argentinos may develop laryngeal paralysis as they age

This breed is generally healthy. However, similar to the white Bull Terrier, the Dalmatian and other pale-colored breeds, the Dogo Argentino can suffer from deafness. This condition impacts approximately 10% of all puppies born to this breed. Some dogs are only deaf in one ear, but there is a risk of becoming deaf in both ears.

Dogo Argentinos can also develop glaucoma, which impacts 1.7% of all dogs in North America. There are two types of glaucoma that can affect Dogos. They are open-angle glaucoma and closed-angle glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma is characterized with increasing loss of vision as a dog ages. The early signs of open-angle glaucoma are often difficult for most owners to detect.

Closed-angle glaucoma is a much more serious condition. It results from a spike in the pressure within a dog’s eyes. It causes redness, pain and rapid loss of vision.

Dogo Argentinos may develop laryngeal paralysis when they are older. Noisy breathing can be a symptom of this disease in which the dog’s vocal cords become paralyzed and hang down in their airway. You should bring your dog to the vet immediately if you notice symptoms as this condition can cause a dog to need emergency surgery.

To sum up, some of the major health concerns that Dogo Argentinos face include:
• Deafness (sometimes deaf in just one ear, sometimes complete deafness)
• Open-angle glaucoma
• Closed-angle glaucoma
• Laryngeal paralysis


Strongest Dog Breed Bite - Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentinos are fiercely loyal and affectionate. They are also courageous and protective.

Dogos have a very brave and friendly personality. They love feeling like part of the family and spending time with the people they love. When with people they know and trust, Dogos can be very social and happy. However, this breed is not as trusting of strangers, and if not properly trained may exhibit inappropriate behaviors. This is one of the reasons you’ll want to make sure your dog is well-trained and socialized.

The Dogos’ personality traits make this breed a good dog for families. However, keep in mind that they don’t take well to strangers. If your child will be having friends over regularly, this is an important point to consider.

How to Take Care of a Dogo Argentino

There are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind when planning to care for a Dogo Argentino. As you plan for how you’ll care for your dog, keep in mind the unique health concerns and temperament of this breed.

The Best Dog Food for the Dogo Argentino

Whether you are selecting a food for your adult or puppy Dogo Argentino, it will be important to choose a high-quality option from a trusted brand. Since Dogo Argentinos are a large-breed dog, you should look for a food specifically formulated for larger dogs.

Dogo Argentino puppies will need to eat multiple, smaller meals each day. When the dogs are between 8 and 12 weeks old, they should be fed four meals every day. This can be reduced to three meals a day when the puppies are between 3 and 6 months old. Puppies between the ages of 6 months and 1 year should eat two meals each day, and once your Dogo is 1 year old, you may choose to feed them just once a day or to continue with two meals each day.

Dogo Argentino owner’s luckily don’t have to worry too much about potential health complications when selecting dog food, since the breed tends to be relatively healthy. Still, it’s natural to want the best for your dog, so it’s not a bad idea to aim for glaucoma prevention when comparing dog food ingredients.

At A-Z Animals, we say the best dog food for the Dogo Argentino is Eukanuba Adult Dry Dog Food Chicken – Large Breed.

This dog food recipe for large dogs like the Dogo Argentino provides beta-carotene, which may help reduce the likelihood of glaucoma. Plus, the vitamin A provides additional support to help keep your Dogo Argentino’s eyes clear and vision crisp even into older age.

Check Chewy and Amazon for this product.

[lasso id=”423631″ link_id=”1750868″ ref=”eukanuba-adult-large-breed-dry-dog-food”]

Maintenance and Grooming

Dogo Argentinos have a short, white coat. However, even though their coat is short, they are still relatively heavy shedders. To reduce the amount of hair left around your home, you should try to brush your dog at least once a week to remove dead or loose fur.

