Mammals that Start with L

Updated: January 24, 2023
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Mammals that start with the letter L

A Labahoula

The AKC does not recognize this breed or the parent breed Catahoula

A Labmaraner

Loves to participate in activities.

A Labradane

Labradanes can come with both sold-color coats and the more exciting patterns that you typically see on Great Danes.

A Labradoodle

Friendly and energetic mix-breed!

A Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever

Well-balanced, friendly and versatile!

A Labraheeler

A Labraheeler is a good choice for a watchdog as it do whatever it can to keep its family safe!

A Lakeland Terrier
Lakeland Terrier

These dogs were once used by farmers to keep foxes away from herds of sheep.

A LaMancha Goat
LaMancha Goat

Have tiny ears named “gophers” or “elves”

A Lancashire Heeler
Lancashire Heeler

The name “heeler” comes from the fact that it nips at the heels of cattle to herd them.

A Lapponian Herder
Lapponian Herder

This breed is also known as the Lapp Reindeer Dog and the Lapsk Vallhund.

A Lemming

Does not hibernate during the bitter Arctic winter!

A Lemur

Natively found on the island of Madagascar!

A Leonberger

This dog has been used for pulling carts full of goods.

A Leopard

Spends much of the time high in the trees!

A Leopard Cat
Leopard Cat

There are 11 different species!

A Leopard Seal
Leopard Seal

The world's most aggressive seal species!

A Lhasa Apso
Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso was often given as a gift in Tibetan culture

A Lhasapoo

A Lhasapoo’s coat can be curly like a poodle’s or long and silky like a Lhasa Apso’s.

A Liger

The offspring of a lion and tiger parents!

A Lion

Lives in small groups called prides!

A Little Brown Bat
Little Brown Bat

The little brown bat uses echolocation to quickly navigate around its environment

A Livyatan

The Livyatan had 1 to 1.2 foot long, interlocking teeth

A Llama

Natively found in the Andes Mountain range!

A Long-Haired Rottweiler
Long-Haired Rottweiler

Rottweilers have a tendency to snore.

A Loris

Like all lorises, slow loris has a cute wide-eyed look, but it also has a venomous sting that can rot human flesh. 

A Lowchen

This breed is also known as the "Little Lion Dog" for their bravery and manes.

A Lynx

Live in dens in rocks and under ledges!

List of Mammals that start with the letter L

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