Mammals that Start with G

Published: April 23, 2021
Reinhold Leitner/
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Mammals that Start with the Letter G

A Gazelle

Named for the Arabic word for love poems

A Genet

The Genet has retractable claws like a cat

A Geoffroys Tamarin
Geoffroys Tamarin

Has distinctive V shape on head!

A Gerberian Shepsky
Gerberian Shepsky

Gerberian Shepskies are popular choices for police dogs!

A Gerbil

Originally known as the Desert Rat!

A German Pinscher
German Pinscher

Highly intelligent and fast learners!

A German Shepherd Guide
German Shepherd Guide

Highly active and fearless dogs!

A German Sheppit
German Sheppit

The German Sheppit is well-suited for guarding and police work.

A German Sheprador
German Sheprador

There is a chance that the German Sheprador may inherit a love for water from its parent.

A German Shorthaired Pointer
German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointers are used by the Air Force, TSA, and other organizations to sniff out explosives.

A German Spitz
German Spitz

There are five different sub-breeds of the German Spitz.

A Giant Armadillo
Giant Armadillo

Armadillos have a smell that’s described as strong, sweet and acrid.

A Giant Golden Mole
Giant Golden Mole

The giant golden mole is able to sense vibrations through the earth because of the giant bone structure in its inner ear that works in conjunction with a bony plate which surrounds the skull.

A Giant Panda Bear
Giant Panda Bear

Bamboo makes up 99 per cent of their diet!

A Giant Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzer

Large, powerful and dominant!

A Giant Schnoodle
Giant Schnoodle

Both parents of the Giant Schnoodle are hypoallergenic, making this one of the Doodle breeds that's safest for dander-sensitive owners.

A Gibbon

Found in dense jungles and tropical forests!

A Giraffe

Long, black tongue can grow to 18 inches long!

A Glechon

Glechons are talented in the area of search and rescue, as their sense of smell makes them great at tracking.

A Glen Of Imaal Terrier
Glen Of Imaal Terrier

This dog is also named the Wicklow Terrier after the county of its origin.

A Goat

Most closely related to the Sheep!

A Goberian

These dogs are great around children and are very playful around them.

A Goldador

Goldadors were not intentionally bred until the early 2000s!

A Golden Dox
Golden Dox

Golden doxes don't have to be tiny. This breed looks different depending on whether the mix includes a regular dachshund or the mini version of the species.

A Golden Jackal
Golden Jackal

roaming and adaptable candids

A Golden Lion Tamarin
Golden Lion Tamarin

Native to the eastern rainforests of Brazil!

A Golden Mole
Golden Mole

The golden mole is so named because of its iridescent coat, which gives it a shining, rainbow-like effect.

A Golden Newfie
Golden Newfie

These dogs love to swim and instinctively know how to swim.

A Golden Pyrenees
Golden Pyrenees

Golden Pyrenees make great therapy dogs due to their intelligence and gentle nature.

A Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever

Trusting, kind and gentle!

A Golden Saint
Golden Saint

Golden saints come in all kinds of colors. You can find them in tan, chocolate, yellow, brindled, spotted, and almost any other pattern you can think of.

A Golden Shepherd
Golden Shepherd

The Golden Shepherds were first recognized by the International Designer Canine Registry in 2009.

A Golden-Crowned Flying Fox
Golden-Crowned Flying Fox

They eat figs almost exclusively

A Goldendoodle

Due to their breeding, no two Goldendoodles are alike.

A Gopher

They dig large networks of tunnels!

A Goral

A mix between a goat and an antelope

A Gordon Setter
Gordon Setter

It's the largest and heaviest breed of setter.

A Gorilla

The biggest of the world's primates!

A Grasshopper Mouse
Grasshopper Mouse

The grasshopper mice attack predators using the poison of their venom.

A Gray Fox
Gray Fox

The gray fox has retractable claws and a rotating wrist that allow it to climb trees with some proficiency

A Great Dane
Great Dane

Large and imposing in appearance!

A Great Danoodle
Great Danoodle

Both Great Danes and Poodles are in the top 15 most popular AKC breeds - which makes Great Danoodles a shoo-in for popularity.

A Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Protective and gentle by nature!

A Greenland Dog
Greenland Dog

Strong and speedy breed of dog!

A Grey Mouse Lemur
Grey Mouse Lemur

The largest species of mouse lemur!

A Grey Seal
Grey Seal

One of the rarest species of seal on Earth

A Greyhound

Extremely fast and athletic!

A Griffonshire

Griffonshires are so little they are easily mistaken for puppies throughout their lives.

A Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bear

Less than 10% make it into adulthood

A Groenendael

These dogs are highly trainable and can learn excellent manners!

A Ground Squirrel
Ground Squirrel

Ground squirrels are adept excavators and can dig colonial burrows larger than football fields!

A Guinea Pig
Guinea Pig

Natively found in the Andes Mountain range!

Alphabetical List of Mammals that Start with G

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