While your Dogo may need a bath if they get dirty, you shouldn’t give them too many baths. Doing so can destroy the natural oils in their coat that offer protection for their skin. Trimming your Dogo’s nails, keeping their ears cleaned, and brushing their teeth are also tasks you should do on a regular basis.


As a very intelligent dog, the Dogo is relatively easy to train. They also look to please their owners, which aids in the training process. You should begin training your dog and socializing them from a very early age. This will help ensure they are comfortable with different people and in different situations.

While the Dogo Argentino is relatively easy to train, they do not respond well to training methods that use negative reinforcement or physical punishments. For this reason, you should use training methods that focus on positive reinforcement.


Dogo Argentinos were bred to hunt mountain lions, wild boar, and other large game. As a hunting dog, their exercise needs are greater than some other breeds, so you will want to make sure you are willing to give your dog the exercise he needs. Taking him on hunting trips or longer walks or hikes are some good ways to keep your dog active. You can also let your Dogo out in a fenced-in yard to run and play. If a Dogo does not get enough exercise, they may become stressed and destructive.


Dogo Argentino puppy

Your Dogo Argentino puppy should be taken to be immunized shortly after you bring it home.

If you are adopting a Dogo Argentino puppy, there are a few things you should do to get your house ready for the new dog. Start by puppy-proofing the areas of your home the dog will be able to access. Remove anything that could be hazardous to the dog or that you wouldn’t want to see destroyed by an active puppy.

Next, make sure you have purchased food, a crate, a leash and collar, toys, beds, and other essentials for your dog. This way, you’ll have everything ready when you bring your new pup home.

One more thing you should do before bringing home your new puppy is find a veterinarian. This way, you’ll be able to schedule an appointment to get your dog vaccinated and checked out shortly after you bring him or her home.


Dogo Argentinos can be great dogs around children they know and trust. They are very friendly and loyal to the members of their families, including the children. However, this breed does not do very well with strangers. This means they may not exhibit appropriate behaviors around other children that are not part of their family. This could be an issue for households with children who like to invite their friends over to play.

Dogs Similar to Dogo Argentino

The American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, and Great Dane and three dog breeds that have some things in common with the Dogo Argentino.

  • American Pit Bull Terrier: Like the Dogo Argentino, the American Pit Bull Terrier is a hunting dog breed. Both of these dog breeds are very loyal to their owners. They are also relatively easy to train. Pit Bulls are more social and affectionate than Dogo Argentinos, and they are also a little more likely to bark.
  • American Bulldog: American Bulldogs and Dogo Argentinos can both make good guard dogs. Both breeds are also very easy to groom. American Bulldogs are generally more affectionate and tolerant of other dogs than Dogo Argentinos are.
  • Great Dane: Great Danes and Dogo Argentinos are both very intelligent dogs that are relatively easy to train. Both of these breeds can be very territorial and are good choices for being a watchdog. Great Danes are much larger than Dogo Argentinos, though. The average weight of a male Great Dane is 160 pounds, while the average weight of a male Dogo Argentino is only 93.5 pounds. Great Danes are also taller with an average height of 32 inches compared to the 25.5-inch average height of a Dogo.

Below are some popular names to consider for your Dogo Argentino:
• Max
• Bailey
• Oliver
• Leo
• Zeus
• Molly
• Mia
• Layla
• Bella
• Rosie

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How much yappiness/barking?

How much energy should they have?

The lower energy the better.
I want a cuddle buddy!
About average energy.
I want a dog that I have to chase after constantly!
All energy levels are great -- I just love dogs!
How much should they shed?
How trainable/obedient does the dog need to be?
How intelligent does the dog need to be?
How much chewing will allow?
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A-Z Animals Staff

AZ Animals is a growing team of animals experts, researchers, farmers, conservationists, writers, editors, and -- of course -- pet owners who have come together to help you better understand the animal kingdom and how we interact.

Dogo Argentino FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

How much does a Dogo Argentino cost to own?

The amount you’ll likely pay for a Dogo Argentino will vary quite significantly depending on whether you’re adopting the dog from a shelter or purchasing one from a breeder. Adopting a Dogo from a shelter will likely cost about $300. Purchasing one from a breeder can cost between $1,000 and $4,000. A number of factors, including the dog’s health, genetic lineage, and breeder’s reputation can impact the exact price you’ll be charged.

You will also want to factor in the cost of caring for your dog before making a final decision to adopt a Dogo. You will need money to pay for medical expenses, training, food, toys, and supplies. Your first year owning the dog will be the most expensive, and you could easily spend over $1,000. Subsequent years should be less money, but you should still budget to spend at least $500. Keep in mind, if you’re faced with a surprise medical issue, you could end up paying more than this.

How long do Dogo Argentinos live?

The life expectancy of a Dogo Argentino is between 9 and 15 years.

What is a Dogo Argentino?

Dogo Argentinos are hunting dogs that are originally from Argentina. These dogs were bred to hunt big game such as mountain lions, pumas, and wild boars. The Dogo is a large-breed dog that is very muscular. They have a short white coat.

Is the Dogo Argentino dangerous?

If properly trained, Dogo Argentinos can be very friendly dogs. However, some people use Dogos in dog fighting rings and train their dogs to be aggressive. So, if a Dogo is not properly trained, it could potentially be dangerous.

Are Dogo Argentinos legal in the US?

Dogo Argentinos are legal in most parts of the United States. They are currently banned in New York City, New York and Aurora, Colorado.

Is the Dogo Argentino a good family dog?

Dogo Argentinos can make a good family dog. They are social and are content when they get to spend time with the people they love. However, since Dogo Argentinos don’t display these same traits to strangers, including children they don’t know, you may want to think twice about adopting a dog from this breed if you have children who invite other children over to your home.

Are Dogo Argentinos herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

Dogo Argentinos are Omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.

What Kingdom do Dogo Argentinos belong to?

Dogo Argentinos belong to the Kingdom Animalia.

What class do Dogo Argentinos belong to?

Dogo Argentinos belong to the class Mammalia.

What phylum to Dogo Argentinos belong to?

Dogo Argentinos belong to the phylum Chordata.

What family do Dogo Argentinos belong to?

Dogo Argentinos belong to the family Canidae.

What order do Dogo Argentinos belong to?

Dogo Argentinos belong to the order Carnivora.

What type of covering do Dogo Argentinos have?

Dogo Argentinos are covered in Hair.

What genus do Dogo Argentinos belong to?

Dogo Argentinos belong to the genus Canis.

What is an interesting fact about Dogo Argentinos?

Dogo Argentinos are loyal and affectionate to their families!

What is the scientific name for the Dogo Argentino?

The scientific name for the Dogo Argentino is Canis Lupus.

Who would win a fight: Dogo Argentino vs Puma?

A puma would win a fight against a Dogo Argentino.

Pumas have the size, speed, and power advantages compared to Dogo Argentino, so there is no reason to think the canine would be the victor. The only real advantage the dog has is its stamina and willingness to stand its ground and fight to the death.

What's the difference between the Dogo Argentino and the American bulldog?

The American bulldog comes in a wider range of sizes compared to the Dogo Argentino. Additionally, the Dogo Argentino only comes in pure white, while the American bulldog comes in a variety of colors.

What's the difference between the Dogo Argentino and the Pitbull?

The Dogo Argentino is larger than the Pitbull, though the Pitbull comes in far more colors compared to the white Dogo Argentino. Additionally, the Pitbull lives a slightly longer life on average compared to the Dogo Argentino.

What's the difference between the Dogo Argentino and a Cane Corso?

Both the Cane Cross and the Dogo Argentino are large and loyal working dog breeds. The main differences between them are their coloration and exercise requirements. In addition, the Dogo Argentino can have a tendency to develop hearing problems.

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